FAO Nuxtobatns


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Nice 1 vs 1

glad to meet a solo stealther these days

sorry for the time i killed you when you waved at me, missed that and noticed it in my log :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Nuxt is among the few like Unforgivren and Drot who always solo .

I hate them really as my mellee is non existant and they woop me to much :twak:

But salute to them as they chalk up the kills solo in crau.

I look forward to running from them more :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Durrell said:
Nuxt is among the few like Unforgivren and Drot who always solo .

I hate them really as my mellee is non existant and they woop me to much :twak:

But salute to them as they chalk up the kills solo in crau.

I look forward to running from them more :cheers:
Drot solo? your kidding yeh?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
atleast he aint so retarded as nightbow and kevallan and the others that zerg like shit vs ppl that just want 1 vs 1 duel , fucking horney rp whores. Those ppl are the ones that bring shame to stealtehrs and that also make fgs wanna kill em.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Nope saw him solo loads last 3 days

Also seen him duo but whats prob with that as most stlth do

any way spread the love :fluffle:


Nov 29, 2005
Durrell said:
Nuxt is among the few like Unforgivren and Drot who always solo

Haha you have to be fucking kidding about Drot, he was running a group of 4 stealthers, and I'm positive theres some footage of it out there from a non-bald luri :<


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Yeah m8 was a good fight... i was surprised i wasnt FZed or strafe-side stunned too (i new your IP was down from the other fight !!)

Durell ... imo u shoud have come closer and let me hit FA (since atm i am running on random parts i dont have other blades on me to repoison and would be equal i think :p ; Not even barrels...run our and cba/cant craft atm)

Drot... i saw the /clap when u had still RS...BUT :1st I owe u some kills from your adding days near Beno, and 2nd...running around unstealthed in Crim bowl..isnt the smartest thing to do :p

As for the soloing...Fucktards like Kevallan,Battleboobs and generally most low rr stealthers and especially albs (i have only seen 2 bright examples lately...Lejonkungen and Oryon, both hibs :p ) that can only rp from that try their best to destroy it. Ofc the random caster passing by or fg helps a lot to that. Its almost like they cant kill anything else so they try their best 1-button spam against hard earning rp stealthers).

Had a screenie of Battleboobs /stats but cba to post
So Battleboobs....omg m8.... If an rr5 infil with 5 relics in total needs 2 scouts and cleric to make 3,9k rps/hour with 19kills/2deathblows and omg 6 deaths.... then i should announce u as da Clueless Star Albion for the winter and suggest to play a more suitable class for your abilities...maybe a Necro ??

PS: Too bad Kilsimba didnt learn anything for his 'wonderfull' ding rr7 thread...\
PS2: Power OFF...cya tomorrow...and if Crim is still Alb...i will w8 soloers near Beno Agra side... around 11gmt and on :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Nuxtobatns said:
Had a screenie of Battleboobs /stats but cba to post
So Battleboobs....omg m8.... If an rr5 infil with 5 relics in total needs 2 scouts and cleric to make 3,9k rps/hour with 19kills/2deathblows and omg 6 deaths.... then i should announce u as da Clueless Star Albion for the winter and suggest to play a more suitable class for your abilities...maybe a Necro ??

I particularly liked this quote. :) rep


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
I just need to get this off my chest.
But the worst adders in the game atm are SneakySausage and his buddies.

Also yesterday a FG off rr7+ albs used SL to kill my rr3 SB. They saw me running in the water to go to the docks, all off em jumped off the bridge and they used SL to find me.

Like WTF ?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Theseus said:
I just need to get this off my chest.
But the worst adders in the game atm are SneakySausage and his buddies.

Also yesterday a FG off rr7+ albs used SL to kill my rr3 SB. They saw me running in the water to go to the docks, all off em jumped off the bridge and they used SL to find me.

Like WTF ?

Battleboobs :>
And yup its a bit sad a FG went that far out of their way for some measly RP, but I can only think as there are so many albs, middies and hibs are precious kills and every RP is precious :>

I think most archers/casters job is to add/leech as that is their role in RvR. It's all swings and roundabouts tbh. I was playing a new little Caveshammy toon I made in Thid the other night and these bloody annoying Infils kept mowing me down - and I thought bastard stealthers! :>

But without the stealthers, casters would be happy and have nothing to worry about - and we can't have that now, can we? :)

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
durrell how can u know when people solo when all u do is camp the tower LOL :C
useless ^_^


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
theslayeruk said:
Resist buffs.

aye hate resist buffs.. (what to use vs hib with resistbuffs.. ? :( as a mid ofc)

many ppl solo, just hard to find em couse they get slaughtered by the ppl who run 3-5.. like killsimba and friends, sneakysausage, porkbelly etc etc..


Nov 29, 2005
To clarify, comment wasn't made at anyone in particular.

Just like tickling my little internet kobold illu;<


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2004
hmm well what should i say... 6 deaths is what u get when u get jumped by 2+ stealthers when running out from crim still rs :< and yes i grouped coz i got tierd of all the hib stealth grps out there, attack 1 and u get 3-4 stealther adds or fights 1vs1 and a fg comes and kills u, very fun :p and btw nux, u got mos5 or something? ure hard to find :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Well Dthree as a full bow spec Ranger im not going to go running around meleeing am I. What with you having 3 str relics.

Im an elf which means not stupid so ill stay put for now thanks.

And as for solo they always hit me solo with no adds so I assume that makes them solo?

Any way i dont come here to flame , whine or anything other than say hi and :cheers:

Cya in crau as usual i suppose :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i love the name battleboobs..

its like mr floopy... its just one of those names that makes you laugh

nuxto. its not really right you should call all these peeps lame for being part of a stealth zerg when u been part of one bro. theres not many peeps that only solo, but they are the only ones that have the right to moan about stealth zergs. (no that does not include me, I got no right to moan about them in case u think im being hypocritical too, but i generally like stealth zergs. I think like sharkshady and those guys are fine, like they crop up in all sorts of wierd places and mix it up abit, although the grapple shit is annoying)

oh and please when i attack you, fight back ffs, just so I can actually get the pleasure of actually thinking i killed something if for no other reason! being a good SB isnt about winning when you like PA a target or get nice jump. like sometimes its about winning when u get a hidious start but you got the horsepower to like turn it around. if you just sit down and dont try man you never know what could happen, if fact man theres a damn good chance with lifebain and debuff u can hand it to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yeah, when i saw the name nuxtobatns i had the 'oh, adder' feeling too. but next thing that happens was him never adding on a single fight i have, but hugging me instead. dont care what happened in the past, mucho respect to him now.

and as for drot, he's nothing but a mindless zergling who drops like a sack of shit of the odds are somewhat close to even. i have plenty of footage recorded where he runs with his (set?) trio, Kisofdeath, Shinzio and him.

as for sneakysausage. well, i dunno, i kinda like him. he adds 24/7 and the moment he gets exposed he runs to the keep with no attempt to even fight back. he plays to add, im sure he has fun :p i respect a guy that plays his own way all the time, much more then someone who tries to fight one time and comes back with some buddies if it fails. hi jarvio.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Lexxus said:
Killing u makes me the worst infil ? :<
Never saw you kill me :eek:, seen you spam PA on me when your not in stealth oO


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Nux r0x

one SB who will always give a good run for your money


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2004
Eversmallx said:
Never saw you kill me :eek:, seen you spam PA on me when your not in stealth oO

Wrong quickbar 4tw, it happens when u have to use more than 3 buttons to actually kill someone ;D


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Just a quick log on from a friend's house :p

Battleboobs : I have been there... try and snap out of it.. u r doomed to be competitive as an rr5 infil

Censi : The fact that i had RS may not seem important to u..but it matters in game terms when a hasted ranger wielding dual LW jumps u while u walk happily to take the boat to go get zerged :p. Yes its true i have been a part of large stealther grps in the past, and will be again if needed or the fun factor chips in.

Also many Hibs may think of me as an adder cause i basically rarely fight u OP peeps :p (makes a big diff when u run unhasted and the enemy not only hits like a tank but also like a speeding bullet). So when i am out there trying to score some albies there it is .. a rr6+ hib stealther duo taking me down in 3 secs flat....then i remember your names.. and if i encounter u again...i will send u to your bb even if it means adding (Bright example is a useless infil going by the name Lxn ... rofl; new aditions today with some glorious rr3 scouts, and a quite lol little guy named Booze (rr5 scout) :p )

Btw... a friendly tip ( i might regret telling u rest of assassins but anyway....)
I have tried over the times many MoS specs...and i have found out that....For
assassin its of no use to spend more than 4 points ..aka MoS2. Hence that is my current spec of MoS... and for ever it will be the same

And Vodka .. since u come and face alone the Mids losing time Brynja bridge when the fighting is Crim...the least i can offer u is prize of continueing your run after a win and not be an ass sending u on a boring and time consuming trip back to the bb. Something that visuals will never understand........................................................................................

PS: DvD player is On :p NN all :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
And Vodka .. since u come and face alone the Mids losing time Brynja bridge when the fighting is Crim...the least i can offer u is prize of continueing your run after a win and not be an ass sending u on a boring and time consuming trip back to the bb.

<3 ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
yer i mean i dont agree for one minute that its right mids have to have 2 BB, thats the biggest pile of shit ever tbh.

but the RS but man.. dont run out accross bryno if your RS. wait one minute and u can actually fight... its not the first time u have just fucking givin up because you got jumped and got a shit start.. and u aint been RS everytime and u can crip and run too at the very least.

anyway /hug to you brother, you are having a go solo which is like admirable.

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