FAO Mikhali,Bee,Harall etc (those who i just dueled)



great fun :) never had better duels...i think it was about even me vs mikhali (hes a warrior i think? 50 to) once i figured out how to stay near him :p

as for bee and Lill...DAM YOUR DDS AND MESSES omg u would of been so easy without them :( think i beat Bee once and lill....bloody hell lets not go there she had 1/2 health when i was dead :( :eek:

was funny as hell killing 2 greens solo at the same time just geting Resists, parrys, misses all the time must of really pissed them off but thks anyway :)

my grp enjoyed it loads 1st time for alot of them ths guys :)

p.s who was the dam thane who kept nuking me in combat????
p.p.s i got screenys but can't upload them to anywhere :(

Ta Again


took u a while to cotton on didn't it Mik? :)

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