FAO Technos and The ML5 BG friday

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
the only reason why i'm holding this raid , techno, is for one sole reason.

You haven't bothered one minute in helping ppl get past any form off pre steps ...
i've been doing it for three weeks, my main plan was to finish this ML with the ppl that attended those ml pre step. Suddenly i get a PM in game from someone telling me about your little sceem.. to annoye me.

Stop acting like a jerk, now, when you saw that a nice bunch off ppl got that ML 5 pre steps completed, you think: "hey, i'll prolly have ppl to complete it"
That supporting with the fact that you banned me from your raids...
made my game-time obselete...

so i'll have to look for another raid, one where i'll be allowed... or even get another load of ppl past the pre steps. What will you do then.. nick them again...?

and fyi, most ppl don't even use FH forum in albion.. the word of mouth is used at most when it comes to raids and the like.


i'll give you an option.

Either you make sure all, included myselfe, can attend your raid... and i'll Cancel mine to support your riad. If you keep hiding behind your childish reasons for banning ppl.. i Just have to continue mine. There is a high probability i won't have the ppl to complete it with this dual competition here.

first off all: the post i made didn't start as a flame , but as a demand, you and you small gang of folowers turned it into a HUGE flaming fest. And yes you made a so called mistake: "according to msg's, ppl don't buy it".

You see, i'm giving you a break here. Another chance.
How you handle it from here is totally up to you.

i'll give you one more add from my side..
If you would considder letting me join in on that final raid...i won't even bother beeing in any lotto.. as i did with all my pre steps.. i don't roll as a raid leader, i did it for the attending ppl. Ok i go home emptyhanded. I don't mind. There is another ML raids that i'm a lot more interested in then the first 9.

for once i'll show you that i'll act to my age... you can deceide the turn out of this whole stupidity from the past weeks.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
There's two kinds of people playing DAoC; those that get along with other players and those having stupid arguments all the time.

Sort this crap out in PMs and let the rest of us enjoy the game please.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
ps: don't think i'm giving in.. i'm just making sure that for the ppl that will be there, there RL shedule will be rewarded with what they want. just to complete it.
I'm not up for the continual of your so called "mistake". i close that topic.

last add... i won't bann you from my raids... i don't bann ppl. cause i ain't that stupid. With decresing numbers off intereted ppl we, means all raid organizers, need all the support we can get.

That is the main reason why i'm offering this


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Red HATred said:
With decresing numbers off intereted ppl we, means all raid organizers, need all the support we can get.

lol what a complete and utter hyprocrit.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Ok frist off the bat again u flatter urself. Although now u say it i can understand your side and what u think my reasons are for holding this raid are.

Anyway i will let u join my raid if u agree to a few things

1. You dont speak for the hole raid
2. You stop using FH to post utter crap and only use it to post normal non retarded post's
3. You never turn up to any other of my raids or post the same raid at the same time again


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Technodave said:
2. You stop using FH to post utter crap and only use it to post normal non retarded post's

This may be a problem :(

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Technodave said:
think that 1 went right over his head

nvm giving all a rest till friday

my BG will be up, when the raids are ready to leave, we'll see ;-)

cya all on friday

bg will be on Liandro.
If things are sorted, we merge.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
nerf... there is a ml5 raid soon? i dont have presteps :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Technodave said:
2. You stop using FH to post utter crap and only use it to post normal non retarded post's
i will pay money for ironheart to use FH to post utter crap as well as post normal retarded post's . this forum will be dead without him.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
ooh ooh not to spoil raids population mwahhaha but just for those that dont know, u dont get ml xp for 5.9 or 5.10 <at least i didnt redoing them with people in my grp that needed credit> so unless u want drops its a waste of time redoing it. On the other hand i like Technodave so ill turn up to help out anyway lol


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
knighthood said:
ooh ooh not to spoil raids population mwahhaha but just for those that dont know, u dont get ml xp for 5.9 or 5.10 <at least i didnt redoing them with people in my grp that needed credit> so unless u want drops its a waste of time redoing it. On the other hand i like Technodave so ill turn up to help out anyway lol

You won't get credit for doing ml raids with people that need credit unless you are at the correct ML, this means to get ml exp from 5.9 and 5.10 you need to have ML4 (this means actually have the ability). Your sig says ML3 which is why i'm guessnig you didn't receive exp.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Red HATred said:
You haven't bothered one minute in helping ppl get past any form off pre steps
Its not down to raid leaders to get ppl through the presteps thats all down to them to sort.
Red HATred said:
and fyi, most ppl don't even use FH forum in albion.. the word of mouth is used at most when it comes to raids and the like.
Your screwed then !!
Red HATred said:
You see, i'm giving you a break here. Another chance.
How you handle it from here is totally up to you.
How Noble :puke:
Red HATred said:
i'll give you one more add from my side..
If you would considder letting me join in on that final raid...i won't even bother beeing in any lotto
Sounds like a final act of desperation ... worried are you Red.

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