FAO Duellers



Just missed port at CS cos of the stupid amount of lag from people duelling there. FO TO COTSWOLDS.

That is all.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Just missed port at CS cos of the stupid amount of lag from people duelling there. FO TO COTSWOLDS.

That is all.

will all albs please check with wildfire if it is ok for you to duel, and that u r not gonna cause him any inconvience. :)

(and no, i wasn't duelling in cs tonight)


I fell off the bridge to Camelot due to the lag in Cotswold.

Please go to Prydwen Keep :)


I went to cotswold first but hardly no one there to fight, then minute I walk into sauvage to go rvr im swamped with challenges.

Would make sense to keep the duels around cotswolf or somewhere theres at least a healer.


Did falling off the bridge hold up your group for 10 minutes while you sorted yourself out? Not unless you were playing with your feet.


People have as much right to do what they want where they want. They pay the membership, just like u. IF u have a problem sorting your group, go do it elsewhere. DAoC doesnt revolve around u.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Did falling off the bridge hold up your group for 10 minutes while you sorted yourself out? Not unless you were playing with your feet.

I think you're owning the wrong person WF :p


Originally posted by badazz
People have as much right to do what they want where they want. They pay the membership, just like u. IF u have a problem sorting your group, go do it elsewhere. DAoC doesnt revolve around u.

he wasn´t having trouble sorting a group, he missed a port due to lag, of course people have a right to stand on a camelot rooftop screaming profanities for 3 hours, noone does it though, its called CONSIDERATION, you know, thinking about fellow beings and how your actions MAY affect them, I haven´t had the problem myself (YET) but I can clearly understand what being 10 minutes late can do if you have a group waiting at other end, heck it could have been a raid and 4 groups was waiting because 1 from each group didn´t make portal due to lag, besides, as mentioned, the healer is in cotswold, sitting around being ressick ain´t my idea of spending a good time.

wauv, longest post I've made in a while, and it´s almost as polite as fingoniels'


It seems it's not worth asking for any decency or consideration in this game any more - so in future, don't worry, I won't bother. The "I don't care I can do what I want" attitude is prevalent wherever you turn, and all I can think to say is that it's a great shame.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
It seems it's not worth asking for any decency or consideration in this game any more - so in future, don't worry, I won't bother. The "I don't care I can do what I want" attitude is prevalent wherever you turn, and all I can think to say is that it's a great shame.

Well, to be honest I think you're over-reacting.

Some guys like RvR, other like PvE and others like to duel before they have to port and stretch it a bit out.

Don't think you, nor someone else (including myself) are in a position to tell someone WHERE to duel.

And oh goodie, 10 minutes. It's a game!


Originally posted by Puppetmistress

Don't think you, nor someone else (including myself) are in a position to tell someone WHERE to duel.

Its the difference between "tell" and "ask". Most people will listen and show consideration if you ask politely, explain your reasoning, and if what you ask in the first place makes sense. Most people will react negatively if you start telling them what to do, particularly if its done in an insulting way. Simple really :)

Of course there are always some who will never show any consideration for others no matter how you go about things. But that's life eh? ;)


I agree duelling ppl should have some consideration, not that it botheres me too much but not everyone have uber pcs that can compensate for the bad engine a bit better than others, cotts is a bit close to cam for a realm wide known duelling area, what about humbarton is nice open area close enough to cam for all the bored crafters to visit and far enough away from cam to not affect any lag, hehe there is a healer there aint there? pretty sure aint been there for long time :)


Indeed, it'd be a fair point to come onto the boards and ask (nicely or otherwise) for people to Duel elsewhere.


What do you expect coming with an attitude like that. To say in one post 'get the fuck out of CS' and then to even attempt to hit some kind of high moral ground is too rediculous for words.


Yes. It wouldnt be a bad idea to duel somewhere else, the lag is hellish :)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
It seems it's not worth asking for any decency or consideration in this game any more - so in future, don't worry, I won't bother. The "I don't care I can do what I want" attitude is prevalent wherever you turn, and all I can think to say is that it's a great shame.
nope it seems you dont know how to make a suggestion, saying.
All duelers FO i missed my port kind of annoys people. sayin
'hey people just a suggestion instead of lagging sauvage why not go somewhere where there is a healer to duel, it makes it easier for everyone.'
there are ways to ask and ways to ask. the way your asking does not bring results it upsets ppl and therefore they do not move just out of spite. People who play the game are real ppl so dont go around screaming FFS I MISSED MY PORT ALL YOU DUELERS FO either:
A: live with it or
B: dont be such a prick when you ask people to move you might get results:)

Originally posted by Exiled
he has a point

yes he does but if someone asked me to fuck off , i dont think i would somehow.i would think who the hell are they to tell me what to do , if somone asked me nicely i would consider it and possibly do it. talking to people that way people just think fuck that twat ill do what i want .
And im pretty sure if i told wildfire 'fuck off your making me lag' he would do it because i told him to (sarcasm)


here here Vrieb! and others that have posted a long the same lines.

It does seem a little unfair to ask for consideration from others in such an inconsiderate way ;)

Yes its probably not the best place in the world to duel, but telling people to FO isn't going to help :p


To be honest i think this post is very stupid... In my personal opinion just buy a new computer or go play tetris could be a good answer

As for albioners as far as i know it's honestly better to duel in Cotswold since there's a HEALER there, altho it's understandable that ppl want to duel before port.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
It seems it's not worth asking for any decency or consideration in this game any more - so in future, don't worry, I won't bother. The "I don't care I can do what I want" attitude is prevalent wherever you turn, and all I can think to say is that it's a great shame.
Originally posted by old.Wildfire
It seems it's not worth asking for any decency or consideration in this game any more - so in future, don't worry, I won't bother. The "I don't care I can do what I want" attitude is prevalent wherever you turn, and all I can think to say is that it's a great shame.

whats amusing is that when theres a relic raid people whine at FC for not being there but camping HW to stop the mids/hibs coming back.

then when we (wf) askes a small request you say nooo we can do what we want.

just a little contradictory dont you think? ;)



Originally posted by Tilda

whats amusing is that when theres a relic raid people whine at FC for not being there but camping HW to stop the mids/hibs coming back.

then when we (wf) askes a small request you say nooo we can do what we want.

just a little contradictory dont you think? ;)


Think you'll find its the manner, not the substance, that got the reaction. Asking a small request (one which I happen to agree with if its causing people to miss ports), is very different to telling people to FO. It's obvious really ;)

Btw, people who whine at FC for allegedly not being at relic raids can certainly be told where to go - I'd say you guys do more than your fair share :)


Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Think you'll find its the manner, not the substance, that got the reaction. Asking a small request (one which I happen to agree with if its causing people to miss ports), is very different to telling people to FO. It's obvious really ;)

Couldnt agree more


1) I didnt say anything to the people on the pad at time
2) what i put first was tongue-in-cheek k?

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