FAO: the one who played Zoe and Vrisslar



stading at beach with 22 sorc and 50 necro doing nothing, is not considered a camped spot, so FO!


plz get your facts right m8

Zoe = lvl 50 caba
Vrisslar = lvl 22 sorc ( me if u didnt guess)

zoe was on tela road 2 get rezz bot if some1 should die around us.
And the 5 secs zoe is gone u and konge moves from trees 2 beach funny.
Then we pull both grps np in that for me but leeching like your and konge did is not a good thing if u ever read the COC

I have SS and all of u leeching but i didnt go whine 2 goa about u i left spot cause i dont want 2 waste my time on ppl like u sry

and afaik a lvl 50 caba can camp a tangler spot and the lvl 50 necro well she pulled there 2 with us but say and do what u want i dont care about ppl like u who have 2 whine like shit and dont even tell what really happend

and if u need rezz well im still there 2 rezz both u and konge so give msg if u need

think its sad ppl like u rune the game for others cause u only think about your self what about helping fellow albs guess u are not 1 of the old ppl in the way u behave but wtf a game have 2 have room for all

and about camping read the COC can u find anything about camping a spot ? no but do COC say u cant hit a pulled mob ?? yes

the only reason for spot camping is the good old players and some of the new that respect each other.

but hey do as u want say what u want i dont care not me who broke the rules

Best Regards

Sry for errors in text but Eng is not my main Danish is ;)


I didn't think tanglers were the in thing anymore? I still have nightmares about them :(


caba wasnt there, only that necro niara something


Ok lets end this stupid thing its only a waste of time for both me and Bellona ;)
Lets spend our time on helping our fellow albs and defend our realm against those damn mid/hib ppl ;)

and yeah i admit stupid of me 2 send my caba friend after the rezz bot, but i didnt belive some1 would come and take the spot in 10 sec, but i learned from it, things have changed in DAoC so next time i go or send my necro friend :)

and 2 bellona u have 2 admit breaking a rule by leaching isnt 2 smart, but hey shit happens :)

Lets forgive and forget and move on, lets fight as a realm and not each other plz :)

sry for things i might have said that wasnt nice plz forgive :)

If your ever in need of rezz or other help msg me my rezz bot is allways in lyon when its logged on, and that goes for all albs im here 2 help the realm, nothing better then helping a person out and get a great THX for it :)

Best regards

GM of Albions Mystic Warriors
Sry for Errors in text but im Danish and not great at English ;)


Why fight over beach anyway? :eek7: When i did tangs on camlann with my shammy people were always fighting over the tree spot :eek7:


well sry was tired last night and didnt think about every : and ) i put together would turn in 2 a yellow dot lol

And old.Niljindil trees are allways camped so no other place then beach 2 fight and its a nice place 2 fight cause we are out of other ppl´s way :p hehe

well ok, like i more or less said in last post, was a stupid thing 2 argue about, but shit happens.

and 2 make Rnp happy here u go m8

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Best Regards

GM of Albions Mystic Warriors
Sry for Errors in text but im Danish and not great at English


so umm... this island of yours... is it close to the beach ?

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