Below is a copy paste of a raid announcement thread, the point of this thread is to indepth explain what everything means and clear out any uncertainties.
CG will open at 1600 GMT / 1700 CET
Raid will depart and CG will close at 1700 GMT / 1800 CET
If your not in cg before cg close your not in the raid. So be sure that you join cg first thing you do.
Level 45 minimum to attend, level 50 char to get loot.
You do not get modifier as a level 45 either. You cant bring a shammy/healer/pbt runie that's below 50 and think you can get loot just because the class was needed.
The King and Queen will only be attempted if there are 60+ people. "I would appreciate it if everyone would find and learn what their own modifiers are, as looking up the mods for a popular item is sheer hell."
Well that's Tesla and not me, I know your mod, it is what I have written in the modifier, nothing else, _unless_ and this is a biggie, you bring a alt I dont know of, this is easily avoided by saying so in good time and if you havent there's no reason to TT afterwards. Moving on.
- You must be level 50 in order to enter the lotto.
See Above
- Any alt you are rolling for must be level 50 _and_ being able to use it with current spec.
No, you cant claim for friends, you cant claim for your level 1-49 alt and you must be able to use all stats on a item to be able to claim it, hence no seers claiming +parry items.
- Failure to follow these two rules means you have 24 hours to return any items you received to the raid organiser (in this case... me)
Failure to obey rules and keeping items that were wrongfully claim will get not only you, but also your whole guild banned from the raids. This because individual bannings seem quite pointless if you already have the uber item you have been looking for. So the responsibilty for getting it back is placed on the guild. If the guild is to be let back in is based on how they handle it.
- Before the raid starts you will be asked whether you will roll for the class you are playing or for one of your level 50 alts. This choice cannot be changed after we enter TG.
2-3 guys per raid try to change midraid based upon what drops, just get over it. :x
- You may only receive *one* item per raid - this includes respec rocks.
At start before we leave hagall I ask who is rolling for respecstones, if I flag you for respec stones your 95% likely to get one if we dont screw up mayorly and die very early. But you cant get anything else. The only thing that dont count as drops in TG are dyes, they are counted as non-modifier effected drops, neither positive nor negative. Leftover respec rocks are relottoed at a later state.
- If you chose a class which had no drops during the raid, then tough, I'll add your nice +10 mod for the next raid.
If you are forced to leave before the lotto I _might_ add a +5 based on how long you have been there.
- Winning loot means all your modifiers are wiped back to null/zero/zilch/void.
So careful before you waste that +50 on a crappy item.
- YOU MAY NOT SELL ANY FFA RAID DROPS. IF YOU CAN'T USE THEM THEN DON'T LOTTO FOR THEM. These raids are not a way to generate cash. Make your own raids if you want to get stuff to sell.
The most important sentence to remember is "IF YOU CANT/WONT USE THEM THEN DONT LOTTO FOR THEM". It's simple still I see people try it all the time.
Modifiers are awarded as follows:
- Attending a raid until we all die horribly or clean out the glacier +10
- Attending a raid but leaving before we die horribly or clean out the glacier +5
- Winning stuff in the lotto reduces your modifier to <zero>. This includes respec rocks.
For those of you who have been attending my raid, yes the lottery does tend to change venue quite a bit. It will announced where it will be held as the raid ends. You can only roll for things you can actually use or for the class you are rolling for. I usually do it inside TG at entrance, if you ld just before lotto it's your responsibility to get your ass there. No amount of whine/threats/cake's will ever change that.
Im a grumpy son of a bitch, if I say that something should not be discussed at this point, it should not be discussed at that point, being a smartass, asking stuff I have already explained and just general bugging me all the time will most likely get you banned. This is during raid _and_ lotto.
Any loot not claimed will be auctioned off/relotto'd at a later date, please look at the thread entitled TG FFA Loot.//
I dont belive in selling loot so I will just relotto until everything is claimed. On a relotto you can claim leftover drops without modifier penalty. When the next one will be is yet to be announced
If anyone want anything else explained feel free to ask it now.
CG will open at 1600 GMT / 1700 CET
Raid will depart and CG will close at 1700 GMT / 1800 CET
If your not in cg before cg close your not in the raid. So be sure that you join cg first thing you do.
Level 45 minimum to attend, level 50 char to get loot.
You do not get modifier as a level 45 either. You cant bring a shammy/healer/pbt runie that's below 50 and think you can get loot just because the class was needed.
The King and Queen will only be attempted if there are 60+ people. "I would appreciate it if everyone would find and learn what their own modifiers are, as looking up the mods for a popular item is sheer hell."
Well that's Tesla and not me, I know your mod, it is what I have written in the modifier, nothing else, _unless_ and this is a biggie, you bring a alt I dont know of, this is easily avoided by saying so in good time and if you havent there's no reason to TT afterwards. Moving on.
- You must be level 50 in order to enter the lotto.
See Above
- Any alt you are rolling for must be level 50 _and_ being able to use it with current spec.
No, you cant claim for friends, you cant claim for your level 1-49 alt and you must be able to use all stats on a item to be able to claim it, hence no seers claiming +parry items.
- Failure to follow these two rules means you have 24 hours to return any items you received to the raid organiser (in this case... me)
Failure to obey rules and keeping items that were wrongfully claim will get not only you, but also your whole guild banned from the raids. This because individual bannings seem quite pointless if you already have the uber item you have been looking for. So the responsibilty for getting it back is placed on the guild. If the guild is to be let back in is based on how they handle it.
- Before the raid starts you will be asked whether you will roll for the class you are playing or for one of your level 50 alts. This choice cannot be changed after we enter TG.
2-3 guys per raid try to change midraid based upon what drops, just get over it. :x
- You may only receive *one* item per raid - this includes respec rocks.
At start before we leave hagall I ask who is rolling for respecstones, if I flag you for respec stones your 95% likely to get one if we dont screw up mayorly and die very early. But you cant get anything else. The only thing that dont count as drops in TG are dyes, they are counted as non-modifier effected drops, neither positive nor negative. Leftover respec rocks are relottoed at a later state.
- If you chose a class which had no drops during the raid, then tough, I'll add your nice +10 mod for the next raid.
If you are forced to leave before the lotto I _might_ add a +5 based on how long you have been there.
- Winning loot means all your modifiers are wiped back to null/zero/zilch/void.
So careful before you waste that +50 on a crappy item.
- YOU MAY NOT SELL ANY FFA RAID DROPS. IF YOU CAN'T USE THEM THEN DON'T LOTTO FOR THEM. These raids are not a way to generate cash. Make your own raids if you want to get stuff to sell.
The most important sentence to remember is "IF YOU CANT/WONT USE THEM THEN DONT LOTTO FOR THEM". It's simple still I see people try it all the time.
Modifiers are awarded as follows:
- Attending a raid until we all die horribly or clean out the glacier +10
- Attending a raid but leaving before we die horribly or clean out the glacier +5
- Winning stuff in the lotto reduces your modifier to <zero>. This includes respec rocks.
For those of you who have been attending my raid, yes the lottery does tend to change venue quite a bit. It will announced where it will be held as the raid ends. You can only roll for things you can actually use or for the class you are rolling for. I usually do it inside TG at entrance, if you ld just before lotto it's your responsibility to get your ass there. No amount of whine/threats/cake's will ever change that.
Im a grumpy son of a bitch, if I say that something should not be discussed at this point, it should not be discussed at that point, being a smartass, asking stuff I have already explained and just general bugging me all the time will most likely get you banned. This is during raid _and_ lotto.
Any loot not claimed will be auctioned off/relotto'd at a later date, please look at the thread entitled TG FFA Loot.//
I dont belive in selling loot so I will just relotto until everything is claimed. On a relotto you can claim leftover drops without modifier penalty. When the next one will be is yet to be announced
If anyone want anything else explained feel free to ask it now.