Farewell, Ciao ,Adjø , Mojn...



Well someone deleted the link to the new "old" forum , and that does it , dont want competition....well you aint got it cause this freaking board hurts my eye's so I think im going blind.So You can have it so fine and tada , im of for less greener pastures , adjø ciao mojn auf widersehn farveller and god's speed to ya all

Brannor McThife

You know...I have to say that I tend to agree with Damon. Is BarrysWorld sponsored by Microsoft?

I think it's an utter shame that you see them as "competition", and your post saying that you'll do your utmost to NOT have them listed at DAoC is sad, really sad. And also troubles me.

This isn't a competition, and this most certainly is NOT an exclusive club.



I must disagree. I think it already a lie to claim that the old forums have returned. Some guy just "violated" some copyright laws probably by taking the old forums graphics which were most likely made by GOA. This doesn't matter though... Kemor didn't seem to mind when he visited a IRC channel of ours :p


Originally posted by Gorthol
he didnt violate anything
Yeah well... did you happen to notice the "-signs by any chance? I still disagree witht eh fact that the old forums have returned, they haven't.


These boards dont have the soul of the old boards and never will...

Nice to know the thought police are out there making sure the competition (cause thats what they are) are rubbed out.....

Well i think by deleting the other posts it makes this place seem shameful even the GOA boards didnt rub out mere links that had no foul intentions....

Well said Brannor


Del , Unger and Pain and sitting at a portal Keep near u BUFFBOT :clap:


Originally posted by Gorthol
SFXman you browse that forum yourself perhaps you should try and read the announcements
As if I use them regularily. Just made some points about them but I doubt I will ever begin to use them unless someone posts a link to some interesting thread from there to somewhere else where I happen to be.


ARGH! I pressed quote on my own post.... doh.... why isn't it possible to fully delete threads or do I just not the button anywhere?


*waves* hi del hows that bugged bow coming along :)

Also i notice you mention pain. Is that your character too?

If so can you also let me know out of interest how you managed to get onto the roof of the alb mg where no albs could get up with you or could target you altho they could see your head peeking over the roof.

Or.... could you tell me which boards you use to find all these bugs so maybe i can clue myself up on them in future.

Ta :D


Firstly - I think links were deleted cos the same link was posted twice in here, and once in the general discussion forums of both excalibur and prydwyn.

secondly - Gl I hope the new 'old' forums are successful, I am happy here - I won't knock anyone who wants to leave - I will wish them the best of luck instead

Gl and HF



Originally posted by Alwych
*waves* hi del hows that bugged bow coming along :)

Also i notice you mention pain. Is that your character too?

If so can you also let me know out of interest how you managed to get onto the roof of the alb mg where no albs could get up with you or could target you altho they could see your head peeking over the roof.

Or.... could you tell me which boards you use to find all these bugs so maybe i can clue myself up on them in future.

Ta :D
Well Del sounds like a very legit player now after this post. Interesting information.



to get up to unusual places.....

log out
as bubble appears
press forward
when u appear in game press jump

see what happens.........

And if thats so bad :p

Bugged Bow shouldnt be in the game, sadly it is.
Just like alot of other things but hey like i really care.

Here come the Zerglings AKA Albs.


Actually wait till u see how much better Buffbot will make about 5 or so chars for RVR.

Its a common tactic in use by Albion Scouts on US servers.
PL a cleric not smite but buff based and then park them at Portal Keeps as nothing but Buff bots .....
These can raise the maximum damage of a Scout by 30 40 percent.

No one likes it but Mythic says its a perfectly acceptable tactic.


Ign vault boards the OFFICIAL Mythic boards is where i get all my info sadly u people will miss out since u like the green stain of these boards and the whine is far better over there than it is here.


Originally posted by Del-Unger

to get up to unusual places.....

log out
as bubble appears
press forward
when u appear in game press jump

see what happens.........

And if thats so bad :p

Bugged Bow shouldnt be in the game, sadly it is.
Just like alot of other things but hey like i really care.

Here come the Zerglings AKA Albs.
Yeah well that is just plain cheating, getting into places that you cannot normally get to. Doubt I will ever use such lame tactiques.


And u can res people in up there to ..... so is that cheating?

Also when u see 60 people up there then of course they are all plain cheating as well...

I would just like to know how someone actually found that move..

Pretty strange to use those Key strokes before u log in


Aye that they are especially since they now have found out the WORLD doesnt finish at the Albion Mile Gate.

Nice to have some room to try and snipe your flesh trains as it moves back and forth.

And to think the MAA /whispered Its ok now people u are big enuff to venture out into the world.


Originally posted by Del-Unger
Aye that they are especially since they now have found out the WORLD doesnt finish at the Albion Mile Gate.

Nice to have some room to try and snipe your flesh trains as it moves back and forth.

And to think the MAA /whispered Its ok now people u are big enuff to venture out into the world.
Still can't get over the fact how f*ing egoistic you middies truly are, some of you. :p


Still cant get over how Pathetic you Albs are well some of u :p


Originally posted by Del-Unger
Still cant get over how Pathetic you Albs are well some of u :p
That's exactly what I mean. Actually who is pathetic here, a guy with 2 L50's and 3 over 40's. Hmmmm. In the actual sense of pathetic.
Game-wise... who gives a rats ass if we don't have as many powerlevelers.


Ohhhh go for it .... didnt take long did it well i dont make PERSONAL insults. Feel free to insult all you want.

I have played this game since DAY 1 in US.

I have multiple accounts because other members of my family play.

Its rather easy to level up in REGULAR evening play time to level 50 once you know where to hunt (PRIMA GUIDE) (OMG thats cheating as well is it )

Anyway moan and flame all you want about my chars but i see it as someone who is jealous....

Sorry love to write more for you but i am at work at the moment.



Originally posted by Del-Unger
Ohhhh go for it .... didnt take long did it well i dont make PERSONAL insults. Feel free to insult all you want.

I have played this game since DAY 1 in US.

I have multiple accounts because other members of my family play.

Its rather easy to level up in REGULAR evening play time to level 50 once you know where to hunt (PRIMA GUIDE) (OMG thats cheating as well is it )

Anyway moan and flame all you want about my chars but i see it as someone who is jealous....

Sorry love to write more for you but i am at work at the moment.

Jealous! Haha, nice joke. But anyway getting on top an MG where you can't get by jumping/climbing in regular conditions is cheating, simple.
Oh well, break for me. Good weather outside and beer awaits.


Heh theres no point arguing with him. Del is someone who when reading a latest bug on the IGN boards that the yanks have found he will immidiately plan to try it out himself and see if theres any advantage. I read a different thread where someone was asking del why he was killing albs at the pk gates using the super duper ranged bugged bow when he had posted himself on the old GOA boards how it should be stopped and was wrong that ppl were using it.

Like the other poster said i guess now the GOA boards are closed you feel anything goes and we see your real talents emerge. Exploitation of game bugs as and when you get the chance. The climbing to the roof of the mg and being impossible to be attacked and the use of the bugged bow are just probably 2 of the many bugs or exploits you have uncovered trawling boards and im sure ;) you have probably used a few more to get them lil characters to 50 so fast too.

You are a cheat and a lame cheat and yes you probably are quite intelligent and can flame without breaking into the stfu moron type of insults that most cheaters resort to but it makes you non the less a rather sad case of powergamer/exploiter.

I can see you are enjoying the flame fest with sfx and want to try to 0wn him on the boards etc so i will leave you to it i guess. I just wonder... any luck finding bugs and other ways to exploit the forums so you can 0wn us here too? I guess if you could say.... hack into the BW servers by using some buffer overflow it would be ok because you found the info on a message board somewhere and loads of ppl hack an its cool an its just us jealous and we are saddos cos we cant do it an etc etc etc

Not everyone wants to cheat and i havent seen anything you have said so far that justifies ussing map exploits or weapon exploits. Keep it up del im sure you are uber with your bugs and good luck with all the ones we dont know about yet ;)


lol sorry u suppassed my knowledge of hacking after your first sentance.


BTW One person said i used this bow ...... dont see a torrent of posts saying the same thing.

Actually i will not comment on what i do as far as killing people goes.
Just a shame that if an item is in the game and the GM / Parent company REFUSE to fix it then because i am accused of using it you all fall into the same boat.

Anyway look for me Purple bow and megafelid. As the last 4 nights i kill more than my fair share of Albs / Hibs if they ever show up. Really i am not that bothered.
Of course u will say what you want to say so please......

Its an Open forum flame away.


lol for all those that want to know the key to leveling fast is to ......

Buy the Stratergy guide since it tells you all the levels of all the mobs in the game Pre January 2002 and what damage they are weak.

Of course if ya didnt want to spend 18 quid on the book then enjoy moaning and whining as to how other people level up so fast.

And actually the best mobs to level a Hunter 48 50 are in Albion Frontiers so i would like to thank all you Albs for countless hours of undisturbed hunting in Penine Mountains !! Many thanks on leaving me to some truly Monster bonuses.



Ok I wont get into flaming etc. bla bla...

But just ONE question... are all your chars (Unger, Del and Pain) on the european servers??


Alwych I must agree with your post, completely.
Del, one thing.... just because Mythic have not fixed this bug does NOT justify exploiting it. This is EXACTLY what all the users of the bow resort to [pathetic whinging voice]"Yeah well it's their fault I use this bugged bow! They should fix it so I won't use it anymore, blame them not me!"[/pathetic whinging voice].
I mean that is the dumbest f*ing excuse I have ever heard, and I hear it often from these individuals.
Keigan that is what I was wondering, if he is on the EU side now... and has three high-level chars that are not required, damn you use a lot of time in this game. Maybe you play both, still.... same thing anyway.
I just had to reply once more at least, although like Alwych said it is probably pointless arguing with you.


I think I need a better connection to deal with your ASCII, SFX:uhoh:


Originally posted by Brinx
I think I need a better connection to deal with your ASCII, SFX:uhoh:
How about this Dragon along with some text then?

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