Fastest class to lvl


Molten Lava

What is the fastest class to lvl in Alb? I suppose it's somthing like

1. Minstrel --> just sit and play mana, always find a group
2. Healer --> dont think any rejuv cleric is ever without a group
3. Theurg --> as soon as you get pbt at 26 even lvl 35 groups want you

Am I right or do I miss something?

And can you tell your /play time you had when you dinged 50?

Brannor McThife

I personally despise Minstrels that believe what you say in 1. Yes, sure, it is one way to level. But I prefer if they take a more active role and fight a little, use those shouts, stun and mezz and not just /stick, play their drum, and go /afk.

(I've played a minstrel, so I can comment.)

That said, I'd kick Rejuv Clerics to the top of the list.



True what you say about Healers, my Rejuv Cleric is virtually never without a group for more than a few minutes..

But, one of my Alts, an Armsman, isn't far behind...
It seems to me Pure tanks are hard to come by these days and as a result of that, I get invited as an Armsman almost as frequently as a Cleric.


is it, Jupitus?!

I'm with brannor here, I've never just powersonged once in 46 lvls. Been primary mezzer at trees since 44, though i suspect the groups asking a 44 minstrel to mezz trees were perhaps a little desperate. :)


Theurgist is easiest IMO, stick the pbt on and go have a snack. They can also solo oranges/reds so they tend to level very quickly.

Rejuvers are more dependent on a group.

Molten Lava

Reason I ask

Reason I ask is becasue I wanna get a class to lvl 50 before it gets nerfed in the next patch :) I know this is stupid coz all classes get nerfed/denerfed once in a while....but it should be nice for a change to be able to use that lvl 50 spell you thougth would be nice before starting the char :)

I'm thinking of a minst because of all the + they got lately (mezz, demezz soon :) powerfull songs etc...) but a tank would be nice too :) it's right what you say they seem harder to find nowadays.....maybe with the 1.52 more people will start to play the good old pali some more :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
is it, Jupitus?!

I'm with brannor here, I've never just powersonged once in 46 lvls. Been primary mezzer at trees since 44, though i suspect the groups asking a 44 minstrel to mezz trees were perhaps a little desperate. :)

I don't think Jup is disagreeing with Brannor's comment (which is right after all, for once). But the way Brannor felt the need to say "(I've played a minstrel, so I can comment.)" was quite amusing (at least to me).


Healer on Mid definatly.

Friend started a healer there, was L5 when I met him first time. 30 mins later he was L8. Grouped with L10+ people in the smallest dungeon (shite I have bad memory for names)...


Levels 1-35 at the moment I'd say Rejuv clerics first, followed by tanks (as world+dog appear to be playing scouts and infiltrators at the moment).

lvl 35+ the PBT theurgist is everyone's friend.
Sorcerors are quite popular then too, I've heard.

Actually the above point, can substitute any form of cleric that has more than 1 in rejuv :) a group will still be desperate enough to take em... friars are quite popular too.

Haven't had a 'we need a REAL tank' knockback yet for my merc... but it's probably only time :)
(gee, the fact I can out-aggro armsmen 5 levels above me ... if we have earth buffs... if I want and still take the damage makes me crap obviously :) I'd call Mercs the ultimate in meaty-crowd control (pve) fast attacks and taunts can be helpful when that mezz fails)

Unfortauntely noone seems to believe me when I tell them I can heal wounds with my swords
(well I can heal gangrene! :))


Originally posted by Dannyn

I don't think Jup is disagreeing with Brannor's comment (which is right after all, for once). But the way Brannor felt the need to say "(I've played a minstrel, so I can comment.)" was quite amusing (at least to me).

Hey - I wrote that original response, so therefore I feel I am qualified to comment, thank you Dannyn.

Err... yes, you are quite correct.;)


Ehm any class can lvl fast. Get all the gear ready when you lvl. If you make a perfect balanced XP group, you would all lvl quick.

If you would say what is the easiest class to lvl with I would say:

1. Theurg
2. Minstrel / Cleric


To start off with, these are the chars I have experiance with (my self)...


If you plan on solo alot, there's no doubt Friar and theurgist will come in first. My armsman is pole-user and I hear shield/one-handers have an easier time soling ... in PvE anyway.

My Friar is absolutley amazing (same level as the theurgist by the way .. uhm, almost). Takes on oranges, or 3 blues without ANY downtime (cause of selfheals between fights). The theurgist takes oranges even easier but the downtime is much longer (mana regen after fully whasting it on an orange mob).

Problem is that groups generally think you are a healer as a Friar, and when invited to a group they _presume_ you are there to heal - the fact is that I have 0 points in Rejuv but almost the same damageoutput as a pole-armsman .. I'm a tank/figher god damnit! :)

Minstrels .. uhm, maybe they are easier to level after 30 - due to groups actually needing their powersong - but before that they are just avarage, if even that.

yada yada yada Arlone TalksTooMuch

Choosing a class cause 'they level fast' is not the way to go tho - you'll still get bored with playing him/her so it's best to choose a class you really LOVE playing. I like my armsman alot, but he's a real drag levling after 45ish (as all other classes I s'pose). I like my lil friar even more, but that one is not as high .. yet :)

you still reading this post? :rolleyes:

My 15 dollars...


Remember though, that you have to have a pretty good group if grouping actually is supposed to pay off between levels 1-20 actually. I always try to stay out of groups between those levels, since it is usually much faster to solo at then compared to grouping. Espescially if you can find killtasks that doesn't involve running from one end of the realm to the other. Usually if you find a group, you spend much time discussing which mobs to hunt, people to join and so on and so on. When you finally get there, you discover that the xp on each mob is less than what it is when you solo, and you are pulling mobs at roughly the same rate as when you solo. Also, usually it ends with a wipeout because of adds or whatever. Don't get me wrong here though, grouping at those levels could have it's benefits, IF you can pull together a group that knows what they are doing, but that is unusual, since at those levels most people are new to that class.

Considering this you also have to regard soloing ability for classes. I can tell you that the class that I have found best to level at low levels so far is the spiritmaster. Damn the 1-24 levels just flew by. :)


Level 5-20 with a minstrel is very quick due to fast killtasks. Bear in mind you have speedsong so can run to and from guards a fair bit quicker than other classes.
20-30 isn't great, lack of good groups is the main issue.
30-40 flies by on the ubiquitous pygmy goblins.

Worst level for me so far on my latest character have been 29. 1-4 are normally quite bad but I had buffs so they were ok. :)


My rejuv cleric is lvl 46 currently and has 16odd days /played.

Think it'll be difficult to hit 50 in under 20 days but I can maybe try :p


Last I checked (lvl 42) I was at just over 8 days played, but over 40 xp gets slow, so we'll see :p


[poker face]Scouts get groups a lot, and thus level fast.[/poker face]
damn, didn't work...
[reallllllyyyy good poker face]Make it a cabalist.[/reallllllyyyy good poker face]



I'd say theurgist probably tends to level quickest from what I have seen. Especially after getting a pulsing bladeturn.

Clerics of any variety probably next.

I wouldn't start a minstrel just for levelling speed, though. It's overrated ;) I had heard rumours about minstrels getting into groups really easily, but it wasn't until I hit 45 that I suddenly seemed to become a hot item (I mean, of course I have always been hot, but never in such demand that people were happy to wait while I meandered slowly from Snowdonia to Lyonesse just so that they could hear me play the flute at some worms).



Originally posted by SFXman

[reallllllyyyy good poker face]Make it a cabalist.[/reallllllyyyy good poker face]

Actually Cabalists are really quite kickass...

Just everyone thinks they're not so they don't get groups much.

I find if you start a group with a cabalist you'll do ok :)


i think tanks are the easiest as every group needs some (albion anywayz)

easiest but not sure if the fastest. the first lvl 50s in albion were tanks though.


Tank classes are pretty good to level, yes. But I find them rather boring. All you have are a few combo styles and the occassional taunt to get the mob back when your healer/caster gets frisky.

Not to mention rvr. Mez, wait for your turn to be ganked. ;( It's why I gave up on proper rvr with my tank (warrior). Only fun I have is in the bgs now. Equal level enemys and quite accessible as level 20-24 is quite quick to get to.

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