Tosen said:If u're the one standing in the water, the troll, I did try to /dismiss and /charge .... making you aware that it would be a good idea to run away.
Lothoras said:yeah. and u hugged me and i hugged you and i thought ok, peace. then some other reaver comes and slams me, and you attack me too! thats what pissed me off.
oh and manisch the warlock was spreadhealing a sb in the group, tho it healed me too ofc ... i was planning to "duel" you and let the warlock add, cus the warlocks plan from the very beginning was to kill youGraldina ...
whatever would have happened the duel wouldnt have been fair cus either mids or albs would add.
hi there Denethors! are you perhaps related to Legolars, Gandlaf, Aragorrn, Froodo, Giimli, Boroomir, Saruuman and Sauuron?Denethors said:tihihihi i know something very intressting....
some1 got OWNED!!
sorry couldnt resist.. gogo jimmi
CuddleBunny! said:hi there Denethors! are you perhaps related to Legolars, Gandlaf, Aragorrn, Froodo, Giimli, Boroomir, Saruuman and Sauuron?
i'm like... sick of all these fucking stupid LOTR-wannabes =|
Denethors said:hi there FH spammer, yes in fact i toke this name from LOTR , i made this char 4 years ago when i started to play Daoc.. and CuddleBunny? is that u teddybear or so u having when u going to sleep?
Lothoras said:yeah. and u hugged me and i hugged you and i thought ok, peace. then some other reaver comes and slams me, and you attack me too! thats what pissed me off.
oh and manisch the warlock was spreadhealing a sb in the group, tho it healed me too ofc ... i was planning to "duel" you and let the warlock add, cus the warlocks plan from the very beginning was to kill youGraldina ...
whatever would have happened the duel wouldnt have been fair cus either mids or albs would add.
No, it's a nickname I got on my cleric when going to ML raids, cause alot of people get horny when they see a female briton cleric in red healing them.Denethors said:hi there FH spammer, yes in fact i toke this name from LOTR , i made this char 4 years ago when i started to play Daoc.. and CuddleBunny? is that u teddybear or so u having when u going to sleep?
CuddleBunny! said:No, it's a nickname I got on my cleric when going to ML raids, cause alot of people get horny when they see a female briton cleric in red healing them.
Yes.Jimmi said:That makes them horny?
Maybe they should get out moreuke: