FAO hibs in Molvik


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
U all r just a bunch of cowards .... Stop make shrooms everywhere and come out and play!!! Or w/o a bard u can t even go out ur keep?
Bah really disgusted :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2005
i can bring my ranger stararrow out to play if want No bb mind and well if your grp togeatour like girls hard to pick you of with my bow me beein bow ho and all.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Even though the Hibs were defending their keep as lions, the albs won eventually :D

had some great fights there :) even though that evil root + stun, is mean against a little scout :p



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
I must admit at first i really didnt think we'd be able to take the CK, quite impressed we pulled it off, well done all who were there


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
kiuss said:
U all r just a bunch of cowards .... Stop make shrooms everywhere and come out and play!!! Or w/o a bard u can t even go out ur keep?
Bah really disgusted :puke:

Someone got pwned


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
Solari said:
Someone got pwned

Do u think u r funny?? Today was the same ...i m solo in Molv soloing and fg hib rnning around killing me all the time some1else was duelling me 1v1 2v1
3v1 ... Do u know what bunch of coward means?? It means Hibs ... they never solo, they never run a battle w/o be more in lot more in number, they dont rvr w/o bards .... COWARDS !!! and u r the op really even ....
Nice nice r greats and come on start say this is a qq tread ...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
kiuss said:
Do u think u r funny??
yes what he said was quite funny :p
kiuss said:
i m solo in Molv soloing
you only have to say 1 time that you're soloing :p
kiuss said:
fg hib rnning around
it's never good enough for you eey?
first you whine about them staying at the keep.. now you whine for the running around? :twak:
kiuss said:
they never solo
Hmm.. then how do you explain me dying from only Catique in the area? does this mean she duo's when noone is around?
kiuss said:
they never run a battle w/o be more in lot more in number
yet again there were some albs (atleast 3) against 1 hib sometime.. can't really say that 1 hib out numbers 3 albs now can you?
kiuss said:
they dont rvr w/o bards
then my Vamp on excal never rvrs? since I never grouped with a bard.. NEVER!!
kiuss said:
come on start say this is a qq tread
oke this is a qq thread.. happy now :clap:


Loyal Freddie
Nov 29, 2004
It is abit lame of hibs roaming around IN´fgs when most are solo... i think its becoz they cant kill anything since they have to be atleast 3 times as much as the enemy... I guees they need to grow someballs too... when we (albs) i was solo, beated them first after been ganked for hours they logged lol... abit lame tbh...

I guees albs would do the same if they had chance to do so mid will to....
Just try NOT to steamroll when 2 enemys have a nice duel...
and stop camping apk.. we are wotrh 0 rps o xp 0 gold...
and plzzzzzzzzzzz stop the /luagh when u insta killl some1 with ur 1337 grps (mids,albs and hib)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
Rhori u can kiss "this" ... Happy ur english is better then mine, and happy u have fun on this, and happy again sending u to hell!!!

.I. -.- .I.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
Btw ..Catique normally duo with an black ns, and if she die some soloin u will find her in a nice group next run ....


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
then my Vamp on excal never rvrs? since I never grouped with a bard.. NEVER!!

I see again u choose a not OP class for ur solo right??? u can only kill 2or3 enemies at once ... maybe u don t need a bard !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
kiuss said:
and happy u have fun on this
well it's a game, what am I supposed to do?
if you don't like it and aren't happy of what's happening, quit the game :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
E_E said:
It is abit lame of hibs roaming around IN´fgs when most are solo... i think its becoz they cant kill anything since they have to be atleast 3 times as much as the enemy...

I actually like u Das so dont take this as against you and your comment , but it really makes no sense to say this. How exactly is it lame for people to run in a group in an rvr situation? , the whole point of having the option to grp is to grp, saftey in numbers and all. Also Hibs are perfectly capable of killing with thier classes solo, there isnt that many Hib classes that have an extreme disadvantage when it comes to 1 on 1 when u think of it, Bard and Druid obviously , possibly warden <Cant say id even know a warden if i saw one though hehe>. Its just probably because Hib has been used to be the outnumbered Realm for the last 4 years they have grown accustomed to running in grps and i really dont blame them tbh. However i do agree with you on the Ganking One on One fights, thats lame by all realms, but then i spose thats how u look apon it really, as said a thousand times b4, u pay for your subs you play how u want. Its just some of us , yes me included, do show some respect to certain fights not to add on. Classic example when albs were taking CK the other day and a dwarf hit me from behind on ,my treb, in 4 hits i got him to 10% and seeing he was done for he sat, so i let him live, i see no point in killing someone when they havent a chance <ie - ganking soloers with a FG>. But then the therg with me who i yelled at to let the dwarf live plz, proceeded to nuke him, it was obvious with him resting next to me he wasnt a threat. Id not have done it , but then i cant tell others how to play. Its just something we have to get used to :)

And no im not a Hibby sympathiser, i dont despise the realm though i do despise some of the classes. Its just u need to see things from both sides of the fence.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
kiuss said:
Btw ..Catique normally duo with an black ns, and if she die some soloin u will find her in a nice group next run ....

haha well i don't know when you've seen me in a group, only once that i remember when all doors were down in ck. and that ns is my mate but he very rarely comes online so i'm sorry to burst your bubble but i solo all the time unless the ns logs on ( which is once every blue moon ) and anyway you soloing? sometimes, but whenever i attack you there's normally another alb nearby waiting to add somehow. (your stuns bloody annoying tho)

Anyway. will probably see you in main RvR as i'm lvl 41 now and leirvik is too small/zergy for my liking.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
kiuss said:
Do u think u r funny?? Today was the same ...i m solo in Molv

mistake 1, this game isnt designed for soloers. Why do u think theres no RVR intsant dungeons or even a battle arena.

kiuss said:
fg hib rnning around killing me all the time some1else was duelling me 1v1 2v1
3v1 ...

back to point 1, this is not a dueling game, yes you enjoy the game dueling, so thats right for you, other people like defending there realm so killing the soloist is all a part of the game, you are not better than them so dont call them names when they enjoy their game, i could call you quite a few names but i wont today.

kiuss said:
Do u know what bunch of coward means?? It means Hibs ... they never solo, they never run a battle w/o be more in lot more in number, they dont rvr w/o bards .... COWARDS !!!

no its called strategy, you my friend are the one thats too incompetent to work with your realm, that night we actually took CK, but you were too interested in inflating your ego with 1 vs 1 as apposed to help the rest of your realm take the CK, i dont see the hibs as being cowards they used tactics and strategy it was you being the noob, the battle grounds are about learning RVR, not to solo, its a smaller easier version of NF.

somehow you've blinded yourself into thinking that this game is about solo duels, but you are wrong, this game has very little to do with solo duels.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2005
kiuss said:
then my Vamp on excal never rvrs? since I never grouped with a bard.. NEVER!!

I see again u choose a not OP class for ur solo right??? u can only kill 2or3 enemies at once ... maybe u don t need a bard !!!

ok, how bout a pve bard (i.e no dmg doing, impossible for you to loose any hp at all) Will that satisfied you? Or ...how about a buff bot? Maybe the puppy (silly thing, cant summon it in bg)... Everyone without wpns except you? Im sure we can figure something out....


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
kiuss said:
then my Vamp on excal never rvrs? since I never grouped with a bard.. NEVER!!

I see again u choose a not OP class for ur solo right??? u can only kill 2or3 enemies at once ... maybe u don t need a bard !!!
I would have something against this, but I cba anymore since you can only see your side of the scene


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
kiuss said:
Do u think u r funny?? Today was the same ...i m solo in Molv soloing and fg hib rnning around killing me all the time some1else was duelling me 1v1 2v1
3v1 ... Do u know what bunch of coward means?? It means Hibs ... they never solo, they never run a battle w/o be more in lot more in number, they dont rvr w/o bards .... COWARDS !!! and u r the op really even ....
Nice nice r greats and come on start say this is a qq tread ...

When i was solo in Molv with my BM i never, ever saw a single alb solo. I got steamrolled by groups a few times, ganked by stealth groups and duo's a bit, I don't see the problem with that and neither should you.

You go to a rvr zone, your fair game for any and all enemys. There is no such thing as a duel in rvr, if you want to duel, do it in your realm against a realm mate to ensure no-one can add. Thats what the /duel command is for.

If you can't accept that BG combat is realm versus realm then stay in your own realms pve zones and duel till your hearts content.

All 3 realms run groups in BG's from time to time and steamroll soloers, not just hibs.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
I try to solo as much as possible with my scout.. but after I die, I get an invite (most of the time) and no I won't decline those :p.. more rps xD..

but basicly I like soloing only a little; reason: this is a MMORPG it's meant to play together not solo :twak:, ofcourse you can go solo but don't whine if you're killed by a group then :twak:

if you don't like that.. then go play a single player game!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Siesta said:
Anyway. will probably see you in main RvR as i'm lvl 41 now and leirvik is too small/zergy for my liking.
darn sad to hear you leave ;p cause I still want my revenge on you killing me that often.. would've respecced my scout to melee just to try to beat you :p... now I have to level him first :p.. but next to that gratz :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2005
Rhori said:
darn sad to hear you leave ;p cause I still want my revenge on you killing me that often.. would've respecced my scout to melee just to try to beat you ... now I have to level him first :p.. but next to that gratz :)

sorry about that Yill. You are a great ranged scout though, saw you pick of several mids in a fg was quite funny was coming to join you but you attacked me so i had to kill ya! :D

Be nice to see you in main btw, we can have a rematch ;)

And thanks for the grats!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
Siesta said:
sorry about that Yill. You are a great ranged scout though, saw you pick of several mids in a fg was quite funny was coming to join you but you attacked me so i had to kill ya! :D
hehe silly middies :p weren't paying attention for the scouts in the area :D.. and I probably attacked you, because I thought you were going to attack me :p, had you interupted in an alb keep take to for a while <grins> untill you spotted me <grins>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
Rhori said:
hehe silly middies :p weren't paying attention for the scouts in the area :D.. and I probably attacked you, because I thought you were going to attack me :p, had you interupted in an alb keep take to for a while <grins> untill you spotted me <grins>

<doesnt grin>

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