every one that has done tanglers plz answer this .



since tanglers are now overcamped, i had to look around for a camp. and i found it on the other side of the aqueduct. they dont came in a line but we can do it fine. But other side was camped off course and they werent happy, they came to us and said that the "rule" is aqueduct is 1 group only camp. I think to myself thats bullshit, beach used to be 1 group only and its 2 now, and wont even start on the tanglers trees. But anyway we left.

I dont want to go on annoying ppl , but seeing how bad it is to get a spot in lyo, i feel that aqueduct should be played from both sides. Would spread the xp a bit more and give ppl more space to play on.

My question is this. Should Aqueduct be for 1 group only ?


16 ppl and no answer. is it such a stupid thing to ask ?

Aurelius A

Well personally i think still one group only on aquaduct as when you pull it the whole lot come unlike rather trees /beach where theres still spawn left after a pull.

If 2 groups are camping you would have a very lot of d/time as even when 1 group doing you still end up waiting for spawn most of time.


yes it is no one owns lyonesse you cna pretty much do as you plz only thing that stops you is feeling like a twat lyonesse is prob the only place for 40+ to lvl safetly and quickly cos its easy to replace ppl there, dartmoor you get to dragon and someone suddenly has to leave , darkness falls well its an rvr zone so goes without saying

we had this problem a while back with the trees in lyonesse 100 40+ players 3 tree spots 4 grps in total could do trees cos of lack of mobs

my point is if you want a good place to hunt you gotta make sure youre there first, sometimes you will be others you wont but you arent the only person who wants to lvl out there


aye but ppl do trees from pikemans side and also from the other side. and im sure that if it was possible to do it in camp 2 and 3 ppl would also do it.

btw pop rate was fine when tried. as soon as we had killed the mob there was already more to pull from.


Originally posted by knockout
aye but ppl do trees from pikemans side and also from the other side. and im sure that if it was possible to do it in camp 2 and 3 ppl would also do it.

btw pop rate was fine when tried. as soon as we had killed the mob there was already more to pull from.

you can share treespot 2 on 2 groups, i have done it several times.

edit: typo


Anyway back to your Point knockout
Can two grps pull from the aquaduct ?

In my opinion No , simply the respawn rate and amount of gobbos there cant support that many people , you are effectively
taking turns at the 8-10 gobbbos that are there .
While that may be ok , but that is a lot of downtime no matter
how you look at it , which basiclly defeats the main purpose of
the that whole area , constant pulls with good xp.

The beech might have been a one grp place at the start , when the numbers were down but it certainly isent any more , it can
support two grps on it and still have good xp for both groups as
it has a high gobbo population ( so to speak ). And on times
if there is 4-5 grps on the trees and 1 on the aqua , 3 on the beech isnt unacceptable , granted it isnt nice for anyone at all
but thats the way it is , sometimes you just have to do it for 3-4
pulls till the tree clears up again .

But I think some people forget that their are other places to get
xp other than at the tangler spots , there are the pikemen
( get a bunch of hard hitters and great xp there ) , guardsmen ,
Gobbo hill from the tree spot side , do telemon runs ( start at the first tele and move up and down the sides killing them ),
Dartmoor ( still good xp there , even though no one seems to go there any more), Barrows another great spot , most people use to level there before the whole tangler thing came into the game ,
And then subject to Albion will , there is Darkness falls super xp
with the right grps.

Basically in my opinion , the tanglers arent the be all and end all
of xping for 40+ , I think some people just dont know any different , or they try a different place once have a bad day
and forget about it again.
The tanglers are only going to get worse before they get better
people are finding more and more ways , to lessen the amount of
people that the need in grps there thus making their xp the better for it , the tree spots are getting over camped and pushing more and more people down towards the tanglers , especially
those of the Academy , who can quickly find better xp there than at the tree spots . would you ask these people to stop xping ,
so you can ? would they even?, no probably not.

Anyway now that I have taken this whole topic and gone completly arsed ways with it , Ill leave :)

Anyways its just my 2 yoyos worth.


Dont have time to read the other posts, so this is only for the first post.

Yes, Duct is for 1 grp only, NO MATTER the size of the group. If its a sorc/theurg/other lvling his bot, then ask if u can take every other pull, which is downtime anyway (for most)

Experience with tree-tanglers and beach-tanglers is 2-3 grps at trees, and 1-2 grps at beach.


lol 2 groups pulling from the aquadect? Gee bet that was good xp? End of the day, camping suxs, not letting other people play the game because you there saying we were here first, just makes you sounds like a 5 year old.
You do not own this game, you cannot say to me we here first so piss off. Sure it could be considered manners to respect another group camping a spot, so would inviting the other group to SHARE the camp spot. That is much more thoughtful, then saying no you cant be here. No you cannot pull that mob.
No you cannot play this game, unless i tell you how to because i wanna powerlevel now, me me me me me me me and me.
In rvr do uber chars say no dont go to emain, that my camping spot, go to midgard instead? What whould your reponse be?

End of the day, it a free for all. If you wanna pull that mob , pull it.
Hopefully it get to the point where so many ppl are pulling at the tanglers that other ppl actually decides to go elsewhere to level. hmmm scary concept?


go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor.

DM is probably alb's biggest untapped exp resource at that level, simply because EVERYONE goes to lyonesse. The exp there at that level is BETTER and LESS BORING but do people use it? barely ever.


Dartmoor, Barrows (still very good to 45), Llyn Barfog (Feeders, Gorgers BAF now remember), Pennine (ellyll but be aware of being xp killed by some mids/hibs)

All very good places to go. I didn't even lvl at tanglers when I reached those lvls.. back then people didn't know about chains...


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor go to dartmoor.

DM is probably alb's biggest untapped exp resource at that level, simply because EVERYONE goes to lyonesse. The exp there at that level is BETTER and LESS BORING but do people use it? barely ever.


I hate drop-downtime.


Dartmoor rocks for xp and drops.. make sure your there with peeps you can trust and the drop issues wont cause much bother.

Having some mez is well handy cause the agro is insane, but apart from that a full group of early to mid 40's can gain great xp there (as can higher level groups if you go deep enough into the valleys). I think its my favorite zone.. the battles are always frantic and you have to think fast in serveral points to stop from being overrun. The quarry area is decent to camp in relative safety.. there are a few spots where you can rest and not get agro.

Make sure you kill any named giants you come accross, they always drop gear.

Early 40's you can get half decent xp duoing up with a cleric or a friar and doing vigilant souls in the barrows.. they also drop stuff of a half decent nature and if done carefully is pretty safe.

There are various spots to hunt in the frontiers but they obviously bring their own set of risks into the equation..

I gave up hunting in lyonesse between 40 and 45 cause of the long waits and bad atmosphere amongst some of the players (mainly brought about by frustration admittedly) and did the barrows and dartmoor.

appollo creed

I did Barrows Wights upto lvl 47 np, with the right grp you just keep pulling. The xp was gr8


celtic sepulchure warriors are fun too :)

just watch out for the lichs! (900 point bolt from one! ouch!)


I'd say that comfortably, aquaduct is one pull, beach and trees are 2 each.

In practice the lack of sensibly balanced spawns for lvls 40-44 which are in areas where it is straightforward to form groups means all three tanglers have to support more pullers than would be ideal.

Only way to handle this is to share and try not to take every single goblin in every single spawn.


It means slower xp for everyone, but eventually people will hopefully be willing to accept suggestions from those group members who want to try other places.

I agree with those that suggest going to dartmoor, or to the pennines, or to barrows, or to DF. All these places are better xp, but you'll have a hard time finding a good group there if you don't bring your own.



The problem with the aquaduct is: only one tangler..

i.e. you pull once, its a big pull, then nowt left.

If someone is there pulling, and you come along and start pulling as well - you'll get a pull, then a very long wait, then another pull ...

so unless you're trying to force the other group off of the spot (which isn't very nice...) then you'd be far better served killing something else.


As I can't be bothered to read all the posts (feeling lazy today) I'm sorry if this already been said. With the amount of lvl 40+ chars in albion at the moment our attitudes twords xping and camping needs a drastic change in my opinion. Where as 1 group at the beach used to be max 2 groups are standard now, and even upon occasion 3 groups can do it. We al know the unwritten rule that you don't camp another groups spot. Well, with sheer numbers of 40+ people this certainly must change. if only one group were allowed at every spot we would have waiting lists for spots as well as for groups and let's face it, most albs are to childish to wait thier turn. We need to work together and share the mobs. While I think that the duct can only support one group at a time without a lot of downtime I think that under the sercumstances 2 groups will have to learn to share it. Yes, it means more downtime, yes, it means slower xping, but it means that everyone gets the chance to get SOME p, and that's what counts. Unless you're very selfish then I think 2 groups can work at the duct.


There should be no overcamping anywhere... I mean... there is maybe one group doing trees at the moment in Lyonesse... Yet there are about 10 groups doing Tanglers...
Xp is so crap at tanglers, I even have trouble lvl'ing my sorc... the damn horror... If a sorc takes a tangler spot alone.. it is taken, so you have to find another spot. Yes, it seems Tanglers give the best xp, due to numbers, but with 2 groups pulling from beach, xp is a bit crap... 3 groups the xp must be sucky sucky... there should be 4 groups pulling from the tanglers max. 2 from trees, 1 from beach, one from arches...

ALL OTHERS, who got there too late, sod off, go xp somewhere else.. leave those getting decent xp to get decent xp...
Go find a new xp spot... Don't just ruin somebody elses xp cause you are too lazy to find a decent spot to xp at.
Why do people agree that trees have only 4 spots, while tanglers has no limit?
Regards, Glottis


There are frontiers (yes you can exp well in these), there is DF, there is Dartmoor and there is Barrows.... now take an balanced FG with some resonable ppl and go hunt at other more fun spots.. Lyonesse is dull after 34234234 lvls :(

Only reasony tanglers exist is to make the gimped sorcs happy ;)


To be fair to those who do rprefer tanglers over anything else, we should remember...

1) I for one know of no better money source

2) There is no better example of the 'pull many lower mobs and get good group bonuses' type mob. At least not in albion. While this is fine for groups heavy in tanks and clerics, who are ideally suited to pulling single very high mobs, rather than many lower mobs; it is less good for aoers, ccers, cabalists, and pbaoers.

Hmm, do you know many tanks and clerics being levelled atm? Didn't think so, the mechanics of tanglers are going to make them ever more important as the popularity of our more exotic classes grows.

The reason tanglers are important to albs is that there are no other significant camps of the same type :( .

The best solution here is to lobby mythic for more lower level, but high baf mob spawns. I suggest everyone goes over to the IGN boards (the only ones mythic seem to see) and do it now :) .


great posts :). I have to say my favorite zone in Albion is DM, love to go all over it hunting the named ones with my armsman and xp is still great there, but when someone has to leave everyone has to get out. Thats the only drawback and also what might be keeping DM undercamped. Everyone goes to lyo for the "ease" to find parties or replace members. DF seems to have worn its novelty status and ppl are back to lyo.


i think its about time mythic put better places in to xp... im pretty sick of doing tanglers along with the hell of ppl moaning/arguing that comes with it.


Originally posted by rd-astas
i think its about time mythic put better places in to xp... im pretty sick of doing tanglers along with the hell of ppl moaning/arguing that comes with it.

there are more places, people are just to lazy/comfortable to get to them.


Originally posted by rd-astas
i think its about time mythic put better places in to xp... im pretty sick of doing tanglers along with the hell of ppl moaning/arguing that comes with it.
loads of places dartmoor/df/barrows point is ppl are lazy and stuck in old ways
good grp in dm will get 2x as much xp as the same grp at tangs. and they will get good drops.
as for best source of money being tanglers, someone needs to hunt df more :p

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