FAO Molten

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or is it Neonblue?

If you are not Neonblue forget this. If you are read on.

I've played this game for 18 months now and have a lot of RvR experience.

I'm not a habitual liar, although you have your doubts. When I try to bash the thidranki doors and ask for assistance with archers I'm not making it up. It's not fun when I nearly die 5 times by archers at doors and I get no response in CG.

OK you and Smitten may have cleared some archers, but how can you be sure it was at the same time? All we can go on are our personal experiences. Yes you may have cleared some, but I know I got shot to fuck a lot. Perhaps you and Smitten should give people the benefit of the doubt rather than flaming.

The only way for tanks to engage both doors is for all battlement archers to be cleared. It is not good enought for you to slag me off when I refuse to hit doors because of archers, then I go up there and die to ones at the back, then you say "oh but we cannot kill the ones at the back instantly". Of course I realise you cannot insta kill them - but my point all along was I tried many times to hit the gates with NO assistance. Now if you happened to come along when I was fighting hibbies and then cleared the archers, then perhaps you should LISTEN to others first instead of getting abusive. All you had to say was "gates sould be OK we cleared battlements" instead of "FFS noob we cleared them" and all would be ok. But the fact that I died to archers anyway shows you didn't clear them.

Finally, I tried to reason with you and offer some reasons why we have come to blows (eg fighting at keep at different times). However you threw it in my face and logged without telling me your main name. Your behaviour was exceedingly shallow and cowardly, quite fitting with someone who thinks they can call an unguilded person a "noob" for merely asking for help. It stinks of arrogance.

You may have cleared the battlements, that I do not dispute. But don't call me a liar for nearly dying at the gates because of archers and asking for help.

You really ought to reconsider how you treat people in the game.


"I've played this game for 18 months now and have a lot of RvR experience"

Ive played this game since it came out...have played all 3 realms and nearly every character in the game...i know most chars strengths and weaknesses. My chars are built for RvR from the word go...I too have a hell of alot of RvR experience from open field to keep raids/defence...but i always consider myself still learning daily !

"When I try to bash the thidranki doors and ask for assistance with archers I'm not making it up. It's not fun when I nearly die 5 times by archers at doors and I get no response in CG."

people who spam a cg with the same thing over and over again...i tend to ignore...especailly if am doing what they've already asked !

"OK you and Smitten may have cleared some archers, but how can you be sure it was at the same time? All we can go on are our personal experiences. Yes you may have cleared some, but I know I got shot to fuck a lot. Perhaps you and Smitten should give people the benefit of the doubt rather than flaming"

Myself and Smitten when round the battlements and cleared every archer together...we did this 4 times ...so im 100% sure it was at the same time! As for you getting shot to fuck as you put it...twice you died to a middie hunter ...others were from the archers inside...and lets not forget that some guards in the Bgs...vuscarls(however its spelt) also have bow and will only defend a certain zone...and will not move from it...so in that situation they use their bows. As for us flaming as you put it...we didnt flame but merely told you to stop /y shoot the archers ffs...and stop spamming in the thid cg....as we told you numerous times that the archers were cleared ACCEPT for those inside.
Basically we cleared all archers on the battlements as quickly as they spawned and we could get round to them.

"The only way for tanks to engage both doors is for all battlement archers to be cleared. It is not good enought for you to slag me off when I refuse to hit doors because of archers"

1) Archers dont always have to be cleared for you to engage the doors...if enough shield tanks are around...then the shield tanks can use engage to keep the archers busy !

2) Myself nor anyone else from what i saw slagged you off for not hitting the doors....why would we??

"Now if you happened to come along when I was fighting hibbies and then cleared the archers, then perhaps you should LISTEN to others first instead of getting abusive"

I was in the BG most of the afternoon...so i didnt just "come along" as you put it...and in my opinion i didnt abuse anyone...only thing i did was tell someone ( you) to shut up whinging and spamming in the cg about the archers..when the archers were being dealt with...but you just kept repeating yourself time and time again...and dispite being told by others the archers were either dead or being dealt with you wouldnt have it. So tell me why i should listen to someone who behaves like a noob and constanstly spams a cg or /y with the same thing over and over...i think you'll find in most cases you would get the same reception as you got...noone likes a spammer or someone who doesnt listen!

"All you had to say was "gates sould be OK we cleared battlements" instead of "FFS noob we cleared them" and all would be ok. But the fact that I died to archers anyway shows you didn't clear them."

1) twice in the cg...i told you that the archers were either dead or being dealt with....and this was ignored by yourself, you just kept spamming!

2)The fact you died to archers was due to what ive already pointed out..about those inside and the middie hunter!

"Finally, I tried to reason with you and offer some reasons why we have come to blows (eg fighting at keep at different times). However you threw it in my face and logged without telling me your main name. Your behaviour was exceedingly shallow and cowardly, quite fitting with someone who thinks they can call an unguilded person a "noob" for merely asking for help. It stinks of arrogance"

We werent fighting at the keep at different times...i was there the whole time...infact i was there before you even came along...and i was dealing with the archers then ! Your trying to reason with me..was just your side of the story...which hasnt changed and you wouldnt listen to a word i was saying.

Threw what in your face? the fact that your verion of events was blinked?..i logged without telling you my mains name...why should i tell you my mains name? what has my main got to do with it? My behaviour was shallow and cowardly??...i dont think so,i told you several times the reason i reacted like i did...again you wouldnt listen..so in the end like i said to you in pm this arguement was pointless...and i logged...simple...nothing shallow or cowardly about that...i wasnt willing to continue an anrguement where the other party wasnt willing to listen or reason. I can usually tell if someone is geninuely new to the game and doesnt know how things works, and in that case i would offer any help i could and believe me ive sat down for hours with new ppl and answered any questions they may have.
But it was obvious you wasnt new to the game and knew how a keep raid worked..maybe you should have behaved better than you did, as you should of known better !

"You really ought to reconsider how you treat people in the game"

I treat ppl as they treat me...99% of the time am polite and helpful...i help many ppl help...or have done...but when someone wont listen to reason...or listen to what they are being told...and continue to spam the same thing over and over...then they get treated in the way i think they deserve !

and yes Molten is my main...and yes i would like to think am a nice guy (but that isnt for me to judge)...but at the end of the day..if you act like an idiot then you get treated as 1 !

I dont usually reply to these sort of threads on forums as in my opinion they are just pointless. People in my view who whinge about others on forums really should look at themselves first!

But when it starts to affect me in game and ppl start pming me saying someone is bad mouthing me on BW..then thats when i reply...and i only reply the once to put my view across...ppl can make what they like of it after that...and if ppl want to judge me then fine. (goes back to playing the game and will ignore anymore replies to this thread)


I've tried to listen and mediate with you, but you won't accept the fact that every time I went to the doors I got shot at from the sides.

I don't spam CGs as a rule and you're wrong to state that I did. When others are spamming the cg for tanks to bash the doors and I keep getting shot then I get pissed off.

I'll state this again: think about my angle. Don't you appreciate what happened to me?

I can put myself in your shoes and see that you probably did try to clear the archers and for that I'm grateful. However, it still does not justify berating me in the chat group. Every time I approached the doors I said in CG "clear archers please". I didn't even spam it - just a simple one liner. You're lying if you think I spammed the CG. On the fifth time when I get the response "we've cleared them noob" as an arrow hits me then that is out of order.

BTW, the only time I read anything in the chat group about you dealing with archers was the final time when you called me a noob. You seem to have a different version of events to me. Convenient memory is huh?

I tried to be civil about getting help and you and smitten were out of order. I can't believe people say you're a nice guy and do this to people.

FYI I only died once at the doors - the final time to justify what I was saying all along about the danger there. Every other time I ran down the hill. And you did slag me off - I said I was not going to hit the doors because of archers and you explicitly called me a noob sa you were "dealing with it".


Originally posted by old.windforce
can't be Molten

Apparently it is :(

Nice guy he may be, but he's got an attitude problem in the BGs.


I dont have "sides " or an attitude problem...there is only me...what you see is what you get...and that 99% of the time is a nice helpful considerate player..well i like to think so...probably be ppl out there who think not...and thats their view and entitled to it.

"I don't spam CGs as a rule and you're wrong to state that I did"
"You seem to have a different version of events to me. Convenient memory is huh?"

I call seeing nothing but ur name in this case "Furburger" i think it was...saying "kill the archers ffs "...6/7 times in a row spamming...and lets not forget the same statement done via /y. about another 4times. Perhaps thats why u was told to shut up by NUMEROUS ppl not just me or smitten

Only 1 person here with the convenient memory...and it aint me.

"Yes we all do things we regret, but the ability to reflect in an intelligent manner and appreciate different points of view is something we all should try to do."

Instead of flaming/badmouthing someone on a forum because they dont agree with you eh ??...practice what you preach !

Then nots let forget u coming back laters under another character (Zalman) just to have a pop at me...and tell me theres a post on BW about me...why? what was the point?....i know why because u wanted to be heard and wouldnt let the matter drop...because you thought you was right.

Whoever is right or wrong...i dont particular care about...what i care about is you bad mouthing me just because you died several times and in your version you didnt get the help you wanted.

Like i said earlier act like an idiot (in my view) get treated like an idiot, thats why u got the reception you did, i dont slag anyone off or have a pop at them for nothing !

carry on flaming/judging/badmouthing me if you want...i dont care...the ppl who know me...know what am like and ppl like you i can do without.

From my point of view end of story !


I tried to sort this out in game but you left. Hence the post.

If you don't want posts like this then stop behaving like you did in game and when people PM you to try and mediate please don't log. It's rude.

I didn't come back with my cabby just to have a pop at you lol. I wanted to play him. I was even in your party for a good 30 mins without saying ANYTHING about it. Only when you capped did I try and sort things out. But you fled.

LOL you think I would log in another char especially to have a pop at you! How important are you!?

Anyway, I gave you a chance to rectify your error in using shabby behaviour and have been knocked back. Smitten has acted honourably, whereas you have maintained an arrogant "I'm right" attitude with scant regard for opposing views.

This is closed now and you're on my ignore list now.
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