


Has anyone got any good ideas for organising events in DF, SH, Siabra City etc?
The one's i've been on have always deteriated into a mess!!! Last night in an organised SH raid it went abit like this......

Wait for ages as nobody had put a time on when we were leaving. Afew people leave as they were sick of waiting. No system to organise groups which ended up into a mild argument and people leaving. Eventualy set off, then more delays and organiser gets pissed off and leaves (wiser bloke than me it seemed :D ). Get to SH and some people go Ld, more people leave, some more people start complaining about anything and everything........Then leave. Someone tries to take control and sort it out, realises its useless.................And leaves!!! ;)

I leave :D

There's gotta be a better way than this and if organised well I'm sure everyone could make some decent XP, nice loot/gold and maybe a drop ;)

Any ideas? Or is there someone that does organise good events and i just dont know it? :D lol

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