Hi to you all, as you no doubt are aware, sb leggings dropped off the phoenix, Red Barons got the loot.
I am in no way impuning the Red Baron's honesty and I am aware that the other loot was handed over as soon as was possible but unfortunately it seems that someone inadvertently logged with the leggings (heresay tell me it was Lilleprinsen that picked them up). The raid leaders randomed for the legs anyway and I won *whee!*. I was assured they would be reclaimed and passed to me.
I know that Xone has said he had checked and couldn't find them, but I would ask you to search your backpacks and move items to and from the last slots of your bags as it seems to me this is a simple case of the 'backpack bug' where the last item in a bag can go invisible.
Please PM me in-game if you should find them, thanks.
Proud member of Clan Chaos
I am in no way impuning the Red Baron's honesty and I am aware that the other loot was handed over as soon as was possible but unfortunately it seems that someone inadvertently logged with the leggings (heresay tell me it was Lilleprinsen that picked them up). The raid leaders randomed for the legs anyway and I won *whee!*. I was assured they would be reclaimed and passed to me.
I know that Xone has said he had checked and couldn't find them, but I would ask you to search your backpacks and move items to and from the last slots of your bags as it seems to me this is a simple case of the 'backpack bug' where the last item in a bag can go invisible.
Please PM me in-game if you should find them, thanks.
Proud member of Clan Chaos