Events on Alb/Excal



Ok as noone else bothered to make a post about all event info (or i'm just stupid and didn't see it :p) i made one :) (and thats this one for the record :D)
The big thing about this post is that you brave Albions (or is it Albioneers? :p) post all unusual info that could be an event or something related to it.

So plz post info as following:

  1. Zone or city
  2. /loc of where you got/heard the info
  3. Name of the NPC (if any)
  4. a log of the info (like the dialogue an NPC gives, or a random broadcast)

    2 more things.
    1. Only post if yer absolutely CERTAIN that it isn't related to any, already existing/soon to be quest (later patches etc.)
    2. NO double post of info ( kinda abvious this one :) )

      Now go, and hunt for info :D
      Greetings to all,
      Graknak, Aristidus and all my other schizo personalities :p


hehe was just about to make a thread liek this :p nice 1 , anyway yea bascially all albiosn should get together all info they have and put it into a thread liek this, put as much info as you can and we can try put it all together and build up all the info..then actually figure out whats going on.

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