FAO People in hib (who ever it counts for)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Hello all,

I would like to make a public apology about (if you was in the bg/alliances/in dl) about the disturbance that the hackor of my acount caused by doing prob the harshest thing you could ever do hacking acount and then publicly anouncing the passwords. This was ofcourse not my fault but i wont to apologise about it all. Im sorry to the bg leaders whos raid it was done in and alliances and chat groups he joined.

Thank you,Elkie


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Elkie said:
Hello all,

I would like to make a public apology about (if you was in the bg/alliances/in dl) about the disturbance that the hackor of my acount caused by doing prob the harshest thing you could ever do hacking acount and then publicly anouncing the passwords. This was ofcourse not my fault but i wont to apologise about it all. Im sorry to the bg leaders whos raid it was done in and alliances and chat groups he joined.

Thank you,Elkie

did u get it sorted ? i mean acc back and chars still there whit items and stuff.... + hacker banned or is it still going on ?


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
did u get it sorted ? i mean acc back and chars still there whit items and stuff.... + hacker banned or is it still going on ?

look at the thread and last couple posts buddy:) i aint got it back yet but i think requiel is looking into weither i get items back ect 2moz i mean i think i should but its up to goa:)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Elkie said:
look at the thread and last couple posts buddy:) i aint got it back yet but i think requiel is looking into weither i get items back ect 2moz i mean i think i should but its up to goa:)

i didnt have time to read it m8 :)

funny thing was when i posted on ur thread like the 2nd time 2minz later same stuff happened to me.... i didnt loose acc or enything luckily.. insta blocked that guy... i really dont want to loose those years :p

well, gl whit the stuff.. hope u get it back


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
As I said when in the BG and seeing the dude posting ur PassW etc there.

He must really be a very Sad person to take time to get someones account info for a Game, Im not sure if I feel more sorry for the one getting his acc hacked or the one actually doing it.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
I agree with Elrandhir it is really difficult to see how sad some people really are.

I hope it all gets sorted for you. I don't know the details of what happened but this is not a nice thing to do to anyone.

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