FAO lvl 50 robed casters



Hi guys, I need a hand here. I'm currently trying to work out why Wildfire's stats appear to be...well... nerfed. After comparison with other casters that I've already spoken to, and after buying lots of +hits and +cons items from darkness falls, I am puzzled why he still has less cons, less hits, and lower resists than other characters of similar or even lower level (I know a lvl 45 sorc with better stats than me for god's sake).

If any of you could spare me 5-10 mins it would be greatly appreciated. If you can find the time, could you please send me a quick email (or post here) with your character's key stats (int, dex, cons, hits) and a list of the items you have equipped while achieving these stats. No buffs please. All those that could manage this (do it when you get bored at night or during the day maybe?) would be greatly appreciated.

post : here
email : wildfire@teamshs.com


i've told u before m8 and i'll tell ya again...its cus ya shite! :D few questions

1. Is your con capped? if so u probs didn't put any in at the begining.

2. If you want resists get resist items ie Avernal necklace 10% heat/energy and 19 con uber for what u need..knowing u you'll be going for the cheapo emeralds

3. Hits are practically directly related to Con...however there are a few items that are uber for casters that add a hell of alot of hits...buy bracers that are for a tank (like u wanted to other day) won't help u much there...

ask me in game


you also have to keep in mind that some RAs raise your stats....

i dont know every figure now (not at home atm) but i remember at least some and will add the rest when at home and in the right mood :)

int capped on 216 (its now 234 cause a.acuity III)
dex capped on 168 (now 174 with a.dex I)

but btw:
is having 5 points more or less in con or something that inportant to you? i dont see a hugh difference in rvr, when we have an enemy on us we die usually anyway fast. i dont care if i can take 5 or 6 blows...


true enough eraser, but sometimes those few extra points can save your life. Mostly against archers or other casters. if a archer can kill u in 3 hits (1 for BT) then it will be hard to /face QC bolt before killing blow lands, but if it takes 3-4 arrows then u stnd a far better chance of nukeing the little upstart to death.
same with other casters.

tren is right about the tank items though, 2 suggestions that i use would be Symbol of Loyalty (pikes,knights) and Bracer of Dauntless Courage (phantoms mostly) i cant remember stats on them but they have lots of +con and +hits.


I dont know how much HP you have :p

But recently I was 'correctly' buffed ;) And I was actually able to take a bolt of a level 50 :D

I was so happy... Ok, I had like 1 HP left (nothing in my bar), and it was just enough to walk out of range for the 2nd bolt...

Normally I dont give a whoot about 20 hp more or less, since that wont actually help you much...


Well here goes, I may as well lay my guts out on the table so you guys can see the predicament I'm in at the moment. All these figures are unbuffed. On items I've only listed relavent stats, and have just given the total resists rather than individually.

INT : 228
DEX : 173
CON : 81
HITS : 723

Bernor's Numinous Armour (epic) to a total of :

+24 hits
+14 power
+55 int
+69 dex
+22 con

+11 fire
+11 earth
+11 ice

(n.b. my total stats are +13 +11 +11 respectively, with items below)

Infernal Black Diamond Necklace
+36 hits

Infernal Diamond Dusted Cloak
+15 int

Runic Belt of Arcane Might (needs replacing)
+3 power
+6 int

Stone of Evil Emanations
+27 hits

Ring of Elemental Fury (badly needs replacing)
+1 power
+1 fire

Bernor's Tarnished Ring
+9 int
+2 fire

Infernal Black Diamond Bracer x2
+10 cons (x2)
+10 dex (x2)

Resists: 2% crush, 3% slash, 14% thrust, 22% heat, 22% cold, 8% matter, 14% body, 17% spirit, 26% energy


81 con is ouch. Get more con items!
The black diamong ring in DF gives 12 str/con, and 10% cold, could be useful for you here, there's a +67 hp belt in df, get that and the +19 con necklace and that's a nice big con/hp boost.

Also a quick /flex that I can get over 1000 hp more than wiffle fully buffed ;)


You are already hitting your fire cap? Replace that ring then.... (Ring of Elemental Fury)

I'm at work now, but I'll look how much I have of everything (I think WAY less though, since I dont care much about con :p often forget to restore my con too.... :rolleyes: )

I think I only have 575 Hp at 46...........


The ring is definitely going, as is the belt. I have yet to find suitable items to replace them though (Tren do you still have the belt for me?)

I'm curious how to work out how much +con items will give me in hits, how do you work this out?


Standard stats for a lvl 50 caster is around 220 int, 950 hits, 170 dex, +11 to ur best magic and 50 lvl focus.

Also slash resist is great against snipers, body for skald dd's, cold for runies, heat for mentalist, and energy is ok as well.

My best set up is ichor leggins and sleeves, epic boots and helm, DF robe and gloves. Then the Jewelery like u and danyan said.


The Infernal (Avernal?) Black Diamond ring with 10 con/dex 10% cold resists and Avernal Necklace with +19 con 10% heat/energy will give you more hits than you lose by changing them for sure, but apparently you'll only gain 4% resists on heat & cold, unless the previous necklace & ring have some of those resists on them.

Sanya posted in of the Friday Inaccuracy Bags that con (the stat one) affects how much damage you take... Can't really be arsed testing if that's true or not tho, not willing to get hit by gray mobs for a hour or more, with and without +con items :p

Oh btw, I'd suggest trying to use your epic robe, since torso is the piece where you get hit the most in melee.


I checked, I had a whoping 64 con (when I bought it all back)...

And a even higher 601 HP at 46... And you thought you had it bad ;)


There i go

Camping Gorge atm so i will reply fast:

I have 1000 hps unbuffed and i dont know my const unbuffed coz i am currently buffed but i will post here items and resists:

Silken Soultourn Robes
Infernal Black Diamond Necklace
Infernal pyre-walker's cloak
Epic helm, sleeves and leggings (i want Ichor Leggings if somebody wanna trade)
Silken Soultorn Gloves
Ichor-Coated Boots
Stone of Evil Emanations

(interrupt here when a bard comes and mezzes my party)
(hibs killed, going on)

Belt of Barbed Scales
2 x Infernal Black Diamond Ring
Bracer of Dauntles Courage (will replace for Bracer of Secret Orders quest)
Accursed Bone Bracer

Crush 2%
Slash 3% (sux, i need that Ichor Leggings)
Thrust 14%
Heat 27%
Cold 29%
Matter 7%
Body 17% (working on it)
Spirit 32%
Energy 21%

Hope it helps


32% spirit resist? That's a lot of resist for combatting one class (Mentalist is the only opponent Albs face with spirit attacks :p)


you can get +75 to every stat from items maximum... so if you've got more than that in bonuses from one it's going to waste.


My Con unbuffed is 130, my int 228, my Dex 163

Btw i know Spirit is useless (and nobody uses ment outside Alb, not even mentalist as their DOTs r Energy) but it just happens to be so high, i didnt do it on purpose



What so wrong about it.not everyone is an item whore that cries for specific items everytime it drops or beg at ppl for items. 1 class using spirit is still 1 class that u have a lot of resist on..


Re: 32%spirit?

.not everyone is an item whore that cries for specific items everytime it drops or beg at ppl for items

Mmmm i do =)

Anyway NO CLASS uses spirit damage outside Albion and i already know that (im not misinformated like Danyan) so whats wrong? =)


Well strictly that's not true Ignea... Healer weapon damage adds are on the spirit table (though I don't think damage adds factor in resists anyway) and SM mez is spirit...

Hmm also just found that SM PBAE is spirit, when they get it...


"Oh btw, I'd suggest trying to use your epic robe, since torso is the piece where you get hit the most in melee."

Epic robe is the sux, it is so much worse than silken soultorn robe the additional af//qua is no way worth it.

Can't remember stats now and break is over in 1 min but something like 10 dex/int and 40 hits on DF robe and something like some hits and cold resist (already capped) and power 10 on epic robe.

I'll post Raists resists up later, but i recall them being very good, tbh only item raist needs to be perfect is afanc cloak, oh and robes of magus, cloth cap etc but thats too rare :(


Yer they are good robes too, but also very rare, legion drop and named caileach drop :(

Stats on raist are 223 int 168 dex 112 con (950 hits)
21% energy, 28% spirit, 17%(23%) body, (lent my troll hide belt to hots :) ) 29% cold, 21% heat, 6%(12%) thrust, (again troll hide belt) 17% slash, and only 10% crush :(

Troll hide belt is
HP +27, Body: 6%, Thrust: 6%

Kinda hard to decide (if i got belt of barbed scales) whether i would swap.

Silken Soultorn Robe: +30hp +10int +10dex +8% Heat
Diabolic Robe: +60hp +21 int and heal proc
Not that much difference, 30 hits and 11 more int or 10 dex and 8% heat .... heat is useful vs mentalists.

However that Celestial Cailiondar Robe is sweet, quite similar to silken soultorn but thrust(much harder resist to cap) instead of heat and 2 more int dex for only a loss of 4 hits. You could make the heat up by wearing infernal pyre-walker's cloak(12% heat) or something. I wear infernal diamond dusted atm for the +15 int and 6% heat.

If i was reall picky i would need to get:

Robes of Magus: Con +19, Dex +19, Int +22
Can only dream of getting this, 19 con so much better than 40 hits.

Afanc Cloak: Con +12, Dex +7, Int +10, Power +4
So much better than all other caster cloaks.

and 2x http://www.servantsofthelake.org/images/fullpics/loot/DF/legion/bracerofdireomen.jpg for bracer of dire omen
21 con :D

btw stats on theurg epic: Robe of Shielding Power: +24hp +14 power +4% cold.

P.S. If anyone has a troll-hide belt for trade plz let me know :)


No infact if you cap your +cons they dont give you more hps, so make sure to cap your +con,hits,dex,int

I got 984 hps unbuffed

135 con
202 int (aug II)
196 dex (dex I)

Slash 23%,thrust 16% (spearos hurt),crush 12% (couldnt bother)
31% cold (dont bolt me), 31% heat (dont nuke me), 27% energy (pbaoe needs to be less), body 12% (who gives a crap? if your mezzed you purge or your dead, and skalds they are crap anyway ;) )

Well im useing a mix of epic drop/df/dm/barrows/epic armour.

got +11body + the RRs, got +6 matter i think, +5 mind or something...

Wildfire get as many hps as possible, then get int capped.. HPs is everything!


Lots wasted resists on people too, cap is level/2+1 from items :( Shows higher tho.


Don't forget the wonderful Avoidance of magic, 1 point in that is a must for anyone, great value for realm points :)

3% to all magical resistance, and takes u over the cap.

But yer hits first, then prolly slash for nasty arrows, then energy and cold for bolts n stuff.

Not sure which resist reduces lifebane dmg, but that needs to be high to.


Originally posted by belth
Lots wasted resists on people too, cap is level/2+1 from items :( Shows higher tho.
The display shows your actual resist, after caps applied, not what you would have if all items counted. Bear in mind you have both racial resists and AoM to take you over the 26% cap.

Aule Valar

Where do you get the high slash from? my slash resist is sorely lacking atm
and i'm guessing the lifebane is body or matter, anyone know for sure?


u guys are forgetting that AF also matters for casters
and 100%qua 51af does help alot with %based af buffs

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