NDA is now lifted but servers down ;/
Will be streaming it when the servers go back up.
and its brilliant.
They come in 64bit. But Win7 is commonly packaged onto pre built PCs in the 32bit variety. PCWorld and co do it so they can gouge you twice for a upgrade.to be fair, the last 32bit OS was what ? XP ? everything beyond that comes in 64 bit and they dont support XP any more
and if youre a gamer you cant really complain they arent supporting years old tech :x
They come in 64bit. But Win7 is commonly packaged onto pre built PCs in the 32bit variety. PCWorld and co do it so they can gouge you twice for a upgrade.
New RAM sir? Excellent...well you'll need a new OS aswell!
Most informed gamers will have yes.
But I never ceased to be amazed by the shear number of uninformed gamers trying to run games on things that are ancient. Inspecting the forums of pretty much any game always yields dozens of "Can ym PC run this" threads with terrible PC specs