F.A.O People with BW pursestrings


old.Dr Octogon

Where is our server?- Not exactly rocket science getting a server setup and keeping to your promises, or so you would have thought. Apparently they have lost our e-mail. Where exactly?-under your pillow, have you checked behind the fridge-i hear e-mails are being left behind the fridge all the time now.

Still no sign of the vouchers either.

My reason for posting on forums?, seem to be getting ignored in irc.



Have you mailed support@barrysworld.com which is (as the name suggests) our point of contact for support? IRC is an informal thing and many of us are away working on something rather than just idling waiting for a question to pop up.

old.Dr Octogon

Obviously, although when you are told that the "wheels are in motion" then you kind of assume action is being taken.


drchris is supposedly sorting out your server: drchris@barrysworld.com
Other prizes are waiting for clans to send me their contacts, I will not try to explain how many times I've asked [SLH] now... o_o

old.Dr Octogon

M8, i appreciate your time and effort in arrangng this in the first place. I don't understand however why there should be any further delay if you allready have my contact?


yeh ive got my barrysworld shit through the post now rah :D

old.Dr Octogon

Well, i haven't. It's now starting to take the piss abit. Who did you have to sleep with to get those priveledges MMD? :)


As Viruz says he is collecting the info of all prize winners for the league, when he has that he will pass it on to me so we can purchase the prizes and get them sent out (its necessary to have all the info so we can work out what needs to be bought exactly as some prizes aren't suitable for non-uk winners and we have to get appropriate alternatives).

The clan port i have asked DrChris to sort out a couple of times, i expect it will be done soon. The stuff MMD is talking about is probably for adminning.


mmd's stuff was for his being an admin i fink, not for prize

old.Dr Octogon

Ok m8, i understand. However, seeing as i'm UK-where exactly is the hang up? I have an HMV just down the road so will have no trouble at all cashing the vouchers in. :)


erm....just use one of ur other 4 servers? if u got 4 im sure u can wait a tad longer for the 5th? :)

old.Dr Octogon

Now i'm sure you can appreciate that isn't the point Gokou :)

I will retract any ill-feelings towards Barrysworld when:

a) My vouchers arrive on my doorstep
b) Our server is given to us

Until then, i will continue to post publically. If no progress has been made in the next few days, then i will make it "more public" :)



Thing is Gokou, it was probably going to be used as a bookable server for other clans to use - in much the same way as the ~A~ server is bookable, and our WP server probably will be soon. You're right, we don't need loads of servers for ourselves - which is why we either run them as publics (which we can admin ourselves) or loan them out.

Obviously it must be difficult to sort our server out though. I mean BW are only a games service provider who specialise in running servers - I can see that setting up one more port must be a tough job, which is why the 4 weeks or so it's taken so far doesn't surprise me. It must also be tough to contact the clan when most/all of the league admins know (and spend time in) our IRC room (which hasn't been empty once in the last year); have Docca's email address and ICQ number; and know where our website is. Oh, and the relevant BW employee(s) has/have been emailled about it and assured us things were happening, yet nothing actually has.

It's just getting a little farcical is all. The BWTFCL used it's rather reasonable prizes to attract a lot of clans to the league; I wonder how many would have joined had they realised they'd not see those prizes any time soon. And I'll bet BW will be quicker to revoke the server at the end of the current season than they have been setting it up...



and Gokou ...

DW have 2 servers ...

~A~ and Wp, ~A~s never used anymore, and Wp also b0rks up so DW end up using a BWTFCL server. :)

so ner.


It's just getting a little farcical is all. The BWTFCL used it's rather reasonable prizes to attract a lot of clans to the league; I wonder how many would have joined had they realised they'd not see those prizes any time soon.

While I continue to apologise for how long this is taken [for hundreds of reasons] but it has to be pointed out we started this season with 2.5 clans as many as last time, we have a highish quality prem of 32, and yet the only prize this season there is a single prize which goes to the winner of the premiership [ironically the clan server, i'll talk to bw about wot happens at the end of this season cos is been waiting for so long]...


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