At the moment I'm playing with the thought of rolling a slash inf. After reading several things on vn and fh including templates I stumbled over a question which I couldn't answer myself through research (maybe I overlooked sth ^^), but this is why I wanted to know if anyone else can help me out and share his wisdom with me ^^.
Well, nearly every slash inf temp sticks with around 30 dex in total even though evade rate should normally rely on 50% dex/50% qui (which is not totally confirmed) but still, dex should influence evade anyhow ^^. Are there any tests done yet to confirm the 50/50 thesis and if not, why do most infs stick with 30 dex then ? As I'm new to the class and you guys do that cuz you made some experience other than testing I would really appreciate if u share them with me .
Thx in advance
Well, nearly every slash inf temp sticks with around 30 dex in total even though evade rate should normally rely on 50% dex/50% qui (which is not totally confirmed) but still, dex should influence evade anyhow ^^. Are there any tests done yet to confirm the 50/50 thesis and if not, why do most infs stick with 30 dex then ? As I'm new to the class and you guys do that cuz you made some experience other than testing I would really appreciate if u share them with me .
Thx in advance