Failed relic raid


Ckiller ofDust

One question why didnt u guys arranging raid ask other alliances to participate?? mayby out come would have been different...


a froggie went a courting and he did ride a-hum, a-hum


a froggie went a courting and he did ride a-hum, a-hum a-hum,
oooo froggie went a courting and he did see 10 albs, a-hum a-hum


Was organizied in 2 hours, thats why, got 1000000 things to do im same time...cant remember all stuffs...and answering 10000000 pM's and reading scout reports dont help much, and blame patch, it was ment to be wednesday, talked on today, but patch is coming tomorrow, we it was made on today...if pees dont PM like 1000000000000000+ inside 1 hour then might something to be done more, ignore list is only 20 peeps


nice try, it had me take a break watching FOTR - extended version :(


Well.... i was told in guild chat that FC were invited to join a "secret" relic raid in mid, and not to tell anyone, not even friends, lest our security be compromised...

So I trot off to sauvage to port, and on the way my brother asks me what the lvl 50's are up to. I reply "nothing that I can tell you about because you're a security threat :-P" to which he replies "the relic raid?" GG im thinking, if a lvl 24 paladin knows about the raid, who else does? I get to sauvage and find Kaez yelling the raid time and location to everyone present. I sigh and port to odins anyway. I then hear (once again from my other pair of eyes and ears) that Paladinbe is similarly spamming /yells about the raid back in sauvage.

So on the next port, when about 50 people from COMPLETELY random guilds turned up at odins APK, I have to say I saw our mass slaughter looming close on the horizon. With the nassss' and xdddddddddd's increasing in regularity I figured it was over before it had even started.

Khalen did a good job of driving people there, but our force was divided (4fg off with marrah taking keeps??) and while FC were busy being jumped by 1.5fg's of hibs then 2fg of mids by the BK, It was all suddenly over as people were slaughtered by the uberpop.

Shambolic not perhaps on the part of the organisers (gj guys, you know who you are, I know of a couple of names but wouldn't like to print them in case of missing someone out), but once again albs not having any, even basic comprehension that random players have no place on a relic raid.

Better luck next time I guess.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
So I trot off to sauvage to port, and on the way my brother asks me what the lvl 50's are up to. I reply "nothing that I can tell you about because you're a security threat :-P" to which he replies "the relic raid?" GG im thinking, if a lvl 24 paladin knows about the raid, who else does?

Problem with saying its secret everyone automatically assumes its a relic raid,


Well i cant help either if peeps r so fucking stupid that they do so, or spread word etc etc...

at 2 pm CET only 4 peeps knew its gonna be be relic raid today

at 5 pm cet still those 4 peeps knew it...and i said relax, there will be time when chat made etc etc....

at 6 pm cet i get chat invitation...and they as me what to do.....and peeps we invited to chat...and they ask me what to do .. i asked them about what, they said relic little pissed about it, and said relax, will give u info, or some other person ill, im busy, left chat

at 7 pm cet made some chat with 12 peeps in it.....and plan was told those peeps ONCE....

and Wild, when u heard those peeps yelling about it somewhere, and as i read about those name, no idea who those fuck faces r....

and about 9 cet we ported to odins....

and i was also asked by some peeps that can they tell it to their groups where they r in, about 8 pm cet, and my answer was " r u fucking nuts? because u can also go to irc , or phone to guys or what ever stupid things u can do and tell enemy exact time and place where something is gonna happen..

And i also got moaned about why not telling earlier etc etc, well inside 1 hour all over some stupid lvl 24 yelling about stupid shits, so dont think why nothing was told earlier, peeps dont know how to keep their big mouth shut, so next time it will be told to peeps less than 30 get rdy for it...make sure we can get up about 15 fgps togetger with all stuff less than 30 mins next time, and yes, i dont tell peeps shit before 30 mins, and be on time..

and thats gonna be done so long when twats cant keep they mouth blame your self for not actiing like u suppose 2...

and on big happenings, u dont need to know basicly nothing, only what u need to do is listen few simple lines and do as been told....

We had plan, and all went about by the plan until 2nd door was smashed down....

when it opened, then there was only 1 plan, open 3rd, but thats aint enough, learned that 1 this time, and solution is rdy to that time from 2nd to 3rd door....and counting now time, not place


Erm :) it wasnt Edalev yelling about the raid, he was just there when it happened and relayed the info to me...


First I want to say, thanks Fin for organising that raid. It was a damn good plan.

I think you just cant avoid it that the happening about a relic raid will be spreaded. Its just a fact, that if Savage is full of lvl 50 guys that some people begin to wonder about a relic raid. And we have crossrealm playing people in our realm. No doubt.

I just want to give some inputs how to avoid that people spread the news of a relic raid.
As I said, if a huge amount of players is located at savage, some people will recognize that a relic raid is going on. Inspite the fact, that some dumbfucks are yelling around that a relic raid is going on.

The key is now, that you dont make people to come to savage and standing around for a long time.

Make the people who should carry the ram parts to come in small groups to different times to savage. And only people you can trust, for example long time officers of allied guilds. Let them take the rams and let them leave savage again. Let then the next group come etc. So that only max. 30 players are in savage at once.

If all the rams are sorted out then all must zone as fast as possible. 50 people zone to odin at first. Then the next etc.
Collect all the people at odins side, dont collect them at savages side. Just make them going anon and staying inside the telekeep.

I dont want to tell you how to do a relic raid, cause you did great with a good plan how to take the relic. But feedback may make the next attempt more successfull.

good night, good fight.


Thank to Fin for the organization and you for inviting our little alliance (B&Q, TheGathering, Family Tiggrs, Knights who say Ni, Knights of the rose and Righteous Bastards) into the raid.
As requested, the informations were kept 100% secretly in the alliance. Only the GM´s, officers and a few high level trustees were aware of the raid in advance. This might explain the rather poor showup of just 2 fg´s from our alliance.
I might have a couple of suggestions for further raids which may be helpful. I`m not gonna post them here of course. Just feel free to contact me ingame or via email.

Again, thanks for inviting us and for the efforts Fin and Cplcarrot and Herbal.




dont blame the extra folks who turned up to HELP . as wf said raid failed because of the uber pop . do you think you would of succeeded if all those extra peeps didnt turn up ? i dont because u would of been less people hence still woulda been killed by uber pop ,

i got a message about 6.30 from a lvl 47 pally who asked if i was goin to relic raid "i wasnt aware there was one" i asked him who was organising it and got no reply so i thought it was just somebody pulling my leg and ignored , logged shortly after to watch star wars on tv :) .

i dont see anybody complaining about people not listening to orders . so for once instead of complaining about people that you didnt intend on help turning up . just accept the fact raid failed through nobodys fault .


Nice attempt..

I've had some thoughts about how to make it better..

1). Each group brings a ram, NOT using 1 hour to give out
ramparts in CS, but having it ready in advance so we can
move out ON TIME.

2). Instead of moving 100+ peeps together, we should move in
smaller units, 4-5 FGs and then have a RENDEZ VOUZ point
somewhere close to the relickeep. Less lag and LDs on the
way to the Keep.....

That's my 25 cents..


I was with HB smashing some (3) keeps at the time I heard first door was down.

At the same time I asked if we should not go act as a blocking force, which was turned down - we were asked to take more keeps (?!)

In my mind there can be no doubt whatsoever that a blocking force of at least 3-4FG is a necessity when trying that relic. With is taking so many keeps, mids are bound to send troops and they should at least be severely harrassed on their way to the relic.

May be there was a blocking force and it was overrun - I just never heard about it.

Anyway if there wasnt; next time there should be.


You guys need to support people who are willing to make raids such as dragon/relic. It takes alot of work and effort from their side. I never understood people who came on forums after a failed relic raid telling them what went wrong, what he could haev done better, (those people are idiots imo). Because i'm sure he knows this already, whoever was leading it. If someone is willing to do something big as a relic raid you guys should support him in ANYWAY, it will help your realm.

my 2 cents.


Originally posted by Tyka
You guys need to support people who are willing to make raids such as dragon/relic. It takes alot of work and effort from their side. I never understood people who came on forums after a failed relic raid telling them what went wrong, what he could haev done better, (those people are idiots imo). Because i'm sure he knows this already, whoever was leading it. If someone is willing to do something big as a relic raid you guys should support him in ANYWAY, it will help your realm.

my 2 cents.




MY post is in no way meant as a whine or a pointing finger.
It is meant as a sound advice, as I have only the utmost respect for ppl arranging these kind of things.

Just to clarify.


Didn't know about raid first (maybe should have read forum more clear) so had to get ready in 2 hours. I asked my guild who would come, most said they would come and luckily a lot logged in minutes after. We assembled in FS, got the ramparts and were waiting for over an hour in Odin (guys it's so easy, get your members, group, get a part from someone at vault, make rules who gives what part to which builder and then you're ready).

Tanx for Finthevasta and Herbal for leading. Maybe you think why I went to the door in one try and not start pulling, because every time we pulled we weren't moving and were slow in killing the ubers. Which resulted in not getting to the door and making it an even bigger failed one. So I just went to the door and build the ram. And know what we managed if I can remember... We rocked those doors in a very short time with those amounts of rams :)

So 2 doors down by Albs in this patch :)


Grats for trying.

Generally the most successful raids have been those where representatives of a number of guilds are invited, at least a week in advance to bring at least 2 groups and 2 rams each. But not to tell anyone else. Personally I'd avoid relying on telling alliances rather than specific guilds within alliances because they are too open to allow the use of alliance chat, and too big for any individual to plan the contribution of an entire alliance. (sweeping generalisation I know, but there you go)

No need to rag on those who join at random, but similarly, no one should really be yelling actively asking for more random joiners, since that would., as others have said, guarantee hibgard knowledge of the raid.

I'd also suggest making the meeting point the atk in the relevant realm, so that

a) people milling around sauvage can't all see a relic raid is going on.

b) we get around the only-50-people-can-port-at-once rule.

oh, and ask everyone to go /anon before they arrive, if only to shut up those who will insist on shouting "everyone go anon!" continuously while we wait to start.



Just want to say thanks to Fin and Boggie (if i missed anyone, sorry ;p ) for making and collecting all the bits for the 30? rams.

Keep it up lets make them repair doors for a change :)

Well done guys




SOoooooOooo you failed again..

Maybe u should try gather all ppl next time.

My alliance was asking themself: What? Raid going on?


Yeah.... Let's zerg, cause that's fun :sleeping:


/salute Fin and Herbal (and the rest of the guys helping out)

I've organized a Relic Raid before (on hibbies which failed) and so I know how difficult it is to get all heads into the same direction.

And getting 32 Rams sorted usually takes me about 3 nights.

As for secressy: I think middies did not know about the raid until Albs were on/through the first door, as in our /AS we were still getting messages like : "Middies going to merchants in DF" and " 1fg middies in FS".
I only heard about the raid at about 8:15 CET. (Raid started at 9:30 CET).

I went with Marrah's group which downed Nottmoor's doors and took Fensalir and some other keep(forgot which one it was).
And we arrived about 5mins too late at Mjollnir Faste and were slaugthered by Ubers and Middies.

I'm sure we will have another go soon ;)
GM's can expect a PM from me in the near future.


Those caught yelling bout relic raids, their guilds shouldnt be told bout the next one imo as it is one hugggggge security threat ;-) I give you a guarantee that no LoD's said a word in open chat, all relaying of information was done through sends...some of our guild dint even know about it tbh ;-)

/anon is definately a plan and a half :D and standing round the back of the portal keep might b an idea tho i suppose spies (alb with mid/hib accounts) might notice the lag of 100 people when they port in... : /

All-in-All, well played fin and herbal for your efforts, I heard it was a galient attempt :cool:

Herbal Remedy

Appologise for the lateness of notice on the raid was supposed to be on sunday or around then but goa pathcing sooner than id thought rushed plans ahead :(

Id origionally come up with a plan which when i talked to fin when he was helping me with a quest he helped refine in many ways:clap:

Spoke to fin at 11am the morning of the raid me having just pulled a sicky from work to be informed of patch the next day...

I know these things run smoother and better when planned ahead fully so everyone knows the plan but as i said befre it was a bit of a rush job.

Anyway between 12 and 6 me and fin crafted all the rams parts needed emptied 3 of my alts vaults and moved them to cornwall and then to sauvage 60 swings 30 cladding 30 beaks takes up a hell of a lot of space and takes a while to build..

Anyway found out alot of improvements to be taken into acount and we did surprisingly well with this rushed job

Id like to thank fin most of all for being calmheaded when i was not and for his numerous advice and improvements to my plan

I feel we did well at such short notice, i agree rams took far to long for people to collect this needs to be done in under 15 mins next time ( i hope anyway)

As for people bring there owns rams this has been done in the past and has never resulted in more than 12 rams turning up at the relic

rams are one of the most important features of a relic zerg with rams and ull do alot more , go alot further than with the usual alb raid of 4 rams per door, in this case mid responce was fast imagine how far wed have got with 3 rams per door?

Lots of people helped out they know who they are

id like to thank inparticular herfolge and all the infils in the advance squad for keeping odins clear and constant reports

khalen for leading us to the relic never fails that guy

and everyone who turned up, hope u atleast enjoyed scaring the living shit out of killgorde for once :p

To those people who ask why wasnt my alliance/guild/mate/mums cat informed as previously stated it was a rush job there wasnt time to involve everyone tell everyone etc etc me and fin invited those we knew those we thought of at a very stressfull time........

Anyway i have an inckling im begging to enjoy this thing so expect a proper planned relic raid sometime in the future which will brinng relics back to alb :)

thx for showing up guys and albion can work together when it comes down to the line

ill stop posting crap now honest :p


:clap: :clap: :clap: for albion and his people. One step in a better future of upcoming teamwork. Just keep going it.


Well then, are we gonna try again with everyone involved?

I for one, are willing to make my email address public, so that I can pass on plans etc

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