Euh, account trading permitted ?



From the grab bag on camelotherald:

>Q: I know of a person who is continually trading accounts with >people, he tells them he does not remember the secret word. >He trades accounts, changes their secret word to one he picks, >and then call you and gets his own account back.

>A: That’s pretty awful. But we have no way of knowing what’s >going on in emailed conversations or talks on the phone, so for >us, the person who owns the secret word owns the account. Do >NOT trade accounts with or buy an account from someone who >doesn’t give you a secret word. This person may not be trying >to cheat you, but better safe than sorry.

Hmmm, sounds like me they're officialy allowing account selling/trading here, they're just saying 'If you're going to do it, don't come whining to us if you get scammed...'

Has anyone seen any official stance on this ? Only ones I've seen in the past was that it was definitely NOT allowed...


...and since if they had made an official announcement stating otherwise it would have been all over these boards in twenty five differeet posts, chances are that the answer you quoted was merely badly phrased and that the policy has not changed at all.

Also, that is Mythics words and means nothing to us here in Europe, since GOA call the shots.
Granted, they tend to look over the lake and pick up the signals from the guys there, but it is still GOAs CoC, not Mythics, that we should abide by.


Mythic have a long and lengthy process allowing account trading.
(it used to be outlawed)

GOA have outlawed it, and it's still outlawed.

just to make it clear.


It's more complicated (and interesting, if you're interested in this sort of issue) than that. Mythic's original policy was that exchanging and selling accounts was fine, but they came down hard on people selling in-game items and gold for real money, particularly on eBay. Then along came a company called "BlackSnow Entertainment", who used to run a site called, where they hired people to play DAOC all day every day amassing items and money, which they would auction on eBay. Mythic told eBay to shut down those auctions as they violated Mythic's EULA, and BlackSnow sued Mythic for "anticompetive business practices". After that suit was announced, Mythic made their Rules of Conduct more strict (on their lawyer's advice, I think) :

Anyways, the lawsuit fizzled out because - astonishingly - the people behind BlackSnow turned out to be ripoff artists in real life as well as online, and they never bothered to pay their lawyers or even answer the phone when their lawyers called up and said "hey you owe us money" so the suit was dismissed and no legal precedent was ever set. But Mythic still does not actively pursue people over trading accounts; it's not officially permitted but they look the other way.

GOA's policy has always been more hard-line, and since this is a business decision rather than a gameplay issue, I assume their license gives them the freedom to do that.


Thanx for the clear info Alrindel.

Personally i don't see why I shouldn't be permitted to trade my lvl 50 merc with a friends lvl 50 scout, but hey, I guess Goa calls the shots here :/


My 2p worth:

Trading L50 for L50 I dont see a prob, the thing that gets right on my tits is when some L50 sells his account to a total n00b, inexperienced and not having done the hard work the rest of us have put into our creations for the last few months.

Also theres been way too many examples of ppl trading then changing their minds, emptying the accounts of items or even deleting the chars before taking their old chars back. In a way GOA are just trying to stop a constant barrage of spam from disgruntled ppl moaning they got stitched up by someone else. Cant say I blame them tbh.

End of the day, its in the EULA and CoC, you signed it when you clicked the accept button, so you got to live with it.


Actually Alrindel - as of December in the US. Mythic changes its EUALA to allow character selling:*&p_li=

section 1.E

You shall be permitted to transfer once to another person eligible to obtain an Account your right to access and use your Account (but not items, characters and attributes of characters separate from the Account), on the following terms and conditions:
You may not offer to transfer the rights to any Account(s) except your own, or act as a “broker” or intermediary (for compensation or otherwise) for any others wishing to transfer or obtain Accounts. You may not transfer the rights to your Account to any entity or person ineligible to have an Account under the terms and conditions of the EUALA. You may not transfer rights to any Account which contains characters whose attributes are, in whole or in part, developed, or which contains items, objects, or currency obtained or acquired, in violation of the terms of the EUALA. The transferee must obtain all rights in your Account in a single transaction, and you must retain absolutely no control or rights over the Account, or the characters, items, and attributes associated with that Account. You must physically deliver the CD-ROM, and all original packaging, documentation, (including the keycode on the jewel case) associated with the Account, and keep no part of such materials or any copies thereof. You must deliver to the transferee your secret word, password, account name and all information regarding your account other than personal billing information such as credit card number, Pay-by-Cash information, billing information, etc. You must deliver to the transferee a copy of the EUALA then in effect, and the transferee must, as a condition of accessing the System through the transferred Account, agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the EUALA.

You must notify Mythic, via electronic mail to, not later than three (3) days after concluding the sale that you have transferred the Account, including in your notice the following: your true name and current mailing and e-mail address, login name and player name associated with the Account; the true name and current mailing and e-mail addresses of the transferor (you) and the transferee, and the following statement: “I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, ON [INSERT DATE OF TRANSFER] I TRANSFERRED ALL MY RIGHTS TO ACCESS AND USE THE DOAC ACCOUNT IDENTIFIED ABOVE, TO THE PERSON IDENTIFIED ABOVE, AND THAT SUCH TRANSFER COMPLIES WITH ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING ACCOUNT RIGHTS TRANSFERS, AS SET FORTH IN THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE DARK AGE OF CAMELOT™ END USER ACCESS AND LICENSE AGREEMENT, WHICH I FURTHER CERTIFY I HAVE READ AND DELIVERED TO THE TRANSFEREE.” The subject field of the e-mail must contain only the name of the account that is being transferred. Mythic Entertainment assumes no obligation or responsibility for any misspelling or typographical errors on your part.



That is for the US servers - selling your European DAoC character is against GOA's CoC and may end up with it being deleted.

(so don't buy accounts - they might vanish ;))


Well, as Mark Jacobs (president of Mythic) said when the lawsuit was going on, "Additionally, it is my hope that when these issues are resolved, we will be able to endorse and welcome the sale of accounts." So when they were, they did. ;)

For my part I've come around on the issue of selling accounts. When I first started to play, and I learned that some people were playing high level characters that they simply bought on eBay instead of making for themselves, I thought it violated the spirit of the game and was, in essence, a kind of cheating. But after reading a lot of argument on both sides of the issue, I changed my mind, and I don't really have a problem with it any more, although personally I would never sell my account or buy someone else's.

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