Extreme lag



Hi everybody!
I have a problem while playing DAoC. I bought it today and when i came home, installed it and tried it I had a severe lag... maybe 4-10 fps and I cant move, it is so laggy.
I have a 1333mhz, 512 ram, GeForce1. I played beta with the same computer and it went very smooth. I have tried all graphics mode and all resolutions. The sky is also very ditherered, like small dots, maybe it should be like that. But what can I do about the lag?

I have updated driver, installed 8.1, updated via 4in1. How come i lag like hell, 4 fps, when i played beta smoooth !! with lots of fps...

Please help me, what can I do... any other options u can setup?

/Thanks in advance...


have u got any other programs running in the background?
these can cause lag
switch off virus programs etc
firewalls can cause problems too


you changed your vidoecard perhaps? had some similar problems
reinstalled os for it

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