Equipment con questions



Can anyone clear up all the stuff about what colour gear cons to you? I seem to get conflicting opinions from people.

I know blue is optimal for armour & weapons but what exactly happens if you use yellow gear (which most people seem to do all the time anyway) - dps / AF cap? Faster wear & tear?

And what about things like jewelery & rings - is there any effect of using, say, red-con items in these slots? I mean, if a jewel gives me +2 power, +4 int, +4 dex but it's red to me that doesn't affect the stat bonuses does it? And I've never seen condition deteriorate on a jewel...

Oh and what about bard instruments? I've been using green lute & flute for ages now, does that have any effect (other than pulse duration after changing songs) on my music ability?


Gear-con is like mob-con.
If it's yellow/orange it's pretty good for your level, blue is a bit low, but might be ok if magical (100%Qual + Bonus), green is about useless, grey ... erm ... don't wear grey stuff except jewelry and cloaks.

if you wear gear that cons higher than yellow you will get a malus on it's stats (AF,dps) so for example a red con sword with 12.5dps would do less damage than a 10.5dps sword that cons yellow and would degrade way faster in Condition and therefor in Durability.
Since the range an item cons at the same color increases at higher levels it's normally a good Idea to get new gear after an item conned yellow for 2-4levels.
e.g. a sword cons orange at 25 and yellow at 30, the lvls of usage would be 28 to 32
(this is how I decide about my equiptment, and I'm doing well with this)


I once wore a red-con ring, it deteriorated totally.... became this question mark icon if I remember right. Not funny :p


well my red jewel was going fine (8 levels higher than me atm, level 47 jewel), and then suddenly it went down by 30% :p theydo deterioate :) just as well i have a second one for when i ruin this one ;)

as for equipment, they have a damage\af clamp that is applied before effective dps\af is worked out

AF Clamp = Level/2
Cloth AF Clamp = Level

DPS Clamp = Level/3

Effective DPS\AF= AF\DPS (clamped) * Quality * Condition

i hope that all helps :)


Thanks for the info :)

Is that level of the item or level of the user in those calculations Aeiedil?

And I take it then that there's not level restrictions on bonuses, ie. i can hppily use a lvl 47 jewel at lvl 31 and still get the +blah blah, just that it'll fall apart fast?

Has anyone tried repairing jewels etc?


Clamps are level of the user.
Repairs to jewelry can be undertaken by NPC smiths and weaponcrafters (and possibly armour crafters too, but not tailors).


In my experience orange con still works better than yellow (weapons at least), even though you don't get the full benefit of the item and it deteriorates faster. Red is often better than yellow, but not as good as orange.


For instrument it affects pulse length. For the alb minstrel who mezzes with flute, the better the flute the longer the mez.


as Dannyn said the level in the dps\af cap calculations are based on the level of the wielder

you get all the +stat levels no matter what level it is (so a level 47 jewel ona level 1 would give all the abilitys, but it wouldnt last very long)

one reason a higher level weapon might do better even with the dps clamped is due to a higher % bonus, but thats just my guess :)


Does not work, Aiedil. My guildmate was using a blue con fine alloy hammer and I made him an orange war mace. The mace has a higher quality and bonus, plus better dps. And still it does far less damage. My advice is: Stick with yellow equipment all the time. If it turns blue it is still good for 1 level, and that gives you the time to find a new weapon. This matter is still subject to testing, but I'll keep our guild-site updated with it, and if I dont forget it I will post the link here.


Is the delay the same for both weapons?

Generally, orange equipment is probably best as you will get the most use out of it (that's if you're buying it).


Only true in certain cases, Gekul. At lower levels you gain exp fast and it is not really an issue, as you will "grow" into your weapon fast. So it's not really bad to use orange or even red con. In higher levels, yellow con weapons can last you for about 4-6 levels. These should be better than orange or red-con. I am still testing this, but I think it is the case. So yellow is to be preferred really. Should be "good" yellow though. So for instance, if you are lvl 31, buy a weapon that is yellow for 31, but orange for 30. This will let you get the most out of it, for the weapon will remain yellow a few levels. Your weaponcrafter should be able to help you there.


Originally posted by Hendrick
Does not work, Aiedil. My guildmate was using a blue con fine alloy hammer and I made him an orange war mace. The mace has a higher quality and bonus, plus better dps. And still it does far less damage. My advice is: Stick with yellow equipment all the time. If it turns blue it is still good for 1 level, and that gives you the time to find a new weapon. This matter is still subject to testing, but I'll keep our guild-site updated with it, and if I dont forget it I will post the link here.

Even a yellow-con mace might have better dps and better bonuses and still do less damage than another yellow-con weapon. Dont want to ask a stupid question, but what if the orange-con mace you made was a faster weapon? A weapon that hits twice for 30 points of damage instead of once for 50 certainly has a higher dps, and still does a seemingly much lower amount of damage.
Anyway, the reason I would always stick to yellow weaponry is, that at least in Hibernia I have yet to see a weapon that procs when it cons orange to the wielder.


Originally posted by Aeiedil
you get all the +stat levels no matter what level it is (so a level 47 jewel ona level 1 would give all the abilitys, but it wouldnt last very long)

This isn't true - I recently started an alt and nabbed some jewelery from the guild vault. It was lvl 21, and I didn't get the +stat bonuses until I reached lvl 6ish... can't remember the exact numbers, but thought you might like to know :)

The message it gave me was "The magic from the x fails to flow through you"

Or something along those lines.


Ack, that's a good point Pempula, I will check that out tonight. But still I dare say that the same weapon will do better damage when it's yellow.


i only buy yellow or orange con things, never go out and buy somthing blue or keep somthing green.

and it depends on your player type.

my scout wore orange armour for ages did not deteriate much at all, my armsman on other hand orange armour, deteriated quite fast.

so if u aint tanking where red wont matter too much.


dps has a cap on weapons.. the most effective weapon is the one that is going to go blue the next level you reach..

or atleast thats what i noted with the hibernia one time drop crescent reaver.. it goes blue at 43.. and it was at its best at 42 since the dps got capped earlier..

tho after that, in came the 14.1dps 100qua lvl40 epic falcatas that totally kicked the reavers arse

damage wise bonus and qua matter alot dps*qua = effective dps (if not capped) .. dont know if bonus was a part of that equasion or was bonus for to-hit.. dunno but qua*dps is a nice thing to use while checking what weapon to use..

higher level drops tend to have better qua and nice stat bonuses so better to use drops than crafted. even tho the effective dps would be better


max dps=1.3+0.3*lvl
maxstat bonuses=1.5xlvl
max +skill=lvl/5+1

using any weapon above your lvl should work as aieidil (think i got it right! :) ) says. also note that the clamps are put in before any quality bonuses.


Dropped weapons are NOT better than crafted. I researched the matter to see whether all the effort is worth it and well, it is: A midgardian US-guild did heavy testing and compared the best drop-weapon in the game with the same weapon type player crafted. And lo, the player-crafted did more damage. Of course, the player-crafted thingie would have to be pretty high quality, and it has to be enchanted at the magic shop. But then it does more damage. The stat-bonus didn't really cut it here.
And most weapon and armor drops are not better than player-crafted. The only things that are better are quest-rewards and one-time drops like the serrated Lion Fang (100% qual, bonus to dw, what else can you ask for ;) ). But these One-Time-Drops are hard to come by, so player-crafted is worth it, especially when you take in account that it can be quite tedious hunting for the perfect weapon drop. Enlisting the help of your favourite weaponscrafter is much more convenient, especially when he's got a nice little shop on the net...


Does not work, Aiedil. My guildmate was using a blue con fine alloy hammer and I made him an orange war mace. The mace has a higher quality and bonus, plus better dps. And still it does far less damage. My advice is: Stick with yellow equipment all the time. If it turns blue it is still good for 1 level

average out the damage over a time perioed and then come back ;) :) i thought that was the case aswell till i looked at the relative speeds

i always go to a crafter if i can but unfortunatly i cant any more. i got a Sapphire Guarded Rapier, but thats almost blue now, and noone can make diamond guarded's yet :( and atm im doing fine for otd (aibles claw) and quest (soon anyway) items :) might have to invest in a decent lh weapon from a crafter when they can be done :)


Originally posted by Aeiedil
i always go to a crafter if i can but unfortunatly i cant any more. i got a Sapphire Guarded Rapier, but thats almost blue now, and noone can make diamond guarded's yet :( and atm im doing fine for otd (aibles claw) and quest (soon anyway) items :) might have to invest in a decent lh weapon from a crafter when they can be done :)

Can't Thanatlos make diamond? I thought he was over 800 and diamond guarded rapier is 815. Not that I've seen him online for a couple of weeks.


Damage Caps

Found this on the VN boards and it seems pretty conclusive (if its accurate)

Using weapons that con higher than yellow (or really low orange) is a -mistake- you need to avoid like the plague. (You didn't mention whether you were using it or not, so I'll take this opportunity to educate the noobs)

Every player has a damage cap. Finding your damage cap is fairly easy to do:

(Level * .3) + 1.2 == Damage Cap

So at level 40 your DPS cap is 13.2. If you use a weapon that has a DPS higher than this, then the quality of the weapon is deducted from your CAP, instead of the weapons DPS. If you're using a 100 percent quality weapon then don't worry about it. An 89% mob drop though makes for a weapon that, regardless of it's DPS, will only do 11.75 DPS. (A level 35 DPS!)

A level 35 player with a 100% quality level 35 weapon will hit as hard or harder than you will at level 40!

To make sure you're always at your cap, look for weapons that match or exceed your DPS cap and have 100% quality, or weapons with the best possible quality that are as close to your cap as you can. (So using a 100% quality weapon 5 levels after you get it will usually still do more damage than a higher DPS weapon with lower quality)

You can never do more damage than your CAP, so don't ever use a weapon that exceeds that cap without 100% quality unless you want to take a really major hit to your damage output. Quality is KING on weapons. Using mob dropped trash, even with the pretty procs, just means you'll never do as much damage as the guy next to you with the same or even lower DPS but better quality weapon.

Get your cut-n-pasters ready:

Level [5] DPS Cap: [2.7]
Level [6] DPS Cap: [3.0]
Level [7] DPS Cap: [3.3]
Level [8] DPS Cap: [3.6]
Level [9] DPS Cap: [3.9]
Level [10] DPS Cap: [4.2]
Level [11] DPS Cap: [4.5]
Level [12] DPS Cap: [4.8]
Level [13] DPS Cap: [5.1]
Level [14] DPS Cap: [5.4]
Level [15] DPS Cap: [5.7]
Level [16] DPS Cap: [6.0]
Level [17] DPS Cap: [6.3]
Level [18] DPS Cap: [6.6]
Level [19] DPS Cap: [6.9]
Level [20] DPS Cap: [7.2]
Level [21] DPS Cap: [7.5]
Level [22] DPS Cap: [7.8]
Level [23] DPS Cap: [8.1]
Level [24] DPS Cap: [8.4]
Level [25] DPS Cap: [8.7]
Level [26] DPS Cap: [9.0]
Level [27] DPS Cap: [9.3]
Level [28] DPS Cap: [9.6]
Level [29] DPS Cap: [9.9]
Level [30] DPS Cap: [10.2]
Level [31] DPS Cap: [10.5]
Level [32] DPS Cap: [10.8]
Level [33] DPS Cap: [11.1]
Level [34] DPS Cap: [11.4]
Level [35] DPS Cap: [11.7]
Level [36] DPS Cap: [12.0]
Level [37] DPS Cap: [12.3]
Level [38] DPS Cap: [12.6]
Level [39] DPS Cap: [12.9]
Level [40] DPS Cap: [13.2]
Level [41] DPS Cap: [13.5]
Level [42] DPS Cap: [13.8]
Level [43] DPS Cap: [14.1]
Level [44] DPS Cap: [14.4]
Level [45] DPS Cap: [14.7]
Level [46] DPS Cap: [15.0]
Level [47] DPS Cap: [15.3]
Level [48] DPS Cap: [15.6]
Level [49] DPS Cap: [15.9]
Level [50] DPS Cap: [16.2]

Makes interesting reading :)

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