I've got some low level toons here plus some high levels toons on Alb/Prydwen. Once the patch arrives next week, I'm going to /level my chars to 20 (or 30 ). After that, I'd like to offer a PL exchange. Anyone who has an alt on Alb/Prydwen with any 50 here will be PLed by my chars there in exchange for an equal amount of time PLing my char here. Perhaps 1 hour in each realm once every day or two. Or we could agree to do 1 level at a time each. This is entirely negotiable.
Your toon will be allowed to collect cash and items.
I know PLing is controversial, so in Albion I intend to go to quiet areas to XP, like Caldey for example in SI. Similarly, I would expect to go off the beaten track in hib land...I know a fins PL would be out of order The last thing I want to do is piss regular XPers off.
If you're interested send me a PM or reply here.
In addition, I have a LGM tailor, GM alchemist and soon to be LGM SCer there too. In exchange for equivalent services on Excal, I could offer services on Prydwen. I have a *cough* Nightshade *cough* and a Valewalker, so perhaps an exchange of 99% armour is possible, with appropriate AF. I'm reluctant to do MP exchange at this stage merely for time consumed making them.
Get in touch if you are interested.
Your toon will be allowed to collect cash and items.
I know PLing is controversial, so in Albion I intend to go to quiet areas to XP, like Caldey for example in SI. Similarly, I would expect to go off the beaten track in hib land...I know a fins PL would be out of order The last thing I want to do is piss regular XPers off.
If you're interested send me a PM or reply here.
In addition, I have a LGM tailor, GM alchemist and soon to be LGM SCer there too. In exchange for equivalent services on Excal, I could offer services on Prydwen. I have a *cough* Nightshade *cough* and a Valewalker, so perhaps an exchange of 99% armour is possible, with appropriate AF. I'm reluctant to do MP exchange at this stage merely for time consumed making them.
Get in touch if you are interested.