Exploiting in SWG



What do you think about the FP exploit(if you really can call it one)?

For the ones that dont know what it is about let me explain: The first day(or second depending on you see it) people would be able to get faction points realy really quick(to fast wich they fixed in a patch) so now aot of peopel is running around with uber stormtrooper armor and some even got the faction pets so they lvled like crazy with them(they are really really good) and the ones that missed this "exploit" or the ones that is beginning to play abit later now isnt very happy about it.

Personally this is what destroys gaming experience and SWG just looks more and more like a Anarchy ONline wannabe.

Hopefully some mroe servers are comming up and we might get a second Euro I can play on :)


it wasn't really an exploit... just an un-intended feature

I imagine they'll wipe all faction bought perks soon enoug



Originally posted by SilverHood
it wasn't really an exploit... just an un-intended feature

I imagine they'll wipe all faction bought perks soon enoug

I dont think they will wipe it, since as you say it wasnt an exploit I dont think they will wipe them. Seriouslly they have to wipe them like today or tomorow or it will be to late.


not really that bothered one thing ive come to know about MMOs is theres always a small group of ppl that play them to souly hunt out expliots and use them.

does it really effect me? no


Im glad they've fixed the exploit as it was absolutely ridiculous that you could get AT-ST's/rebel bases etc in a day - and yes, you could if you worked all day at it.

The worst thing about it is, the devs were informed of this bug 2-3 weeks before launch, when it only affected rebels, then they "added" it to imperials a few days before beta ended.
There's no excuse for it going onto live servers, and IMO, all faction perks and points should be wiped.

It was fun at the end of the beta, being able to get pets etc to test em, but it really messes up the game & economy leaving it in.


It's one of the major reasons I won't be playing on Eclipse - I'll play on the newest server.



same here im not gonna play on a exploited server but mainly im going to be a crafter and I allways want to be the best and the first to make something is the first person to make the big bucks :)

Anyone know when they are goin gto add more servers btw?

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