Events from Jeff and Tonders journey. (Storytype thing)



You don't know these guys..yet. Tonder visited teh Seels vac-vac repårt in a brief "story" with Seel, Jeff on the other hand is the main "buddy" of Tonder. These two are the main characters in a book type of thing that i've been writing for some time. Just thought i'd give you a few events and whatnot. Just to point out, there might not be "teh humour" here and to those who don't really care about a little "different" discussions between two strange characters, or events in odd places turn away. To make things clear, Jeff is a char based on teh Seel so..might explain why Tonder is a bit annoyed and mostly confused. Okkie, hope you like these.

Jeff telling Tonder he's living a lie:

J: "Tonder, you really shouldn't do that."
T: "Do what?"
J: "What you're doing."
T: "But i'm not doing anything!"
J: "You need help, you're in denial."
T: "I'm not! How can i be in denial when i'm doing nothing!"
J: "Like that."
T: "..."

Tonder making the mistake of asking Jeff why he's watching the clock all the time:

J: "I'm waiting."
T: "For..?"
J: "I'll know when it happens."
T: "Right. I'll play along. And is it something special?"
J: "Would i wait if it wasn't?"
T: "I guess not... so it is something special."
J: "Don't know really, haven't seen it yet."
T: "It?"
J: "Him, her, it..stuff. Whatever i'm waiting for."

Jeff -trying- to chear Tonder up after Tonders new car got demolished by a giant ant:

J: "It's not that bad."
T: "...not that bad?! The bumber is through the windshield, all four tires are missing, the engine is halfway through the left door, the -right- door is missing, the paintwork is totalled, the exhaust pipe is a chimney now and you say -it's not that bad?!"
J: "Could be worse."
T: "How?! How by all that is holy could this be worse?!"
J: "Could be my car."

Jeff explaining Tonder how an illogical event drive works:

J: "When you want, as an example, to go to jupiter, you logically enter the coordinates to the computer, set speed and start the engines to get there."
T: "Right..."
J: "And logically when you've done all right, you get there depending on the speed of the spaceship."
T: "What does this.."
J: "Nothing."
T: "Oh."
J: "The IED works a bit different. Actually quite the opposite. You enter coordinates for jupiter and you end up halfway across the milkyway."
T: "So how do you..."
J: "By trying not to get there."
T: "Right. Ofcourse. How logical."
J: "Illogical."
T: "Sorry. Go on."
J: "Ok. Think of the most illogical thing that would happen if you pressed a random button while trying to get to mars."
T: "You would shut up and i'd be home watching the football game between Brazil and Italy."
J: "..."
T: "You asked."

Tonder at the Behind The Moon bar in neptune, feeling a bit nihilistic:

Barkeep: "What do you want kid?"
T: "For the seven seas to open up and release a force that is never before seen to chew the whole known universe and then spit it back out the way it was before i ever set my foot on that godforsaken thing they call a spacecraft."
Barkeep: "You want fries with that?"

Jeff to Tonder while running away from the monster of the seven seas with the IED burning hot:

J: "So you went inside..."
T: "mmhm."
J: "..ordered a humongous monster to destroy the universe..."
T: "Yup."
J: "..asked some fries with it.."
T: "Naturally."
J: "..and failed to notice the sign -All orders final-?"
T: "I noticed it."
J: "Right. Just checking."

The great Gorgonzola trying to be impressive towards Jeff who's trying to solve a rubics cube(for reasons unknown but higly illogical):

G: "I am the mighty Gorgonzola! Destoryer of stars and concueror of worlds!"
J: "...really?"
G: "I have been to every known planet in the universe and every being in every corner of the known existence bows down to me in fear!!"
J: " interesting.."
G: "Bow your head down now, pray to your gods before i shall release you from your misery puny human!"
J: "You wouldn't happen to know if this should be like this?"
G: "..."
Tonder: "Now you know how i feel."

A brief check of reality:

T: "That's a missile, right?"
J: "Right."
T: "And it's locked to us, right?"
J: "Right."
T: "And we have no defense things, right?"
J: "Right."
T: "And we're about to die, right?"
J: "Most likely."
T: "Ok. We got any more drinks?"

Alias Werdict(captain of the starfighter "Interstellar Complex") getting out of a sticky situation with the military:

Universal Military Officer: "Put your hands up and back away from the vehicle!"
AW: "Start the engine guys...Can i ask a question?"
UMO: "Make it quick!"
AW: "Have you ever seen those deadly Feralli Pulserifles?"
UMO: "No."
AW: "I'm holding one."
UMO: "Your hands are empty.."
AW: "You haven't ever seen a Feralli Pulserifle right?"
UMO: "Right."
AW: "Then how do you know i'm not holding one?"
UMO: "..."
AW: "Bye now!"
UMO: "..."


Thanks! You always suprise me gengi since you actually read these :p


As do I.

I'm fairly lost for anything to say though, as usual :D. Aside from that you never fail to amaze me with how much you can type :p. Oh, and that I think your writing is rather clever.

I guess I did have something to say then.



Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Thanks! You always suprise me gengi since you actually read these :p

You are more than welcome Seel. I enjoy reading your posts, they are almost invariably entertaining even when it's' like wtf man laser powered interstellar didjereedoos' , there is continuity, and conciousness.
Also like Mirieth I am usually at a loss for words, I do quite like laser powered interstellar didjereedoos'

Later, well probably tomorrow, time to knock off again and go do really interesting 'after shift Oil Rig things'.



Nice one again m8, hope you do this for a living, if not, you damn well should, ppl pay good money for this!


that rocks ;)

PS: Susta vois tulla hyvä stand-up koomikko...


It's getting too clever, I'm beginning to suspect you are a professional.


If i was a professional i'd do some racial thing like:

Ever notice that the only gender, race or age group that has never been complaining about racist or sexist slurs is the middle-aged white guy? Now isn't it a bit narrowminded to slack of religions, races and gender and still give no beatdown to the middle-aged white guy?

I say we form a support group, the MAWG support union. A place where the middle-aged white guy can get racial slurs thrown at him and where his sexuality is being opressed by narrowminded MAWG haters.

See? I'm not a professional. Honest.


i'm beginning to suspect he stole the ideas from a douglas adams book


if not, he's a solid heir to the throne of insane writing, as douglas adams (RIP) made room


Most certainly can't remember all five books of Hitchhiker but i have written these from the silly depths of my mind. Never would want to plagiarise Douggie the God of Humour(RIP) and if i have, i ask anyone to correct me if they spot one.

Afterall i have read them and might be that the subconcious mind has played a nasty trick.

Anyway, heir to -that- throne must be the best damn compliment i've ever recieved validus. Thanks :D


I smell a website with cartoony drawings coming out of this :)

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