Extremely interesting.



Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer
> in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is
> taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
> toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we
> do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe


this was posted before and someone pointed out thats bullshit, lemme find the post :p


Originally posted by sad_mung
It was a sepical day for frmaer Ferd. He was jinoing the freamr crops. Lkie the Amry Crops but dfifreent.
Wihslt tndenig his corps he tohuhgt aobut fhsinig. How he levod to cctah a lrgae crap and sohw it to his wfie. Sedundly arwae of an ugre for a carp fremar ferd rutenred to his hmoe.

So as you can see it doesn't always work. If the context sounds correct and the word actually makes sense when mispelt it trips you up.


Heh, that one was indeed harder to read fast :D


That one doesn't have the right letters for the words.


Tho the first one keeps stuff as "tt" and "ing" and "ch" together, mostly


That's really not as amazing as the modern day CS geek or the average player can understand:


Ok, that seems like gibberish to a common man of the street but you all understood it.


Another good example.

Critblade in DF needs atleast 40 CS and 30 wepskill.

A bit more normal allready but still would leave Joe Jackson with his thumb in his japhole.

I find this more amazing then that silly oofxrd perofseor giebbrish. :D


Originally posted by tris-
Originally posted by sad_mung
It was a sepical day for frmaer Ferd. He was jinoing the freamr crops. Lkie the Amry Crops but dfifreent.
Wihslt tndenig his corps he tohuhgt aobut fhsinig. How he levod to cctah a lrgae crap and sohw it to his wfie. Sedundly arwae of an ugre for a carp fremar ferd rutenred to his hmoe.

So as you can see it doesn't always work. If the context sounds correct and the word actually makes sense when mispelt it trips you up.

Bit harder yes.. but still readable


It's not that surprising, it's just occupational dialect and terminology. Doctors use all sorts of complicated terms to describe medical conditions on a day to day basis; they are familiar with those terms, as are the people they use them with/alongside. A large part of medical training involves the familiarisation of those terms.

Same goes for any occupation, really, if you think about it. Building site worker and their job-specific tools, mechanic working on a performance car, even the 'john boy' townie with his souped up Nova.


Originally posted by Roalith
It's not that surprising, it's just occupational dialect and terminology. Doctors use all sorts of complicated terms to describe medical conditions on a day to day basis; they are familiar with those terms, as are the people they use them with/alongside. A large part of medical training involves the familiarisation of those terms.

Same goes for any occupation, really, if you think about it. Building site worker and their job-specific tools, mechanic working on a performance car, even the 'john boy' townie with his souped up Nova.

Typical logbook entries from work.

Lost DGPS1 for 20 mins high PDOP and SDLAT
Deselect BCN 2 from RS915 1 & 2, ROV lanched with BCN 4
Walvis 17 entering 500m zone w/brine and dw coming to port.

ok last one id fairly self explanatory, Drilling terms I won't even start on.

Furthermore a joke to show the diversity of language we speak in the UK. This may be mildly amusing to the few forum readers from the NE of Scotland.

Man walks into a shoe shop in Fyvie, he is having a good look round and sees a pair he likes. he picks them up and takes them to the seating area, takes off his own shoes and stares at the two pairs together, he does this for a while until the sales assisstant notices his troubles. The sales person approaches the man and says
'Sir may I be of assisstance'
to which the man replies
'Fit fit, fits fit fit ?'


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