Excellent fighting from TR tonight



My mind's slipped as to which continent it was (maybe Hossin - the one with Voltan and Bitol bases on) but wow TR you really impressed me tonight!

Excellent fight you just would NOT lie down. We capped Voltan from you, you took tower, we got it back - repeat. Despite our vanguards and reavers you dug in and kept on coming, until we oh so nearly gave in. Fighting was still going on as I logged for the night - cheers for a great time :clap:


See, stick with TR mate, you lot fight bloody hard :)


Of course the only reason the VS didn't kick all your a$$es is that me and Venom weren't on. :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

There was a large open ground battle at one point... dozens of NC against TR (no, they were not outnumbered, Cornell...:rolleyes: ) - I felt like in Starship Troopers.

That battle was teh absolute win. :D


Was the ground battle you're on about near a lone ams in a swamp? I think it was to the west of either Voltan or Acan.


I'm not sure if any of you vanu scum :) were at Esamir last night but if you were you sure did give me my best night ever. 4 hours solid fighting around Gjallar and Ran with us almost driven into the sea on a number of occasions, the number of hotspots on the aerial map didn't do justice to the non-stop fighting we had there.

More of the same tonight please :clap:


Hehe i was running around Esamir late last night, was creeping around to snipe your towers when i stumbled across an AMS. I mean i literally crawled out form behind a tree to have an AMS in my face....was one of those moments where you call for a reaver pilot and go hide behind the tree.


Had a great laugh on Foresal last night too. I decided to give the true stealther a go, rather than just planting my mines and hiding :)P). Headed over to neit (I think, bit hazy on the names as only played for 3-4 days so far) planted some mines at all the enterances, and doors (gotta love hacking consoles for stealth re-equiping) and crept into the CC. Planted a boomer, hacked the console and waited....

One TR came in, BOOM, dead. Plant another and hide, another solo comes in, BOOM. Out of ACE's now. Stealther comes in and rehacks the console, melee implant and the old knife, dead stealther. He came back & sprayed fire round the room and got me.

So I went back, boomer'd a TR on the way in and nicked his handgun, went back in and toasted the stealther, then re hacked.

Figured by now I was in trouble, since I was getting kill messages from people hitting my mines so I just crouched by the CC and hid. 3 minutes later 3 maxes, 2 reinf and the stealther are back in the cc :) And I just hid by the locker type things watching. I lasted about 10 minutes, until one of the reinf either popped darklight, or bumped into me, dead in seconds, hehe :)

It was great fun, not a great deal of exp & I could have had more from just defending a tower or base, but the feeling of just sitting, hiding in a tiny room with those massive max's was excellent. I did actually capture the base at one point - but I'm not in an outfit and had no easy way of getting some back-up, so lost it pretty quick.

Grats to the TR stealther, wish I could remember your name, that was a fun night :)



We had a few idiots in the TR bases asking us to stop fighting and pull out because they said NC were just farming xp from us. He got told to f**k off then because everyone was having fun and not giving a shit about xp.

I really hate people like that who seem to think its all about xp and not having fun. Was some damn fine battles going on.

Uncle Sick(tm)

That's the nice thing about PS - xp is not vital to have good fun.
I hardly ever check my progress.. if I gain a BR - great.
If not *shrug* as long as I have fun. :)

Had some mad fun driving around in a Deliverer with Kreig... flattened some egg-headed Vanu, too. Har har.

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