FAO Vicktoria


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Just wanna give you a big Gratz on killin my lvl 35 Animist and lvl 33 Bot keep up the good work m8 :) cant wait to meet you on one of my lvl 50 characters and see if you can take on a lvl 50 my guess would be no. Would log on mid/pry and call you a **** but cant be assed

i know lots of ppl post these messages but i dont care :p :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2005
you examine xxx. he/she is a member of an enemy realm!

soooo if youre an enemy what are you crying about? you must be slayed for the realm!


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
As for myself, I wanna give Messiah a big gratz for being killed in an RvR zone by an enemy player and whining about it on FH. No, lots of people don't post these messages, only the silly ones who should know better than to make themselves look stupid on a public forum. Go hit a pillow instead. ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Grats on the whine thread, Vicktoria!



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
i dont give a shit what u lot think to be honest just wanted to let Vic know he is a C u n t :)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Messiah said:
i dont give a shit what u lot think to be honest just wanted to let Vic know he is a C u n t :)
Someone got owned


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Messiah said:
i dont give a shit what u lot think to be honest just wanted to let Vic know he is a C u n t :)

because you died in an RvR zone?...mmmmkay


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Camlann atitude imo.

"omg you killed me I'll get my main"


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 16, 2004
Messiah said:
i dont give a shit what u lot think to be honest just wanted to let Vic know he is a C u n t :)

A wiser choise would have been to logg on yer mid char and tell him instead of coming here and be flamebait... besides you can't be certain he reads these forums either. Posting here is kinda the wrong way of doing it if you give a "shit" what "the lot" thinks.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Zane said:
A wiser choise would have been to logg on yer mid char and tell him instead of coming here and be flamebait... besides you can't be certain he reads these forums either. Posting here is kinda the wrong way of doing it if you give a "shit" what "the lot" thinks.

and the wisest choice would be to just move on instead of wajn about being xp killed


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
and the wisest choice would be to just move on instead of wajn about being xp killed

imho whining here takes the same time as walking back to another XP spot =)

Kinda ironic to waste your time just to whine that you're wasting time =)

EDIT: sooo I see comp working again VF, got good material already? (I'm totally out of the game atm, I got a super computer but can't connect to DAoC until start of next month :p )


Loyal Freddie
Nov 26, 2005
sorry for brining up this topic again but I just got to know about this "whine" thread and like the owner of vicktoria I just feel like I needed to say something...
First of what is wrong killing a realm enemy really.? I mean the pvp system we have on excal clearly say it is a realm vs realm system, sure I can agree that it wold have been a bit lame if the person in question is siting and crying in a corner with 2% hp left and is having 200 gray con mobs hiting him , but then again that was pretty much not the case and if I remeber correktly you was having full health and just standing there.... and seckond of all you cant honestly say you have not done the same thing so I dont think you are the one to talk... and really do you not have anything better to do then this.?

and for you others out here on this forum that sufferd from reading my half ass spelling I can just say I am sorry and I shall not repeat it again , I cold just not help myself this time... ones again thank you all and have a nice time in the game


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Framer said:
sorry for brining up this topic again but I just got to know about this "whine" thread and like the owner of vicktoria I just feel like I needed to say something...
First of what is wrong killing a realm enemy really.? I mean the pvp system we have on excal clearly say it is a realm vs realm system, sure I can agree that it wold have been a bit lame if the person in question is siting and crying in a corner with 2% hp left and is having 200 gray con mobs hiting him , but then again that was pretty much not the case and if I remeber correktly you was having full health and just standing there.... and seckond of all you cant honestly say you have not done the same thing so I dont think you are the one to talk... and really do you not have anything better to do then this.?

and for you others out here on this forum that sufferd from reading my half ass spelling I can just say I am sorry and I shall not repeat it again , I cold just not help myself this time... ones again thank you all and have a nice time in the game

Good post, and a point well made. I agree

PS! Your spelling seems allright to me =)

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