ever seen guild colors in thid?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
just a thought, i personally really like grp action in thid, ive had chars in alot of very good thid guilds, and would love to see grp action, and so i propose this sunday if ne is up for it (no flames) go to the 4th island in thid, the one between hib land and alb land, for grp action, i challenge peeps to get there best mates make a grp and go, i would prefer to see fg action but trio`s etc are cool also, now i aint emplyin that everyone has to come out but just a thought, i personally know that my own guild ( GM captainhook) <lSiNl> would be up for a challenge if ne one wants to gif it a go pls reply to this thread and we`ll see wat we can do, if even for a day everyone could stop playing there solo classes and make a FG:worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
I would certainly be up for it if I could get to 24, and get the gear/jewelry done. I will be solo though as I haven't got any guild yet. I have plats though. ;D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2005
TriggerHappy said:
just a thought, i personally really like grp action in thid

Roll a damage dealing caster SC it and dye the armour black just to show the others your not a nubnub, run behind albs and camp bridge tower and just drop the /level casters so fun xD Albs are clueless when there friend dies next to them :p Also Greater Water Pots! and camp a bridge most BG players are not leet enough to carry one so if you get jumped run into the water and run abit /face and nuke

Solo/Duo ftw!


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
Aklaim said:
Roll a damage dealing caster SC it and dye the armour black just to show the others your not a nubnub, run behind albs and camp bridge tower and just drop the /level casters so fun xD Albs are clueless when there friend dies next to them :p Also Greater Water Pots! and camp a bridge most BG players are not leet enough to carry one so if you get jumped run into the water and run abit /face and nuke

Solo/Duo ftw!

so tru got to love them blue con avalonians :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
lol...lets talk about how much i <3 /20 avalons ...
about a week ago on my thid NS i 1hit Backstabbed a blue ava :p

now come on ... isnt that a sign not to run /20 ... even if u are a thuerg and u got ck! ..some day i will convince mythic to change the climb wall ability to lvl 24 !!! mark my words mfers ;) :clap:


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