FAO: Cabalists at tanglers



Can the cabalist players out there high enough to do so explain how they solo tanglers, I've got quite a long way to go myself but I'm just interested basically.


Im no Cabalist, but they are close cousins ;)

Send in pet, aggro all gobos, ae dot and.....well.....RUN!

(terribly undignified, but effective nonetheless)



Is a single ae dot enough to kill them ?
I get the idea of using dmg shield then ae dot as I do it myself on groups of mobs, but against yellows 1 ae dot is never enough.


Originally posted by nanorch
Im no Cabalist, but they are close cousins ;)

Send in pet, aggro all gobos, ae dot and.....well.....RUN!

(terribly undignified, but effective nonetheless)


kinda right but still wrong =)

You send in your pet, when there is a lot of goblins around it cast Lance Spirit twice (7 ticks x 126) and run = alot of dead goblins, and butload of xp =P


apparently you don't want the damage shield - that may cause goblins outside the aoe radius to aggro... (i.e. goblin hits pet, takes damage. goblin on other side of house adds, runs towards pet, pet dies before he gets close - you've got an angry goblin with no DoT chasing after you :))


Another question I have, which for some reason I haven't found out for myself (lazy ? :p).
If you cast dot(or ae dot) and then say wait for 1 tick to pass and then recast ae dot, does the new dot over ride the old so that it continues for 7ticks more or do you simply get a "The target has that spell effect blah blah".


Send amber pet to the tanglers *on passive mode*. Choose amber for the most HPs.

This gathers the tanglers in a clump, but only gains your pet 1 point of aggro.

If the pet dies the aggro gets halved and rounded down so the tanglers do not immeadiately attack you.

Cast AoEDoT once.

Then cast aoedot a second time.

Now RUN.

Mostly they will now die - you may need to turn and hit them again using a quickcast aoedot - espeicially if you are using the spec 36 AoEDoT. Using the higher version you shouldn't need to most of the time.

Consider spinning your camera around so you can ensure you don't run too far from the goblins when they get crippled - you don't want to run out of xp range.

Doing this with a fire wizard (who just aoes like crazy - obviously) will reduce downtime and increase the safety level.


Originally posted by Duryn
If you cast dot(or ae dot) and then say wait for 1 tick to pass and then recast ae dot, does the new dot over ride the old so that it continues for 7ticks more or do you simply get a "The target has that spell effect blah blah".

If you cast a dot over another dot from a different spell line (eg. matter base, matter spec, earth spec) then they stack (ie. both dots continue to tick).

If you cast a dot over another dot from the same spell line, *but where you were also the caster who laid down the 1st dot* then the 2nd dot replaces the first and the tick counter is set back to the start.

If you cast a dot over a dot from the same spell line *but where the 1st dot was cast by a diffferent player* then you get the 'target already has that effect' message and your spell does nothing.

Clear as mud?


Originally posted by old.Ramas

If you cast a dot over another dot from a different spell line (eg. matter base, matter spec, earth spec) then they stack (ie. both dots continue to tick).

If you cast a dot over another dot from the same spell line, *but where you were also the caster who laid down the 1st dot* then the 2nd dot replaces the first and the tick counter is set back to the start.

If you cast a dot over a dot from the same spell line *but where the 1st dot was cast by a diffferent player* then you get the 'target already has that effect' message and your spell does nothing.

Clear as mud?

Yes so far :) But if I cast a matter spec DoT and another cabbies casts a DoT from another spell line, say matter base DoT, should it stack? I tried this with my guildmate a while ago and we kept seeing the "already has the effect" -message.

We tried with most of the combinations (AoE+base, AoE+spec, AoE+AoE) and so on), so I guess two cabbies cannot stack DoTs.


A Prydwen Cabalist, Diseased has made a great site somewhere on how to do it, can't find the link though :p


4 players, Cabalist 'A', Cabalist 'B', Wizard 'C', and Sorceror 'D'.

As far as I know...

Cabalist 'A' base single target dot

should stack with....

Cabalist 'A' or 'B' spec aoe or single target dot

and (incidentally) with

Wizard 'C' spec earth single target DoT

But not with

Sorceror 'D's base matter dot.
Or with any base matter dots from either cabalist.


The wizard spec earth dot should also stack with the cabalist spec matter dot.

PS. stacking of any sort has only worked since the last patch, so if you tried it before then it couldn't have worked.


Cheers guys, I knew I could stack specline dot(ae or single) with my baseline, but was never sure on casting a dot a second time would reset the timer :).




tanglers what r those? lol

they my bank =)

they hold my cash until 1.54 patch....

and about stacking dots...

cabby AOE dots ( makes dmg, ticking starts ), and then other cabby AOE dots ( makes dmg, ticking starts, but 1st cabbys tick stops)

and same is with sorcs, single dots....but 2 dots can be plased by same cabby or different cabbys, and they both ticks, if they r different lines

Molten Lava


And I wanna thank all stupid cabbies for having me killed tons of times by pulling trains of mobs through "normal' tanglers-XP group....

If you kill them all and dont pull your train thorugh other groups its ok (though still annoying for other groups since you pull the whole beach/trees) if not other groups AOE-effects will target the gobs that didnt get hit by your DOT and they will aggro the group (from different directions which almost always means dead for the complete group)

Yes you have an insane DOT, yes you can use it, but be sure to use it right and not to annoy fellow albs trying to lvl the normal way, Lyon is a hell out there nowadays you only see gob trains running and some loose gobs walking back to their homes)


A good way to pull is also send in pet, let it get aggro.
Cast highest lvl aoe dot, then right away qc cast highest aoe dot.
It overrides the first aoe dot, so it will give you one more tick on the aoe dot. That will finish them off, unless they resist it :)
Also, an int buff from a cleric will help, will increase your damage lvl I believe.
Regards, Glottis

Madonion Slicer

Are there anyother groups of mobs that this can be done with or is it only the lvl46AOEDOT and Gobo combo that works


can do it on anything aggro that's close together, just pygmys have low hitpoints making it easy (till next patch) and tanglers get you massive group bonus...


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
A good way to pull is also send in pet, let it get aggro.
Cast highest lvl aoe dot, then right away qc cast highest aoe dot.
It overrides the first aoe dot, so it will give you one more tick on the aoe dot. That will finish them off, unless they resist it :)
Also, an int buff from a cleric will help, will increase your damage lvl I believe.
Regards, Glottis
You don't have to QC the 2nd dot. If you have cleric dex buffs, you can get 3 dot casts in before they reach you :D


One more post for me to add, Does anyone have any old cabby staffs I could have/buy I've got the last available from merchants but its blue and need a new one :(.
I tried the pet aedot thing on some merc tomb raiders for a laugh, lol well after the second dot had been cast I sprinted off got aggro'd by a bloody green con aged basilisk meanwhile the mercs were still on 50% hp and chased me half way across sals plains before finally reaching and owning me.
Ah well think I need some blue/yellow con low hp mobs :p.


pm nallia in game m8 - i have shite loadsa cabby stuff u r welcome to

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