Fao Fleur


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Hello, i wana post here to talk something about Fleur De Mal guildleader.
the classic server was start and now at camlann is 220, 250 at prime time,
i wana comment to PLZ no inv more to Fleur de Mal, are u near to be like Odins, but with more tanks and not wl's

PD: i never seen FG of fleur de mal running, start to make /gc remove :)

With no love.... Zhelgahdix!;)


Zhelgahdix: healer rr7L8
Garrapita: Piercingmaster rr5L3


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 16, 2005
I'm not guildleader, not even officer, but i'm member of the guild <Fleurs du mal>.
You say fleurs du mal recruit too much, ok, but you say just after that we're never running FG, so where is the problem for you ?
The only problem is that if we're all in the same guild, never playing fg, groups running can't fight others because they're in the same guild but even two 5-6 group members can be easily killed by a good FULL Group.

We are running fg, but not all days because it has no interest if there is no other FG in front.

So sorry, but what is the interest of your post ?
Cry because a guild is recruiting too much ?
47 members in Fleurs du mal
96 members in The Dominion
58 in Fear
57 in Gesandte der Einherjar

And because we're 47 players, that you never seen in FG, you cry that we're too many ?
Please, explain because i really have some problems to understand.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Hisoiltir said:
I'm not guildleader, not even officer, but i'm member of the guild <Fleurs du mal>.
You say fleurs du mal recruit too much, ok, but you say just after that we're never running FG, so where is the problem for you ?
The only problem is that if we're all in the same guild, never playing fg, groups running can't fight others because they're in the same guild but even two 5-6 group members can be easily killed by a good FULL Group.

We are running fg, but not all days because it has no interest if there is no other FG in front.

So sorry, but what is the interest of your post ?
Cry because a guild is recruiting too much ?
47 members in Fleurs du mal
96 members in The Dominion
58 in Fear
57 in Gesandte der Einherjar

And because we're 47 players, that you never seen in FG, you cry that we're too many ?
Please, explain because i really have some problems to understand.



FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Hisoiltir said:
47 members in Fleurs du mal
96 members in The Dominion
58 in Fear
57 in Gesandte der Einherjar

And because we're 47 players, that you never seen in FG, you cry that we're too many ?
Please, explain because i really have some problems to understand.

58 Fear and 57 GDE....thats the guild size, it means that each Fear member has several alts in the guild.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2005
they don't run fg's against solo players? how shameless s.o. could be ? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hisoiltir said:
I'm not guildleader, not even officer, but i'm member of the guild <Fleurs du mal>.
You say fleurs du mal recruit too much, ok, but you say just after that we're never running FG, so where is the problem for you ?
The only problem is that if we're all in the same guild, never playing fg, groups running can't fight others because they're in the same guild but even two 5-6 group members can be easily killed by a good FULL Group.

We are running fg, but not all days because it has no interest if there is no other FG in front.

So sorry, but what is the interest of your post ?
Cry because a guild is recruiting too much ?
47 members in Fleurs du mal
96 members in The Dominion
58 in Fear
57 in Gesandte der Einherjar

And because we're 47 players, that you never seen in FG, you cry that we're too many ?
Please, explain because i really have some problems to understand.

have you ever heard the term "active player", or maybe "inactive"?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
How time have Fleur de mal guild?, 1 week?, 2 maybe?:eek7: and yea, only 2 guild are running with FG, but when u see all ppl from goth are in Fleur de mal when the guild have 2 week's..., i think that suxx, like Odins, Dinasty


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 16, 2005
Did you ever heard something about the difference between Members and Characters ?
I was speaking about members, it means that the numbers i said are only for the number of players in the guild.
We can see alts in the number of characters in the guild.
The Dominion : 95 members / 249 characters.
Fleurs du mal : 47 members / 86 characters.
Fear : 58 members / 139 characters.

You're speaking about Fleurs du mal, because our GM recruits a lot, ok.
But, the objective of this guild was to join together a part of the most actives french players.

So yes, as you can see and as it was the objective, it is rare to see goth or ToA without a Fleurs du mal PvPing, but where is the problem if he's not running a FG ?!

About active or inactive players, all the guilds have this problem, Fleurs du mal too.
Yes, we are more active players than few other guilds, but as it is said, Fleurs du mal is a new guild, and like all new guilds, players join or leave quickly so we need a correct number to survive versus this problem.

Another time, i'm not GM, not even Officer, and it's only MY opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 29, 2005

I'm not either guild leader or officer of fleurs du mal.
Why Horichas and some other players created the guild ? We were several to note that all the active ( in pvp ) french players were splitted in multiple guilds, nexus, boom, or valar doherys. (I don't talk about pve guilds like les bannis or the fourth realm).

The idea was to gather all these actives french players in only one pvp guild, like spanniards did for spanish people i guess. Yes we recruit much, but as Hisoiltir said, it's relative, compared to the other big guilds. And it's important to notice that we created the guild before the classic server rush. Population in prime time was ~450 ppl at this moment ;). And Dominions were 20% of the server. Then lots of people left, but 70% of fleurs stayed ^^.

About the fg question, many of us are from guilds like BooM, or Nexus, and we played a lot in 8v8 ( and loved that ). Atm we could easily build balanced fg every evening, but this would be simply useless since there isn't any other fg to face :(

How time have Fleur de mal guild?, 1 week?, 2 maybe? and yea, only 2 guild are running with FG, but when u see all ppl from goth are in Fleur de mal when the guild have 2 week's..., i think that suxx, like Odins, Dinasty

We have a really different playstyle : we dont use warlocks in pvp ( only keep defense/attack), we dont camp ToA pops or houses with warlocks/bainshee and spread bots, we dont have any active vampiir in pvp. And most of the people who joined fleurs are not fotm guildjumpers like Odins or dynasty players were. It's easy to see that fleurs is very different from odins or dynasty :)

See you on battlefields :cheers: ( and please excuse my very bad english )


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tamairsay said:
We were several to note that all the active ( in pvp ) french players were splitted in multiple guilds, nexus, boom, or valar doherys.

and just what the hell is wrong with that? if everyone did like you there would be 3 guilds on the server, the english-speaking, french-speaking, and german-speaking ones. why is it "wrong" to have french people in different guilds? you complain about it being "pointless" to make a fg, but its pretty obvious you could make almost 2 every night, why not split the guild up and actually have some point to it? ah yeah, i forgot, its important for all french people to be in same guild :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 29, 2005
I think i see what u mean. I gave simplified explanation, and many parameters decided us to create Fleurs. The objective wasn't to create a french ghetto guild. We do not flee the other players.

I wanna say that i played a lot in xteam,when i still was west coast after 90% of them stoped, and when i left boom.
With lots of guilds and players, from all countries ; I played with spanniards, nexus, in mortem, Alive, lots of guildless etc.

Every time that was great fun, and i loved to meet and discover other players, totally different from me, with different playstyle and culture than me. Join german teamspeaks was really interesting, etc :]. And same for ppl who were in nexus or valar, they got really no problem for playing with germans, english, or spanish or danish or whatever you want.

and just what the hell is wrong with that?

But all the guilds we were splitted in were slowly going inactive, because of classic ( boom were organising a rs, etc). We all wanted to keep the possibility of making fg in prime time. Instead of having to Xteam every evening with nexus players, like we were doing at this moment, we decided to build our own guild, gathering some people who love playing together :)

About split up the guild, i thinked some times about that, but first we are not that much active players ( not enough to build 2 groups ). And i think the division would be really hard to do ^^.
I prefer wait one month that some people return on Camlann ;). It give us some time to pve ; roll a new char and stuff it ( but we'd prefer pvp ^^ )


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2005
yea very smart, now u have 2fg of the same guild that cant pk against eachother at prime instead of 4-5 4man grps.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Well Fleur, i am happy of fleur going well, i mean in my post, than when much menbers of Fleur De Mal guild start to think leave cos atm its not much pvp to make... and i will stay there when i see ppl leave of fleur and i will remenber ur fail :twak:


Zhelgahdix: Healer (7L8)
Garrapita: Bluntmaster (5L5):worthy:
Cifra: Eldricht (4L0) Ns Mastarl!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Tamairsay said:
The idea was to gather all these actives french players in only one pvp guild, like spanniards did for spanish people i guess.

Good idea make one big french guild, but rly bad time ;), for me is free if u are FG or so, always I kill something from the grps.

SpaNNiarD aren´t only spain guild, im there and im from Czech republic, Screeam is from Skandinavia, Bladekiller belgium etc. etc.

Anyway see ya ig and Merry Christmass.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
GaRRapiTa said:
Hello, i wana post here to talk something about Fleur De Mal guildleader.
the classic server was start and now at camlann is 220, 250 at prime time,
i wana comment to PLZ no inv more to Fleur de Mal, are u near to be like Odins, but with more tanks and not wl's

PD: i never seen FG of fleur de mal running, start to make /gc remove :)

With no love.... Zhelgahdix!;)


Zhelgahdix: healer rr7L8
Garrapita: Piercingmaster rr5L3

No love eh? What a cruel mofo are you seriously?

I'd write a nice reply to you but you wouldn't understand half of it anyway since french and german people are (amongst other things) known to be ugly, smelly and generally stupid.

If you're english, case c.) applies. You're an idiot.

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