Hmm, I seem to be having a problem logging into daoc.
It loads up the blue castle screen, but then just b4 the next screen appears with the loading bar, it exits back into windows.
I've tried using different chars, both on pry and excal.
Anyone else experienced similar problems? If so, what did u do to solve it?
Another problem i am having recently is the game hangs whilst actually playing. The screen freezes and there is bugger all i can do except Ctrl + Esc back to windows then log back in again.
Maybe my pc is getting upset that it hasnt been upgraded in a while, but either way its getting annoying now.
Any suggestions are welcome.
It loads up the blue castle screen, but then just b4 the next screen appears with the loading bar, it exits back into windows.
I've tried using different chars, both on pry and excal.
Anyone else experienced similar problems? If so, what did u do to solve it?
Another problem i am having recently is the game hangs whilst actually playing. The screen freezes and there is bugger all i can do except Ctrl + Esc back to windows then log back in again.
Maybe my pc is getting upset that it hasnt been upgraded in a while, but either way its getting annoying now.
Any suggestions are welcome.