FAO Szakal


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Well dude, i can assume is so sad to you to get pwned when you are 2 VS 1 by a RR4, but well, adding in another 1 Vs 1 Fight you and your friend Leftaxe when a FG arround is a bit sad imo.

Thats the way you dinged RR10? :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
stupeh said:
not been around long have u? :p

Not many tbh, but i think enough to see that rr10 SB is the crapest i ever seen before, and i guess thast why he camp bridges when Fgs or some casters arround poping stealthers.

Will be that i guess. im right? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Vukod said:
Well dude, i can assume is so sad to you to get pwned when you are 2 VS 1 by a RR4, but well, adding in another 1 Vs 1 Fight you and your friend Leftaxe when a FG arround is a bit sad imo.

Thats the way you dinged RR10? :fluffle:
sry to say this but it was a scout shooting from hill when you thought you soloed him.

i was wondering why you didnt release when szak added on you. now i know why :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Amiga said:
sry to say this but it was a scout shooting from hill when you thought you soloed him.

i was wondering why you didnt release when szak added on you. now i know why :p

Well, first thing, that scout can shot 1 shot as much, cuz i checked my damage on the SB and is more than enough to kill it solo.

And i didnt release cuz checking the damage and making numbers ;) cuz i saw the scout shoting you once i died. And wanna check if i solo him or dont.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Vukod said:
Well, first thing, that scout can shot 1 shot as much, cuz i checked my damage on the SB and is more than enough to kill it solo.

And i didnt release cuz checking the damage and making numbers ;) cuz i saw the scout shoting you once i died. And wanna check if i solo him or dont.
the scout added and did damage. that counts doesnt it?

anyway, get over it and try again. if you think that adding thingy was silly just wait until clustering tomorrow.. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Amiga said:
the scout added and did damage. that counts doesnt it?

anyway, get over it and try again. if you think that adding thingy was silly just wait until clustering tomorrow.. :)

Yeah it counts, but you also did damage and he still die, so sad for a RR10 i think ;)

And tbh i found silly a guy with that RR and without the need of greed rps have to make that adding. Im rr4 atm and in 1vs1 i never add cuz found it unfair.

But well, if a RR10 is so crap to need to make that things, he can also wait to clustering and you'll see what the RR10 of excalibur can make to that dude ;)

I dont want misspreciate you but, i found the excal SBs a bit better than the pryd ones ;) At least they dont need to add.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Vukod said:
But well, if a RR10 is so crap to need to make that things, he can also wait to clustering and you'll see what the RR10 of excalibur can make to that dude ;)
i found the excal SBs a bit better than the pryd ones ;) At least they dont need to add.

ye.. all the rr10 sbs on exc dident do that stuff !! right ... :rolleyes:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Vukod said:
I dont want misspreciate you but, i found the excal SBs a bit better than the pryd ones ;) At least they dont need to add.

Only know of 1 good SB on excal and that´s Varg.

And btw. Excal players invented the damn adding.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
If you think thats bad wait till you fight szakal one on one and he starts doing his lame shit so your spammed with "target out of range" messages, yet he is still managing to hit you.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
Szakal ... lol you gotta give him credit when think he can't find another lame way to get rp .. he comes up with one ... respect.. !!

the worst sb on alb/pryd but the most inventive


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
afaik he doesn't post here, so its useless to while about his zerging etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
wittor said:
ye.. all the rr10 sbs on exc dident do that stuff !! right ... :rolleyes:

im not sure.. but isnt it quite impossible for the rr10 SBs on excal to add on each other? i mean, arnt they all grouped together? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
I know szakal and he dont play like 1% of all other stealthers (those 1% that actually solo and not adding) rest of u are hypocrits that whine when YOU solo and while you grping then its ok to add coz everyone add on you. Getting old actually..

He play the game he likes and its not against CoC..He can run solo he can run with a rr1sb without toa gear, he doesnt care (even if he lose half his rp to the rr1).Its his way of gaming. Like it or not. I dont like all the adding scouts when i am out.I run into a mincer infil trap yesturday when soloing.I didnt like it but hey these things happen..

If you think thats bad wait till you fight szakal one on one and he starts doing his lame shit so your spammed with "target out of range" messages, yet he is still managing to hit you.

at least u can find him alone

I have never seen a post from szakal whining on adds or telling ppl he will never add. I could name some scouts i have NEVER seen alone but i wont coz they can play the game they want to even if i dont like it.

a litle hint..
When i grp with Arathar we try to keep fights clean.If he get a solo fight i just stay close trying to intercept adders.Point is u can still grp and try to get solo fights with the safty of a duo..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
He is a great guy, maybe he´s not playing the game in the same 1337 way as you guys, but he is a nice fella =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
I dont whine cuz he and leftaxe jumped me, cuz i can assume they are grpeds.

I wine cuz i was getting a 1 vs 1 fight and he Unstealth and come sprinting to add. Maybe or maybe not, because when he and leftaxe jumped on me i killed him before die and he will be a bit angry about that, but still unfair.

I dont say nothing about the duos, or trios, if they are grpeds, but omg, unstealth to come fast to add is a bit sad imo. I prefer get close in stealth, stand and look the fight and as Lokir says, intercept adders.

And about the excalibur Sbs, i think if they add maybe is just because the grps of 5+ alb stealthers camping bleed bridge? 0o, will be that.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
If i had a plat for everytime he added, i would own GOA!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Vukod said:
Yeah it counts, but you also did damage and he still die, so sad for a RR10 i think ;)

And tbh i found silly a guy with that RR and without the need of greed rps have to make that adding. Im rr4 atm and in 1vs1 i never add cuz found it unfair.

But well, if a RR10 is so crap to need to make that things, he can also wait to clustering and you'll see what the RR10 of excalibur can make to that dude ;)

I dont want misspreciate you but, i found the excal SBs a bit better than the pryd ones ;) At least they dont need to add.

Lol why you moaning about people adding, when ever i get solo fights you always add on me, plus you roam around all the time in your stealth zergs, so i don't think you can exactly whine much when your worse than most people.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
Amiga said:
i bet hes also the only sb on alb/pryd as well :)

hehe yer he has some tricks up his sleeve but realm changing has eluded him so far..

was early ofc i mean mid/pryd


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
brad said:
Lol why you moaning about people adding, when ever i get solo fights you always add on me, plus you roam around all the time in your stealth zergs, so i don't think you can exactly whine much when your worse than most people.

agreed Brad. I am still trying to figure out why this guy is whining. All he does is add and stealth zerg on everything. And he has the nerve to complain about Szakal?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Gustav said:
agreed Brad. I am still trying to figure out why this guy is whining. All he does is add and stealth zerg on everything. And he has the nerve to complain about Szakal?

mmm, i remember bad or you are the one who just pop stealthers in front of your Bder and warlock friend? and once you make thekill you make Rudes? mm, yes you are.

Btw, when i play i play solo or duo/trio with silverhawky and xxcaliburr so dont think thats a zerg rly. At least not for you. I never seen you in a 1 vs 1 fight.

And about you bradlex. well how to say, silverhawky and me aint a zerg for a rr6 warrior, and you have to use all ur RAs plus the 2 albs add we get and who dont atack you after you 3 kill us 2, so you also dont have a lot to speak about.

Maybe some ppl respect you cuz u seem to be a dude who solo with a warrior, but that isnt true, i never get a fight vs you where you dont get help from mid rogues or alb rogues, how much you pay to em? ;)

Edit: And i only duo / trio at primetime cuz is imposible to play solo in that time cuz the amount of rogues and adders who are out, you should know that. But at nights i allways play solo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Kinda weird tbh, he got some of his own medicene ( forgot how to spell today lol) and he don't like it.

Maybe another reason is that szakal has been killed by your stealth zerg before like i have been repeatedly, and you deserve to die what ever happens.
So when you start soloing and stop adding on everyone, maybe then you can come back and whine and people will respect what you are saying, but for now i don't think you can moan at all, and your just being a hypocrit from my point of view.

P.S. what you do, expect to have done back to you.:cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
brad said:
Kinda weird tbh, he got some of his own medicene ( forgot how to spell today lol) and he don't like it.

Maybe another reason is that szakal has been killed by your stealth zerg before like i have been repeatedly, and you deserve to die what ever happens.
So when you start soloing and stop adding on everyone, maybe then you can come back and whine and people will respect what you are saying, but for now i don't think you can moan at all, and your just being a hypocrit from my point of view.

P.S. what you do, expect to have done back to you.:cheers:

You lost your 'i'm a soloer' rights when you hide a Healer in a MG room, szakal does Stealth zerg, unlike the other mid high RR's he ADD'S against anyone etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Vukod said:
mmm, i remember bad or you are the one who just pop stealthers in front of your Bder and warlock friend? and once you make thekill you make Rudes? mm, yes you are.

Btw, when i play i play solo or duo/trio with silverhawky and xxcaliburr so dont think thats a zerg rly. At least not for you. I never seen you in a 1 vs 1 fight.

And about you bradlex. well how to say, silverhawky and me aint a zerg for a rr6 warrior, and you have to use all ur RAs plus the 2 albs add we get and who dont atack you after you 3 kill us 2, so you also dont have a lot to speak about.

Maybe some ppl respect you cuz u seem to be a dude who solo with a warrior, but that isnt true, i never get a fight vs you where you dont get help from mid rogues or alb rogues, how much you pay to em? ;)

Edit: And i only duo / trio at primetime cuz is imposible to play solo in that time cuz the amount of rogues and adders who are out, you should know that. But at nights i allways play solo.

Yeh so you group with 2 other people excallibur and silver, and you try to kill me. And albs think well hey, solo warrior v 3 stealther aint fair so thats maybe why they helped me? just maybe?

Btw im always solo for a majority of the time, and if your little trio of hibby stealthers is going to try and kill me i doubt other mids are going to stand there and watch. But all you do is camp bridges anyway, so what you expect? every realm has stealthers who camp bridges, it doesn't mean i asked for help, just means they were there at the time and want some rp's.

Btw i have 71 solo kills so doubt you can say i never have 1v1 fights.:cheers:

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