Fao Goa



To whoever is reading this, GOA in general etc.

For the past 4 days I have sent 4 emails to you guys at GOA. I have recieved NO reply as a result of them, not even your automated response saying 'You will recieve a reply within 24 hours, if you don't reply within 48 hours your case will be considered 'Solved''.

Does this feature still exist? Am i just being ignored?
Are my mails reaching you?

Will I ever be able to play SI?

All I wanted was for one of your guys to post my details to my door as i no longer had the email address i signed up with, you did it before for me, unfortunately sent my wrong account details, now i have my email address back, and so i sent two emails to different addresses told to me in the #patchday room on IRC.

Still, no reply, no automated reply, no nothing, and the best of it is if the e-mails arent working i cant harass you on Right Now cos you have taken it down, you have taken it down the one time every1 in the community has one problem or another. Now i am facing the prospect that if i do ever eventually get my Subscription details i will have to spend the next 14 years of my life clicking the refresh button on your site so that i can register it.

After 4 days of emailing you i expected atleast ONE reply from your customer support team. Or even the automated response so that i know my mails are actually getting to you, so far I have nothing at all, no chance of being able to play a game I rushed out and purchased after thinking, oo it wont be too hard to get my details, and register, i should have it sorted before the weekend.

Please keep me up to date on the status of your customer support. As i would very much like to know how to get in touch with them.


Combine Harvester


Well we all know we beeing ignored..

It feels like u are going to stop playing..

and btw think of those ppl who just bough both games.. daoc and SI at the same time..
What will their first impression be when they arn't even able to play..

i honestlt think that GOA didnt plan this very well..

But thats just my point.


I agree, but id just like some feedback from GOA tbh.

It seems apparent to me that they don't work weekends tbh, otherwise if they do they blatenetly dont have a custoemr support unit.

I just think that its a pretty bad show on GOAs behalf, if the game doesnt work, or people cant get into it, or they have problems, lost passwords etc, GOA should be able to help them. Its what we pay them for, support and gameplay.

So far ive seen no support as regards to my lost password. Yes, i know, I lost the password, not GOA, but i lost it due to a re-format after i got a Virus which i couldn't remove. I didn't lose my details on purpose, and after 4 emails, i reallly do expect one reply.


Well m8, I had the same thing.

When I first bought the game, I entered my wrong email address, and the page at the end of the registration went unnoticed by me.

So when I wanted them to email me my pass, after finally reaching them on RightNow they told me they can only send my details to the effective(one on my registration form) email address, which was mistyped.

So after along time of trying to figure out a solution, we agreed that they should send me by snailmail.

I admit, in a very professional manner I got the letter after 2 days, and I live in israel!

I was happy to receive it and play, and had no problems whatsoever since then.

I guess rightnow wouldve been the way to go m8, but I see its down so thats utterly frustrating, hang in there.



Well the best thing ism, they sent me a letter via snail mail, and if im ver ymuch so mistaken this was BEFORE i registered my 2nd account, and guess what, the details where the same as the ones i got for my 2nd account, meaining they werent the right details!

So I emailed them back and was told to leave a message in Right Now, when it says at the side of the Rightnow Window "Any subscription problems email Subscription@goa.com" Which i found very heplpful, and the fact that i recieved the email 6 days after i send them theirs, and the email saying id recieve an email within 24 hours, and the email saying that my case was now classed as SOLVED because i didnt reply within 48 hours appreared in my in box on the same day, and since then i have had no contact what so ever.

All i want to do is play a game i have spent my money on. Its not to hard to send me an email with my Subscription details in, as when i didnt have my email addy thats the only thing they said they could do, until we arranged snail mail. And now ive got it back, apparently the only option available to me then, is either too much trouble for them or not available to me now.

Really annoyed here.

In the past i have stuckup for GOA, when they screwed up a patch and the server was down for a day every1 was beying for their blood, but i tried to calm people down, in my experiance that was the first slip-up they had had, and it wasnt enough to scream at them, in 3 months i had had no problems, one day out of DAoC actually did me a favour. But, this shoddy release of Shrouded Isles can not be stuckup for. It really is a poor do. I am not angry, just annoyed and dissapointed in GOA from not learning from previous mistakes, and this 80 person at a time is a joke.

Please, get it sorted, its not much fun sitting at the portal watching the lucky peopel that had their details and managed to register it go into the new lands, whilst I seem to be.. well.. stuck.


Combine Harvester


Just got SI and wanted to install it, then I remembered that I just formated my HD because of what I thought was a virus but really was a defected RAM-piece. I did'nt even think about that I only had that password on this very computer! I used my steph-fathers e-mail account way back almost a year ago, and 6 months ago he changed to outlook and forgot about his old e-mail. Now that I really need that password, he has completely forgot what his old e-mail was and therefor I am screwed. Now my only hope is that GOA answers my mails and helps me out. I'm an old player and I deserve to be treated with some service, like everyone else out there. We could all just jump over to EQ or something, but no we stayed loyal to DAoC, and this is how they repay us? I don't like that.

well..... I hope they fix this soon as I really get abit angry due to this. I managed to break half my space-button aswell due to my forgetfullness... Oh well, hope I will be able to play SI..


If any1 else has problems like this, please join the thread!


I changed email address and had lost my subscription password, so I emailed on Wednesday to 'subscriptions@goa.com' explaining my plight.

No reply so far

(good news for me is after 2 days of searching I finally found the scappy bit of paper I had written it down on as a backup)



There really does seem to be no planning in this, Considering it's prolly the largest event in their calendar as far as Daoc is concerned, I would've thought that there would've been some xtra help brought in - or perhaps xrta servers put up for logins, and perhaps a decent response time for emails, I sent the first on Thurs requesting a p/w which was rejected possibly due to your server being down, no replies to any after that, is there anyone working the weekend after a major upgrade/release??


mee too

Happened to me also. Two Formats and a new Pc down the line and people wonder why i have lost my details. "print it off" i hear you cry - ok if you did that a year ago would you still have it? Hell i loose my lecture notes from the same day. I have send 4 emails also. the earliest being on thursday night. I emailed them today with my cd key, adress i registered with, the email i registered, hell even my name, and the number i got when i joined up the billing number. Hell even if i spoke to an operater i woulda quoted his name.

This is quite frankly bollocks. They take down right now which has the simple "send me my email" thing. They were probably scared something might happen to cause some users an inability to connect to SI. Im not just thinking about SI i want my details so i can cancel my account when it rolls around.

Wait a second

I think they are doing this on purpose, its like their boss's slush fund. They dont send us our codes so we cant cancel and have to pay £60 a year. Interesting. I want an investigation into those Alligations.

Without SI my brain is becoming too functional, i might have to do some studying to calm myself down. Now there is a nasty thought.

and if you didn't guess /BUMP

[edit] i dont have to tell you what i did :p its a surprise


Mmm no offence to anyone, but its nice to know other people are suffering :p

least i know im not alone in my quest for a lost subscription password!

Come on GOA, pull yer fingers out!

(btw, im alot more calm now lol... nice break from my PC has calmed me down, but i still neeeeeeeeeeeed SI!, so come on, get yer Email Servers up and get replying! )

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