its no wonder people buy DVDs coz video recoders these days are just shit they're far to complicated to work properly.
friday night last week I was in a hurry but wanted to record some of the stuff on chanel 4 later that night. Instead of trying to figure the stupid videoplus or timer out I rewound a tape to the beginning and pressed record. Now back when I was young you could get a nice simple video recorder that had a simple timer that worked a bit like an alarm clock, and also if you pressed record it would just do exactly that. But for some fucked up stupid reason the people who design video recorders are out to make you mad. So I pressed record and left it, went out, got pissed and came back to watch it next day, but it wasn't there. You see what happened was that at the end of the first of two programs on before what I wanted to watch it stopped, why? I don't know, I can only guess that it tried to be clever and switch itself off thinking I didn't want to waste the whole tape.
So we get all these useless features in exchange for a shorter lifespan, my first video recorder lasted about 4 to 5 years, my last one only about a year, if that.
Long live the DVD!!!!
friday night last week I was in a hurry but wanted to record some of the stuff on chanel 4 later that night. Instead of trying to figure the stupid videoplus or timer out I rewound a tape to the beginning and pressed record. Now back when I was young you could get a nice simple video recorder that had a simple timer that worked a bit like an alarm clock, and also if you pressed record it would just do exactly that. But for some fucked up stupid reason the people who design video recorders are out to make you mad. So I pressed record and left it, went out, got pissed and came back to watch it next day, but it wasn't there. You see what happened was that at the end of the first of two programs on before what I wanted to watch it stopped, why? I don't know, I can only guess that it tried to be clever and switch itself off thinking I didn't want to waste the whole tape.
So we get all these useless features in exchange for a shorter lifespan, my first video recorder lasted about 4 to 5 years, my last one only about a year, if that.
Long live the DVD!!!!