Games FAO Monkey Island Fans


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Fucking yes man!!! These are a must have!! :D:D:D


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Still no word on Baldurs Gate 3?

that would be neverwinter nights your after ?
or NWN 2 ?

or Mass Effect and ME 2 which is their own IP and that they are now moving onto ?

they arent doing any DnD stuff atm apart from the one due out late this year, so if your after a -real- BG 3, dont hold your breath :)


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
that would be neverwinter nights your after ?
or NWN 2 ?

or Mass Effect and ME 2 which is their own IP and that they are now moving onto ?

they arent doing any DnD stuff atm apart from the one due out late this year, so if your after a -real- BG 3, dont hold your breath :)

Hate to take the thread off-topic, but I thought there were rumblings of BG3 at some point, I know there was a NWN2 mod coming out that was supposed to be BG3-ish, but not sure what happened to that. Dragon Age is out on Oct 1st according to Game, so still a while to go for any decent beard action.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Dragon Age is not Dungeons & Dragons. As far as I know, BioWare has had sort of a fallout with Wizards of the Coast, and Neverwinter Nights is the last game they'll make for them as of now(NWN2 was made by Obsidian).

And Obsidian has no plans either on continueing with DnD, they are busy making their own spy-RPG IP(Alpha Protocol).

Still, it's not like there wont be alot of good RPG's; previously mentioned Alpha Protocol & Dragon Age(which is going to have several sequels), Mass Effect 2(will be a 3rd one aswell), Fallout4(or whatever they decide to call it), Diablo III there's even talk about a Witcher 2. It's a good year for RPG fans, and 2010 will be even better.

Forgot to mention that BioWare is also working on an Old Republic MMO, that's looking to do something unique in MMO's with merging the singleplayer RPG experience of epic quests with more players.

Regarding op tho, yes this will be awesome.

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