


I've been playing DAOC, and Everquest before that, for a while now and getting rather annoyed with the slow updates and game 'balance'.

Does SWG favour the soloer, unlike DAOC, or is a team effort required to advance at a rapid pace.


I've been playing on and off for a month - there are 4 level tiers before you get to a new title - i am on the 4th tier - i maybe play for 4 -8 hours a week.

Hope this gives a little info on soloing times.

You can get missions much like the DAOC KT's - that get harder as you progress through the tiers.

I play as a 'novice marksman' - Wookiee - called Tripitaka , on the Lowca sever and am concentrating on 4th tier of pistols atm.

I think i have approx 35000 exp points out of 70,000 to progress to the next tier. This took me about 4 hours to get. (maybe slow, but thats coz i was exploring too)

1st tier is 1000, 2nd is 5000, 3rd is 15000, 4th is 70,000, so its quite a jump from 3rd to 4th tier on 1st 'level'.

The only times i have grouped (twice) i was in capacitated several times due to baffing mobs - i think we were unlucky tho. If you get in capcitated 3 times in ten minutes you die, and have to re-spawn wherever you have cloned yourself. You'll lose your current inventory if you dont get insurance and bank your credits.

Hope this helps a little, and gives you an idea of progression soloing.


Originally posted by -nicolas-
I've been playing DAOC, and Everquest before that, for a while now and getting rather annoyed with the slow updates and game 'balance'.

Does SWG favour the soloer, unlike DAOC, or is a team effort required to advance at a rapid pace.

Hallo my favorite infil :p

Patchs come think and fast at the moment, one big update every month or so and many hotfixs in between for bugs and things.

As for balance, well the high end combat class's are all generally balanced, ok so some are better at certain things but thats to be expected, but people with three AT-STs are a bit unbalanced :)

I would have to say that it favours the soloer, not in the fact that grouping is detremental but more along the lines of you can do nearly as well solo as in a group, sure if your in a good group xp and things are a lot faster and easyer, but unlike DAoC its 100% possible to solo a large portion of the game, exluding some dungeons/quests/mobs where you have to group or you just wont finish them.

Small groups of say 2-6 work a lot better then large groups aswell, maybe its just the anti-zerg mentality i have :D


and dont forget to mention , NO POWERLEVELasking peeps, what a relief


Soloing is great in SWG though it can get lonely and dull in the long run.

Great thing is you can pick up all the professions you like and be totally self sufficient.

I played 2 weeks now and I'm master marksman, nearly master scout, well rounded medic and novice entertainer meaning I can travel far and wide and always set up camp, heal all my wounds and move on.

However, you will probably find yourself surrendering skills along the way but not for a long time - I haven't surrendered anything yet.

I love the way SWG favoures any style of play you like and you can be just as effecient soloing as grouping, you can log on and play rather than log on wait, log out, log an alt, get bored, get put on list, start browsing web etc.

I must have 100 days + played in DAoC and tbh I dont wanna know how much time I wasted just sitting around waiting for things to happen :x

When I had to set my alarm clock to get the good groups in DAoC, I knew it was time to move on :)


whats nice is just grouping with a couple of friends, going out into the wilderness and having fun :D

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