Hmm....can "smell natural" equate to having to shower less ?
(he asks hopefully...)
Which Monday ? 7 July 1994 ?
I've deffo had a shower in the last week.. I _think_ it was Monday that just passed, caused I smelled like the Met gig.
Ooooh, 4 days xD Tonight! I shower! o_oi
Nono! Tonight you go get woman. Womans like smelly men *nods*
By the way, standing in the rain for a few minutes does NOT count as a shower. Or so they say
Oh dammit The ONLY benifit for living in the UK has now been thrown out of the window... Tbh, I should go test that. Go to a bar or smt and see if I get hit on xD (*Blink*) - Then shower, try again.
Even I find my farts offensive at the moment - I ate a whole garlic baguette yesterday
The smell that does it for me is a bit of BO (i.e. showered in the morning, then the smell that evening), a bit of nice aftershave (not too strong) and some nice lynx deodorant