Events, Kemor please read.



Events are very fun. Been on my first one couple of days ago on Prydwen starting in Huginfell. angry Tomte had stolen Gorm the merchant's swoord. We were about 8-10 ppl on the event. Gorm told us that the sword has been stolen from him by the angry Tomte. So we went out to find him. We found him at treebridge near Nisse's Lair. We spoke to the angry Tomte even tho we couldn't get much out of him except.
-Me no like guards
-Me no like merchant
-Me want to keep this sword

When we tried to get back the sword to the merchant we agreed to buy another similar swoord to the Tomte so the merchant could have his in return. First 1 guy ran of to hugin to buy a new sword, came back to switch for the merchant's sword. But nonono, the tomte wasn't satisfied.
-Me want better sword

Ok... another guy went for a better sword...came back to switch. But the tomte just said
-Me want better sword.

Then we asked WHAT kinda a sword he wanted. But the intelligent respond to this again :D was (Heheh he was so cute)

Sometimes he also said he didn't have it, he threw it into the lake. So we asked him where? what kind of lake? Then he answered
-A lake with water in
:sleeping: ROFL

At last one guy got back to Gorm and talked some sense with him. He got a swoord from the merchant and gave it to the Tomte which accepted it.

Some guys got 1rp some got 2rp for this event.
My question is, is there any chance of getting an item that is unique in the game? I know events should is primary roleplaying but I think also the players who roleplay well and even solve problems should get a more valueable thing.

I love events, it makes my day. :clap: :clap:

Brannor McThife

Perhaps this is best posted in the correct server/realm forum? Also, you could just PM him the link instead of making it the title. ;)

Damnit, I thought this was an important thread when I saw Kemor and Event in the same line. :p

Nice report though. Snickerred a lot while reading it.



Oki :D,

Maby I should add that have someone whos been on a event got any nice stuff?

Brannor McThife

AFAIK nobody has received anything other than some gold. Also, AFAIK (and this is me as a player speaking, because I honestly don't know) they may never choose to give us anything other than gold. I won't deny that some nice prize would be nice. But I also know that having one such prize would mean that there would be a lot of fighting. It's a sad fact, but we're human.

So I don't really think we can expect unique items in the sense of THE UBER SWORD OF ALL TIME! Perhaps small tokens. I recall an event on a MUD I once played, where all those that died (myself and the other healer didn't - Hand of God...bah!) got given a small gold pendant in the shape of an insect. Sold for a little bit, but totally non-magical. Was a nice souvenir.

I tend to think it's the enjoyment of the event, the solving of the riddle, the saving of the damsel in distress, which is important.


Uncle Sick(tm)

the saving of the damsel in distress

Reading this, I thought "What the fuck is wrong with Brannor... savaging the damsel in distress?".

Then I re-read the sentence.

Must have been that horse pic... sorry, BraMM0r.


The scrolls Hendrick talks about here:

were exchanged for a small amout of xp, although its worth bearing in mind that folks died trying to figure this event out, myself included (twice)....

I guess it will depend on the nature of the event as to what, if any, rewards there are...I think the thing to remember is that its the roleplaying and enjoyment you get from events that are the main reward, anything else is a bonus. Don't go chasing along trying to be involved in an event if you aren't prepared to lose some xp or time for little or no reward in material terms or you might just be disappointed :)

Brannor McThife

Sickofit, you'll never earn a spot in my sig. ;)

Nice try though.




Yeah something like that would be great, like a reminder in you lootbag "Yeah I remeber that, when we saved that poor bastard and got this...) that is fine too :D. I heard tho that ppl at US server got items from events. Well I would be satified with a unique event item, don't have to be magical or something, maby wardstone against Varulv's or just something other than money or 1-2 rp, never gonna remeber the event then... That was my thoughts. You all got it wrong by me wanting ÜBERMASTAH YODASUPER SWORD *2.


I have a "Glass of Wine" from an event, that what you had in mind by unique items? :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

I don't want to be in the same signature as Gideon. He's a grumpy kid...

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by sickofit...
I don't want to be in the same signature as Gideon. He's a grumpy kid...
Damn you!



Uncle Sick(tm)

At least I am under Lunar...
Her signature, I mean :)


Just a little note about rewards in events:

Usually, we ALWAYS try to keep the reward "logical in a roleplay context". By this I mean that you will get rewards according to the event, and sometimes no rewards at all.

The reason behind this is that we want to avoid players to be interested in events just because of the loot they could get, or xp they could get, and we certainly don't want players to spend hours talking about the loot they got rather than talking about the event that just happened :)


Many many years ago, back in the days of 300 baud modems (when we used to complain that the users of 1200 baud modems should be banned because they had an unfair advantage) I used to play a text-only mud and now I don't even remember the name of it.

We once went on a special quest that involved us solving a riddle and getting through a door to fight our way to a dragon's nest. There were many items there, including an egg. It was just "an egg." If you examined it, the complete description was, "it's an egg."

It turned out that it was never supposed to be picked up, but the DM had set the item property wrong, and I picked it up and put it in my inventory. It had no value, no use, no magical properties and could not be used as a weapon. It was just an egg. I told the DM about it, and he laughed and said I could keep it, so I did, and whenever I got bored I would go and show it to people, and say, hey, look what I have. As it was a strange, unique item, people would be very curious, and imagine that it must have some strange power, that I would have kept it around for the rest of the time I played that game.

But it was just an egg.

Brannor McThife

On that same MUD I played/play, they introduced a Father Christmas type figure (who tended to get killed a lot and people would run around disguised as him... :rolleyes: ) a few years back. Over the years they've added an elves grotto and other things. About six years ago, they gave FC a bag of goodies to hand out (oh, btw, this game is completely season based.) and I got a snowsprayer. Nothing special...just that, I currently hold the world's oldest functioning snow sprayer. Which I occassionally whip out to spray people with in the middle of summer. :D

Amazing how the arbest of items can amuse us. ;)



Exactly my point Brannor just give us something that is unique related to the event or something strange that you would keep in case of/imagine it's something special to it. That was what I was searching for.


i have a 'wee wolf on a stick' and a 'Pitcher of Ale' from a middy/excal event :)


Originally posted by old.Cero
Yeah something like that would be great, like a reminder in you lootbag "Yeah I remeber that, when we saved that poor bastard and got this...) that is fine too :D. I heard tho that ppl at US server got items from events. Well I would be satified with a unique event item, don't have to be magical or something, maby wardstone against Varulv's or just something other than money or 1-2 rp, never gonna remeber the event then... That was my thoughts. You all got it wrong by me wanting ÜBERMASTAH YODASUPER SWORD *2.
I've heard that the US don't have events at all. Right or wrong? Pretty sure I'm right ;)


"Sometimes he also said he didn't have it, he threw it into the lake."

Thought it was Albion had the monopoly of throwing swords in lakes... ;)


i have a 'wee wolf on a stick' and a 'Pitcher of Ale' from a middy/excal event

I had it too, but the wee wolf on a stick has changed it's name to "wee wolfs tail".. seems like the UO über rare items will never get to daoc (can't be certain if that is a good or a bad thing).. :)


Ahhh yes UO..paying 50+ mill for a pile of horse dung :clap:

Nope I dont miss UO one bit..just my tower :(


something like the ol stonefoot press would be great (that loot owned) cause then you can get it out and sit under it (just like i did when i was crafting :D )


Deleted due to the impact of spellcrafting on playermade items only


Cero forgot too mention that some mid slaughtered the tomte ....

and kinda killed the event guys....haha...soo midgardian..?

:m00: :m00:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Dear Kemor-claus!

For christmas I want:

My Underhill's name changed to Snuffalafagus - so whenever I cast him/her the name Snuffalafagus appears above his/her head.
Because I want to be the most unique Enchanter on Hib/Prydwen!

A small, red car - like the clowns in the circus have.
Effervescence really sucks! Bards keep outrunning me and I want to be really FAST! So, please, Kemor-claus, put that car into the stocking I borrowed from Cifril, the Firbolg!

A set of caster robes.. really neat looking ones. Ornaments, golden tresses and all that shyte!

I also want a new staff - the crystal tip of my old one is kinda lose (I whacked a dheaman aeir over the head and "kkrrk!!" it was broken... tried to fix it with glue... won't stick).

I also want one of those magical 8 balls! You know- the ones you ask a question- then give them a good shake!

And because I am not selfish, I want you to do something for trOg, too.
Since he has become an unholy sP4mmZ0r god, he wants his weapon to be magical.

Please, Kemor-claus, change his weapon into an unholy sP4mmZ0r essence imbued monster!! Red and green glowing etc.
Or pointless sentences floating around it- like the minstrel, bard notes!!!

Thank you very much, Kemor-claus!! You are the bestest!!!



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