


Here in Albie wve had Tepoks invaded by gobos and worms what have u mibbies and mids got then ??

Also anybody else know what we ahev to do next, there is apparently a worm queen we are trying to kill her but seems it is harder to get to her adn kill her thatn dragon !!


Well Strangers have invaded the Spraggon den, but we've kileld all the named ones (not very nice for tree huggers I know, but they invaded us first) but still they are there.

We also had an invasion of worms and goblin things in the north of the realm, but we ut paid to those.



WE got attacked too, most of our dungeons has invaders, slaves and guards spawn in them.

They even stole all the occupents of one town (Tir Uphurst). We killed most of them, then they all stopped spawning... only TC had guards in it, and the town folk, not sure what to do now... however we all had to run from TU as the stableman was one of those trapped in TC lol


Our event was prety badly bugged - communication in KC is now impossible, so no chance to find out what's going on there - not sure if we can clear out the den the way the albs did, killing all the mobs in there didn't really work, so we presume it's something in KC, but as we can't talk to the townspeople, who knows what it is - go in there, and you get spammed messages from old lowbie quests.

Still was quite good fun, when DL was under attack, the horse kept depositing people into a few hundred worms and curmudgeon-type things.

Pity we couldn't clear out the Spragg Den though, we gathered a fair amount of people to slaughter everything in there, but to no avail.

Still, it'll make a decent exp spot for any 40-ish groups now ;)


Our first attack got wiped out by about 400 enraged geersha warriors...

the second attack made it inside and killed a fellow called 'Arash'.

Once he was dead they seemed to stop spawning, so hopefully that's Tepok's cleared :)

I'm not convinced we've done much other than slow them down though...


I know it was pretty badly organised, but I thought it was fun for a while especially with fights going on inside and outside tepoks at the same time with just enough people to hold our own :)

Then the zerg arrived.... 'nuff said :)

More mass battles please !


I died 3 times in the zerg, but was pishing myself with laughter :)

PBAOE, PBOAE, QC PBAOE, kill 20 mobs, but get hit by about 60-70 greys...



was fun :) annoying losing xp... but hey, if you see a massive army of goblins - don't go close unless you expect to die.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Dunno... brought my ickle little bard alt to Ligen... and it sucked.

Couple of idiots kept spamming with /yell.
"How r u m8!!??"
"LOLZ!! LOLOL OMG Im fine!! how r U??"
etc. etc. crapcetera... there goes your "every server is an rp server" Kemor....
*still wants an rp server:(*

It was absolutely unattractive for lower/medium level range chars... yada yada.

Just like in EQ - events get divebombed by the super high levels.
Not that I think that high level players don't deserve events.... but it should be more balanced.

/rant over


I totally agree with sickofit in that events should be for all levels.

Would any E&E care to comment on how lower levels were able to take part in last night's happenings (with more than just participating in instant death)?

The idea of events is great, but they shouldn't just be for the over 40s.


GOA, much like Mythic, are probably only interested in dangling carrots in front of the high level players who get bored and quit. There is no incentive to offer incentives for <lvl40 to continue subscribing (that is all events and Mythics bright ideas about free lvl20s for lvl50s is all about ultimately) because they are still on the PvE merry-grind-round and therefore still merrily subscribing until the reach the big 50.

Much like the end of beta event, it was great fun for those chars who could handle the zombies swarming around Gna/Mag Mel etc.. but for those chars for whom the zombies were purple it was a royal pain in the ass. 30+ aggro purps wandering around the hut in Gna :rolleyes:

EDIT: apologies to the GOA event team if I've been a bit harsh here, I have yet to experience any event of any kind. But packing dungeons where lowbs exp with uber high level mobs seems a bit sadistic to me :)


Hmmm .. I do seem to remember an old GOA news article from early in the summer saying something about all levels in relation to "the event".


Originally posted by sickofit...
Dunno... brought my ickle little bard alt to Ligen... and it sucked.

Couple of idiots kept spamming with /yell.
"How r u m8!!??"
"LOLZ!! LOLOL OMG Im fine!! how r U??"
etc. etc. crapcetera... there goes your "every server is an rp server" Kemor....
*still wants an rp server:(*

/rant over

You should come to Hib Excal then - I can't remember much of that going on at the Drum Ligen - although I do remember Alrindels line, after a suggestion of

"We should try negotiating"
"I have a Great Recurve Duskwood Negotiator"


(Of course I may just have more tolerance than you, and have glossed over any crap, and i admit there were some idiots in the Spraggon den ... )


chesnor you bitter old man ;)

There have been lower level events - where level 15 characters (I think) were needed ... anyone higher level would have just slaughtered everything there...


how long is ahoard of level 10 mobs gonna last. all it would take is 1 level 50 pbaoer or aoer to kill the lot


tbh, I'm shooting from the hip here, because I don't know much about this event. It just appears they are populating dungeons frequented by people on the level grind with mobs only killable by those who are lvl50. The only people who can kill these mobs are the ones who have nothing to lose (just some gold to buy back con) Meanwhile the people to whom a death is significant are denied a prime exp spot and risk losing exp which represents a significant investment of time.

Perhaps the mobs in the dungeons could be more contextual with the level ranges of the normal vistors to those dungeons ? That way all could participate in the event, and any losses would be offset against a warm feeling of participating in the event. I mean, how many lvl50s hang out in Sprag Den?


Just a thought... but

Someone further up at the top (of my post)
Said that all the dungeons where over run, does anybody know about mithra, catacombs etc? mabey they just put mobs in each dungeaon that are purple to highest lvl people that go in there??



I checked out Muire Tomb in Hib ... there was nothing unusual there.


well, havent heard in midgard any event?
maybe in thidraki but that is bg.

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