FAO: Animists on Excal



How are you guys finding the class? I'm seeing much whine about how gimped they are by people on the US servers, but I love mine to hell and think it's a damn powerful class, rack rps up with ease. Are they just a bunch of whining yanks or do I just have low expectations due to playing a ranger for the last 18months ;) ? Was a pretty dire class before 1.60 but since 1.60 I can't complain in the slightest and in 1.62 I could swear they'll be on the verge of being overpowered.

I'm specced 50 Arboreal, 19 Creeping, 7 Verdant and running round in a capped everything (Well only +11 creeping to tighten variance on Creeping baseline spells, no +Arboreal or Verdant) SC suit.

What're your experiences as Animists in high end (non-BG) RvR?


Only played in bg0 so far but I killed 3 mids when dead and that's fun enough for me :)

Arb spec is pretty solid, would team pretty well with a void eld for body debuffs, wonder how much dmg that is at 50 :D

Shame the other specs are so screwy but they will get better (not completly fixed) by the next patch, think I'll go lvl mine now :)


Playing animist is fun but unfortunately getting groups seems harder than with my shade....


Haven't played mine recently. Being full verd poss has something to do with that! :(


I am loving playing my aborial animist as it has made a refreshing change from playing a bard which is totally reliant on groups.
My animist has difficulty getting grps as people do not know enough about them. But I dont let this bother me anymore.

Animists have the highest delve for DD and aoe (afaik) when lvl 50 aborial specced (although casting times are supposed to be slightly different by around .2) but this makes damage output excellent and very satisfying.

Platinum Pants lvl 50 Bard
Affinity Pants lvl 46 Animist


Why can things be so PANTS?!


Does only full aborial work, or will I get away with 50% Creeping 50% Verdant? The absorb buff bombers sound good and I wanna be a (de)buffshroom master.


I have some lower level spells from verdant and creeping and they seem to work okay. Can't really comment apart from that but remember that you can have 50 in one spec line and 20 in another spec line by the time you are lvl 50.


Only been playing mine for a few hours so far, has anyone got any tips on how to best solo an animist?

I'm going for full Aboreal and generally I find that I have to kill off by 2 or 3 pullers once I get down to low mana otherwise you get into a chain reaction of more pull... need more mushrooms....etc etc.

I suppose it's all down to keeping things in control.. my recent attempts at setting up camp near the water beetles were a bit short lived once I realised there were oranges spawning in the area :(

Anyways, enough of my rambling.... any good animist tips?

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