FAO lvl 50s...



where are u all??

we're geting our asses kicked in emain constantly now and i only ever see aikmore, huma, alpha and a few others...

stop geting to 50 and playing alts right away and come and help in emain :(


Hey m8 sorry to say this but i think a lot of our lvl50's have left.


it would be great if someone let's me join his group :D

(exp group that is)


What can i say; I only hope some of em are playing alts rather than searching for a new game =(
God but 1.49 would change things, come onnnnnnnnnn GOA.
Shit, did i just hijack someone's post to complain about GOA?


Well my lvl50 works great in RvR in a small grp and I enjoy him alot. However since groups arent always available and conditions in Emain often favour the stealth classes I'll continue to lvl my alt, thank you :cool:


most lvl 50's have left or are playing alts.

me im dying to find something new, but the downer is there arn't any :(

maybe i will come back to dark age for a while when its patched, i just hope i get my hands on something else by then.

normal games cost me to much, i get them 2 days later i finish or get bored of them (normally bored) and buy another one :(

MMO's rock, shame there arn't many atm.

opps im going right off topic here



Boring Treniel... when we got reports of 50 Mids at wall or APK does it really have any use if /who emain shows 10? And then some minutes later when they have disappeared 50 Hibs at wall... It's just evey time I go there, there is 1 no team (or room), 2 a bigger force waiting, 3 getting mezzed and rooted like hell and did 0 damage on others... Don't tell me you like that kind of playing (seems more of a complete waste of time in my eyes). Sure I will come if others come as well...


it is only fun in a big group with at least a minstrel :p but they want to solo most of the time :p

i have no chance without speed ;P


U know why I rarely show up and support the army in emain?

Cuz alb army fucking stinks!

Every time I try and stand with the army, peltering enemy archers and mages with arrows (which is very effective btw), the army starts running, even if we have superior numbers.
It seems alb army can only move forward if outnumbering the enemy 3-1.

Other than that, the n00bish CC-pulls from Crim are a joke and only luck keeps me alive when it happens.

As long as the army acts like a kindergarten I have no intention of supporting it.

(And no, dont start flaming me for not taking leadership, I tried it and 50% dont listen anyway).

Sharp Thing

Every time I try and stand with the army, peltering enemy archers and mages with arrows (which is very effective btw), the army starts running, even if we have superior numbers.

i get the same thing allot aswel, last time we had a good chance of nocking out the mids cause we had a rather large army, so i turn around facing the mids, start shooting, 30seconds later when the mids killed the 5albs that were fighting i turned around on corpsecam (duh i died) and saw the last remains of an alb army running their pants off :(


Albs arnt lemmings, Lemmings would run towards the enemy. Though albs do use Dun Crim like the proverbial Lemmings cliff.


Originally posted by Sharp Thing
so i turn around facing the mids, start shooting, 30seconds later when the mids killed the 5albs that were fighting i turned around on corpsecam (duh i died) and saw the last remains of an alb army running their pants off :(

That happens to me all the time :) I tried to kill ruki :rolleyes:


reason that its so crap is because no1 knows what they are doing...all grey/green at at 49 only 2-3 oranges vs a army full of orange / yellow = bad


Albion army stinks indeed. Last day I was with a healer and a pally. First we aggro a mob. After a few swift slashes of my polearm the monster falls facedown into the emain grasscarpet. I yell to the healer, HEAL ME, otherwise I get xpdead. NOOOO instead he rushes over the hill leaving his only high lvl tank unhealed and nearly unbuffed. Then we stumble upon 2 middies. Both around lvl50. One healer and a fighter. Should be no problem for a high lvl polearm user like myself. Just concentrate on the middie healer and take some hits from the fighter. So I rush to the healer, get paralyzed, get a hit, get out paralyze I start hacking the healer and guess what. Instead of my healer healing me he runs. ffs he runs from battle. He was not even in battle. He was hiding behind a tree all the time not giving me one heal. With a few heals and their healer dead it was just a matter of time before the middie should die but NOOOOO. And the pally?? guess he disolved in thin air or something.

And since I was not restored from the mobs damage I xp died also.

So this is just one little story but it shows how we suck. Nowadays I try to avoid the massive noobflood of albion and only work with respected guilds or guys I know are reliable in battle.

P.S. Did love the little keepraiding we did in midgard yesterday, with some of the finer lads from albion.


Was with the people in Emain last night at Midgard wall and was funny :) Was even more fun when suddenly a lot of Midgard decided to come and whack the living daylights out of us ;) Nice RvR.

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