I'm worried to total up the cost of the must get items in the run up to Xmas, they include:
Mario Kart - Double Dash
Call of Duty
Sim City 4 - Rush Hour
C&C Generals - Zero Hour
Doom 3
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
Homeworld 2
Terminator 3
Matrix Reloaded
Indiana Jones Trilogy Box Set
X-Men 2
The Hulk
To name but a few...well I decided to total it up in the end and so far it comes to about £300.
Mario Kart - Double Dash
Call of Duty
Sim City 4 - Rush Hour
C&C Generals - Zero Hour
Doom 3
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII
Homeworld 2
Terminator 3
Matrix Reloaded
Indiana Jones Trilogy Box Set
X-Men 2
The Hulk
To name but a few...well I decided to total it up in the end and so far it comes to about £300.