Expansion idea


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 8, 2004
I think its a very nice idea :)
Would add a bit of diversity to the xp grind and hopefully bring back the regular xp groups. Perhaps you could type it up,add more info and quest options etc. to it and then send it in to mythic as a suggetion? Game companies are usually a bit restrictive in taking game suggestions from "outsiders" though, but you never know, it might show up as a "mythic inspired" in the future ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
vision_gareth said:
Reading material herein am taken from me and some friends point of view. If my english am not that good, then please take in mind that I'm not a native english speaker.

Before I'll be giving my ideas of a new expansion, let's first take a look on what we already got and what it added to the game:

-Shrouded Isles the environments+items was based on improving the endgame.
-Trials of Atlantis, the environments, ML's and Artifacts was based on improving the endgame, but was very time consuming and that was why some hated the expansion, although most nowsaday has found the artifacts+abilities to be a nice touch to the game, making it possible to really draw a line between "good" and "bad" players.
-Catacombs, this expansion doesn't lay as much weight on the environments as on making the exp go faster, which you clearly can see from the insane high instance bonus (you get more instance bonus, the more player that you got) you get from most of the instances, plus the quests are quite easy and gives insane much exp.
-Darkness Rising: Am the 4th and latest expansion we got. Added new abilites (subclassing), revamping of the capital cities, new instances, improved quests (DR, and what I mean here with "improved" is the fact that there has been put more effort in making them attractive).
Conclusion, the expansion added some long but more storyminded quests, while also giving the game mounts and revamping of the captial cities to make it look more realistic, including giving new items to improve the endgame. The quests give ok exp, if you do them at lower level, so overall added a very nice touch to the game.

Overall conclusion, most of the expansions lays weight on the endgame. Catacombs am made to make it faster to get to the endgame part, but the dead borring questing that most of the way just am kill tasks or/and instance tasks dungeons, degrades the expansion to a grinding/powerleveling expansion. Shrouded Isles was more a mix of improving the endgame and making the lower level exp'ing more attractive. Trials of Atlantis was made solely to improve the endgame with its level restrictment on getting ML's+ activating artifacts. Darkness Rising was made to improving both endgame and making questing (only DR quests though) more funny in the lower levels (from 30+).
We can say that it's nice that Mythic wants to do so much for the endgame, but the leveling part could need some improvements too when it comes to be funny like all other (PvE based though) MMORPG's.

Speaking it through with 2 of my real life friends that also plays this game, and has played it since beta+EU release of Dark Age of Camelot, we've come to the conclusion, that the game has grown a little borring, because all the way till level 50 and then getting your items+abilities (Championlevels +/- Masterlevels) you haven't got much fun in between it. I'm not saying that ALL hates doing the ML's, but I would dare say that the majority that are here now, does just want to get rid of the ML steps so they can get to the RvR part. My suggestion on a new expansion am also not based on the majority, but on making it funnier for new players and also for some of us older players, that has grown borred of the borring PvE.

Now you've read it all through, let's get to what this topic is about. As promised my idea will come now. Idea:

I did get this idea recently after trying the new Darkness Rising getting to a quest step I REALLY found interesting. The step I found interesting was Chapter1:5, step3 was where you were defending a keep for Captain Fearghus and where you tell the guards how and where to defend/offend.
My idea is to make an expansion made of a mix of the endgame RvR and PvE, as most wants to RvR or at least enjoy the warfare part, while some enjoys the PvE (no enemy players should have access to this zone though, as the MAIN intention is to level). If there could be made an expansion where you could zone into an instance with your group, where there's a keep to defend and a keep/tower to be taken, then you should be able to run to the keep and take a task, where you can either chose to defend the keep you're in or take the other keep/tower there is in this zone. At the place you start your quest there's some yellow con guards (to your highest level player in group), i.e if you're on keep defend then there'll come a lesser zerg of mobs(more you are more there'll come), where they do also con higher and higher more you are and on how high your highest level is (like in Catacombs instances). There should be a level restrictment on the different instances though, so there's like 1-10, 11-20 and so on. When you're done on your defending quest, then you get task/quest exp and can chose to retake the exp, or take another quest/task from the guard/taskmaster if he isn't dead (if the taskmaster died durring combat, then you need to zone in and out to reset). If you decide to take a keep/tower, and actually take it, then you'll need to go back to the guard/taskmaster to get your exp from task/quest. There could be added more features to my idea like also making assassination of enemy guards in this instance and etc. If you die in the instance from enemy mobs/guards, then you'll lose exp like in normal instances, while you do also get exp from killing these kind of mobs/guards, while ally guards do leech exp the more they hit, like they normally do. You should only lose your task if you zone out. While this may not necessarily make a good way of leveling FAST, then it will probably make it more fun to level, which am a thing we should look on now when we do already got expansions to fill the other interests. Also this would probably make it more fun for new players, as there's a long way till they'll get to the real RvR (although they got Battlegrounds), but like in other MMORPG's it's best to have fun the most way, and as PvE am dead borring, let's improve it.

DAoC needs new players, and most of the new players has a hardtime integrating. As in most MMORPG's the crowd that plays the game, has a very high impact on this, and most nowsaday does only want to Powerlevel themselves or people from their already established guilds to level 50+power equipping themselves. I would dare say, that I don't think new players like to solo most of the way to level 50, especially when the PvE is as borring as it is now. If there came more action into the leveling part from 1-50, then perhabs this could draw some attention. Also it could be fun to see, if some of the older players, doesn't find this funny also happy

Feel free to reply, but please stay on topic


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 15, 2005
I like it, pve battlegrounds is a good idea and a nice variation on the theme.

One point though, catacombs also gave us some nice items to improve end game, just like toa.

I would like to add aswell that they definatley need to improve item drops from SI and mainland boss mobs, atm there is absolultley no point leveling or doing dungeons there anymore (apart from instances). And it's a shame because they were some of the most fun times I used to have in game. If they could revamp the epic dungeons and dungeon boss mobs to drop unique items with caps etc on them, then it might bring these places back to life.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Even better, add a random artifact drop from each sidi boss and have a 0.5%chance for normal mobs in there to drop a 'random' artifact.

It'd at least give an alternative to the now monotenous ToA grind as well as make them sidi and other such places a viable place to go again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 20, 2005
That idea sound very good would bring back the (dare i say it) Groups again i think.
on the PvE servers in the US they have some thing like thta i belive for there RvR.
but this would be handy to the new people to the game get to have a kinder idea what RvR like.
ok your playing Vs a NPC but the lay out would help them.
also would be nice to stop the grind to 50 in just task dungons.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Think they should add a co-op expansion tbh, with massively insane hard epic mobs that drop ubah items....Theme would be easy just simple "These guys are a threat to all realms, so therefore in <insert Zone> the realms must put aside their differences, come to a truce to face the new threat"

Would de-hate RvR a little bit imo, and would bring about some large scale epic raids which seem to be lacking these days because of the ToA-Serv necro/ML9 pet class arty soloer situation we have atm....Im not a big PvE fan by any means, but large raids e.g. sidi/dragon, and mobs like Legion which are very rarely done and Ive always wanted to do are very much becoming things of the past because of their items not being upgraded with each expansion....

Course Mythic wouldnt do it, probably say it'd encourage x-realming, but lets face it if ya wanna x-realm your gonna x-realm, nothing to stop you at the moment.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
there are co-op servers on US
fun for a week or 2 but soloing everything with insanely overpowered hot on sm pets gets old very quickly


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 5, 2004
Drav said:
Think they should add a co-op expansion tbh, with massively insane hard epic mobs that drop ubah items....Theme would be easy just simple "These guys are a threat to all realms, so therefore in <insert Zone> the realms must put aside their differences, come to a truce to face the new threat"

Would de-hate RvR a little bit imo, and would bring about some large scale epic raids which seem to be lacking these days because of the ToA-Serv necro/ML9 pet class arty soloer situation we have atm....Im not a big PvE fan by any means, but large raids e.g. sidi/dragon, and mobs like Legion which are very rarely done and Ive always wanted to do are very much becoming things of the past because of their items not being upgraded with each expansion....

Course Mythic wouldnt do it, probably say it'd encourage x-realming, but lets face it if ya wanna x-realm your gonna x-realm, nothing to stop you at the moment.

indeed it would be nice just to have a patch with a new dungeon to explore etc like darkness falls. rather than endless expansions with loads of new PvE to do, i remember when DF first entered the scene and epic armour it was one of the most exciting times in DAoC, now its like.. oh another expansion

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