FAO Admins and GG DICE



First of all very, very good game tonight DICE on crossover2. It was tense throughout and finished 30-30, I still can't believe you snook our flag out with only a few minutes of the game left to play when we were leading 30-20 grrr :p

Anyway now onto the other point of my post, on the first map 2fort we (BA) were forced to play with 7 men for the entirety of this map not because someone's connection dropped or as a result of someon's pc crashing, but because I was kicked by the server for team-killing in prematch. Now before today's incident I had no idea that this would happen and to say it ruined the map is an understatement. I was constantly retrying my connection to the server and each time it said the exact same thing: "you have been banned from this server". Eventually I got into the server in prematch for crossover2.

Now I know that one of the DICE players had rcon and he did his best to allow me to enter the server by lifting all normal bans from the server, so I can see that he may think that I'm not telling the truth about not being able to get on the server but I really was retrying for the whole of 2fort :( It's my understanding that people who have been auto banned from the server for team-killing don't show up on the banned user list as a player banned by an admin would. See this post for more details: http://forums.gameplay.com/ubb/Forum112/HTML/000195.html

I don't really expect a rematch on 2fort for this and none of it was DICE's fault who were helpfull throughout the match but this new part of the patch really does have the potential to ruin matchs. In future all clans simply have to be warned about this so that they don't have to go through what we did and more matchs aren't ruined by this :(

I'm just sad such a fun game could of been taken away from by another awful piece of the new patch...

"Fortune favours the bold"


[This message has been edited by Damocles (edited 15 June 2000).]


There is NO way to unban people from this. Only restarting the map will let you back in.

When everyone knows it WILL happen, its going to cut down prematch spam = which is good. You have no idea how much i lag during prematch...

Also the admins should think about using Cease fire - then there is no way of being banned.


Ceasefire is active and should be left on. However in a match I was playing on [ESP]Kayoh got banned and we lost almost certainly because of this.
Again it wasn't their fault, [ESP] aren't complaining but it still annoys us.
Following the game we found out there is a way to get rid of this feature and as from today it has be done so you can't be banned because of this.
If players do get banned for any reason come straight to #bwtfcl.

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