Ever noticed on CS.....



Ever noticed that you can pull of completly stupid shots?

Maybe it's the netcode, maybe its because im on isdn.

Situation 1

I see an nme runing down a corridor, i aim my gun, shoot, but it's too late, and he already gone round the corner. All of a sudden the geezer dies (from my shot). I scratch my head, and the other dude probably is too. This is weird because MY connection is telling me he's out of shot, but his probably aint. But i would have though it would take mine over his (lower ping and all).

Situation 2

I see an nme in an alcove above me, we both see each other and begin to shoot. I run back, way out of his sight, but still my health goes down. I keep runnng (full health before) and still my health goes down. I'm now totally out of his sight, but still im getting shot from somewhere. Then i die. And im about 1 mins games walk time out of sight.

Situation 3

I empty, and this is no joke, 2 and a 1/2 rounds into someone. They look at me, fire 1 shot of their pistol, and i die.

Now, im only putting these here cos i think it's weird, not cos im moning.

Maybe they shold try to improve the colision detection in the next release?

What ya think?

Or is it just the netcode giving these strange results (as i know it changed in favour of each player, not neccesarily of their speed.)

And no, it's not them shooting through the walls (you wouldn't believe how many times people say this)

old.[RTL]Kick Ass Karl

I think i know what you mean m8. I can't even kill anybody because i only have a 56k modem .....

You are probably right about thre netcode, but you have got to remember that a bunch of amateurs made that game, not Sierra or any other top company :)



This is such an old chestnut :)

I'm on Barrys almost exclusively cos the players are cool and there's no so much of the usual bad language and racist nicknames like some other servers I know.

I play on my trusty Diamond 56k modem and can hold my own with pings around the 200 mark. It is totally true that low ping gives an advantage but if ya ain't so good a player low ping won't help ya become a great player.

There's always glitches in the netcode and many a time I've emptied a magzine into someone only to die with a headshot and see him with 80 -100 health but hey you live with it just like you have to live with players using aimbots and other 3rd party illegal mods.. why??

Cos in the end if you take the game seriously you'll be enteringtourneys and attending LAN parties where ping is sub 10ms for all and with people standing behind you using illegal mods leads to disqualification.

So my view you'll probably never know 100% if someone is cheating with online play so its just a fact of the game. I see all my online games as practice for the LAN events I help run. If you want a taste of LAN gaming there's a blurb on BarrysWorld news (cheers for the support BW!) or visit http://www.roweb.co.uk/lanparty directly.

Thats my lengthy spiel, *dons flame-proof suit* Fire away !! :p


weird shot

i was playing cs earlier and i emptied a clip of ammo from the god shotgun into the back of someones head. they fell over and died, and then the bloke suddenly appeared andkilled me with a shot to the foot with a pistol. stuff like this happens alot , get used to it :)


Re: situations 1 and 2, that could just be due to the netcode. When you fire in CS (assuming you've got the right config variables set), the server checks your ping, then looks at where your enemies were <your ping>ms ago. If you happened to kill your enemy with that shot, it won't actually register on your computer until another <your ping>ms have passed, because that's the time it takes for the info to get to your computer. The enemy won't know he's dead until the game "catches up" with him, depending on his ping, either. Hence you can jump out from behind a crate, fire a burst, duck back, *then* get killed, whereas in reality you were hit while out in the open.

Re: situation 3, it's still possible that that was network-related. If you happen to suffer packet loss at that moment while you're firing, the server never gets the message saying you fired. As far as I understand it, the server just thinks "sod it, I didn't receive some packets, let's just carry on with the game". Hence your bullets seem to do nothing. I've had this happen to me a few times when I could've sworn I should've killed someone. And it's always been during the holidays when I've been on a modem (I'm at University now, on a nice ethernet connection :) ). Yes, we've all heard rumours about cheating in CS, and I guess it's possible that that was what happened. But I think it's far more likely just to be your ISP being annoying at that moment.


thats true. if you shoot someone and they dont die generally ull get annoyed but there aint nothing you can do about it. cheers guys happy huntin'



Oh, i didn't mean that in those situations people were cheating (i think some of you though that) i just meant that it's weird, i.e. the first situation.

I do understand that it's only really written by amateurs, and damn good it is!

Usually i just laugh when i run away, etc, then die ;)


Originally posted by shabazz
I empty, and this is no joke, 2 and a 1/2 rounds into someone. They look at me, fire 1 shot of their pistol, and i die.

uhh you do realise that it is impossible to fire 2 and a 1/2 rounds into somone. 1 round is a bullet 1 round = 1 bullet the only way you can fire 2 1/2 rounds into somone is if you cut you bullets in half.

You may be talking about clips. A clip is a magasine 1 clip on Styre aug is 30 rounds (30 bullets)


There are many things bad about the netcode now, as there was with the old code, it's take your pick. The one thing i do find anoying though is when you drive the APC on seige, it's kinda average, but when some idiot jumps in front of you on the apc and sits there, it's imposable to drive because the screen is in a constant state of jerking, god i h8 that, plus the low roof in the front of the garage, it means you have to crouch move out if your the driver, meaning your dead meat, no matter what:( .I dunno the answer to this, but in tribes the code for the scouts and apc's was banging, it never lagged once for me, why can't they do the same in CS?


CS suffers from a bad case of coin flip syndrome.


How true, face to face fights, it's just a case of who hits the head first, which half the time is pure luck, when your screen is dancing on ice.


net_graph 3

check 4 packet loss if u aren't getting any kills


Yes, the netcode can be a bit dodgy sometimes. But what is blatantly obvious is that, more often than not, it's not bad netcode, or lag, or cheating - you just missed.

And what's even more sad is that for some reason, the *first* explanation that comes to people's minds when they get killed is that the other person is cheating. Lucky shot? Nope, cheating. Skill? Nope, cheating. Knew you were there? Nope, gotta be cheating.


best thing about cs is listening to the excuses when ppl just died.


rate command

A player said today that if u use a 56k modem the command:

rate 3500

helps. Can anyone confirm and if you try it out what was the original setting??


Well i don't really get much lag on isdn, but when you do you'll notice it (if ya know what i mean)

Anyway, as with the first post, i thought it was weird where:

"I see an nme runing down a corridor, i aim my gun, shoot, but it's too late, and he already gone round the corner. All of a sudden the geezer dies (from my shot). I scratch my head, and the other dude probably is too. This is weird because MY connection is telling me he's out of shot, but his probably aint. But i would have though it would take mine over his (lower ping and all)."

This is kinda ping reversal, as my con tells me he aint even there.

In other words on isdn i can miss and still get kills in sometimes - i.e. the shots where you die and just think WTF?


It's kinda funny to be able to shoot at a wall (nme round corner) then hear them die ;)



CrimsonHaze, setting rate to 3500 may help if you have apoor connection to the server, but on a 56K you can normally get away with at least 4000.
Just try increasing it by 100 at a time, play for a few minutes and see if anything weird happens to your ping. Eventually it should start going all over the place you should then reduce it to the highest stable value.
Afraid I can't remember the default, but it'll be around 4000 for a 56K


I have my rate set at 5000 which is the defualt rate for isdn within the game properties.

I've heard of people going much higher with isdn but i've never really noticed the difference.
on isdn it really depends on what adapter/modem thingy your using. I've got the bt one, which aint great, but it does the job.

Oh, and i have to get this across - duel isdn don't make hardly no difference (so many peeps seem to think it does)

So 4000 should be ok for 56k, but you'll need a good stable connection, otherwise you'll get the jitters.

Actually saying that, i had a way of getting me old 33.6 modem down to a 150 ping before, but i cant remember how i did it - no joke either. Only used to last about 10 mins before the whole thing spazzed out. God i hated that modem....

....... I stamped on it the day i got isdn ;)



Cheers guys, watch your 6 ;)

I'll cya on the battlefield :)

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