Ok, so due to working away from home and not having a home pc, I've been a tad out of the loop.
But now I'm buying a new PC. So I need a little help when it comes to...........MODEMS!
Argh I know, should get broadband - but whaddya gonna do?
Anyway - Do i nick the Pace modem off of my brother? Or is there a nifty new one for which I can fork out my hard earned cash and not worry if im gonna get a 700 ping on CS.
But now I'm buying a new PC. So I need a little help when it comes to...........MODEMS!
Argh I know, should get broadband - but whaddya gonna do?
Anyway - Do i nick the Pace modem off of my brother? Or is there a nifty new one for which I can fork out my hard earned cash and not worry if im gonna get a 700 ping on CS.