Farewell Thidranki


Pwyiw TwoFace

Farwell fair battleground, I shall not forget you. To Suzanne, and the others, that helped take the keep from the Midgardians, I salute you, and shed a tear for those I may never see again.

To the Hibernians, I salute you especially, I had once heard that you never came to Thidranki, how nice to battle some of you.

To the Midgardians, that tried yet again this night, my final night, to take the keep, I smile and wave. I hope the two rams you lost did not cost you too much. Your tactics have often impressed me. The way one of you sacrifices himself, so that the AE mezz, Mjollnir, and AE Disease/poison can hit as many as possible was superb. Your storming run from your portal keep all the way to the central keep was a splendid task to observe. Next time, remember to protect your rammer, for once you left him alone for a second, myself and another shadowblade dispatched him quite fast. The rush would work, if it were not for the fact that there are some of us who are patient enough to wait for you, and not resort to PK camping. <sighs>

Now, for some names,

Albions I shall remember:

Suzanne (Keep take commander), Cuther (most deaths by an Infil to SB's), my hunting pack - Leganza, Vindicator, Sma, Ste, Asirys, Saryasha, Fern, Tyrael, Headache. Salin (psycho Friar), Kaila(minstrel who mezzed 6 hibs from behind at HB...love ya lass :clap: ), Twis (I can fly :rolleyes: cleric)...and many, many others who fought well, and buffed me extensively. ;)

Hibernias I shall remember:

Luon (One of my first and last Hibernian kills), Inyoureyes (nah, in YOURS ;) You were my 350th Realm point). Balrog (didn't know whether to kill you or adopt you...damn Lurikeens), Rygor ( :( Forgive me for the XP death).

Midgardians I shall remember:

Cabo (pity you couldn't stay long), Natt (My favourite female Kobold ;) ), Zagreb (My final Thidranki kill. 4 rps for that, Sorry for repeatedly picking on you), Dorgan (bet you got a fright this morning when I popped up and PA'd you in the middle of nowhere. :D ), Moooooooooooo ( :m00: ), Shokar (silly Thane. :p ), Jezara (we can dance later), Krestal, and all those cute female norse skalds.

I hope that many of you shall not fade into nothingness now, and that you shall join me once more for battle in Murd. For I cannot wait to climb those walls and kill your casters. ;)

<waves, and fades to black>


Sad to hear, shall miss hunting them norsemen with you, we'll meet again in murd in not too long ;)


pity muridreagin is empty so you'll have to get to caledonia. Nice grave at the keep btw ;)


Farewell Pwyiw :mad: It has been a thrill taking down spear heroes and heavy armored middies in seconds, with you and the other guys.
I hope you find some fun in the next bg or eventually, Emain :)


Ahhh Pwyiw my little runie will not miss you in Thid :) unfortunately our next meeting looks destined to be Emain because I levelled my SB straight through the Murd range over the weekend.

Pwyiw TwoFace

Originally posted by old.Tbird
...I levelled my SB straight through the Murd range over the weekend.
Your skill at training is quite impressive, for I am sure I saw you killing Albions on Saturday night. To gain more than 5 seasons in one day is quite impressive. I myself, am not as skilled and it will take me a while longer. Oh but wait, I speak in error. I saw your Etzl killing, and know not who your shadowblade is.

Till we meet again little kobold.

<bows and fades to black.>

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